I&nasab& lppold Htelan Opinion Ho. M- 761
County Attaney
I!oekloyCounty Re: whether #drool trustou
Lwanand, Texas may l~WfUll)lvotr cm
hiring or firing tuchmr8
in an eamcutivo nm8ion
undu pzwkianm OS
ArtioN ezs247, vrnoll'o
Dmu air.?hel8nI civil statut88.
You h8V@ 8dViwd u* the on M8tah 5, 11970,tba oua-
dawn Indepmndmnt8ob001 Di@t*iat held IIn@otiag of t& 8-l
truotm.9, and that foLlowing tbo ragukr mating, WhiaL UM
opan to tt+ publia, tba truatwa met k aa %a8artive m.o8ia1,-
uhiah wu domed to the mblio.
Section 2(a) of Article 6252-17 prwidos certain
lxceptionm to the application of the Act in the following
"foe. 2. (a) Tha prwiaiona of thie Act do
not apply to that portion of a meating or seasloo
of a gwernmsntal body while the gwernrrwantal body
is actually ongaged inr
(1) doliborationato conmidor tha appointsant,
aaploymnt, or dismissal of a public officer oa
rgloyoo or to hear complaint6 or chargu brought
8q8inmt such offiaeror employoa, v
(2) dolibor8tion~pertaining to th8 acqui-
8ition of 8dditioru1 rul prop8rtyr or
(3) dOlihrr8tiOn8on IYttWa lffOCting WCBXity.’
(Bm#8rim 8ddsd.)
Cle8rly the Legi8lature had 8 plrpo80,in providing
thaw exwptions. We think that purpo8ewas to p&mit 8 gwern-
unt81 body to conduct to ita logic81 conclumion, aut of the
public vial, the type of businams coming undu the lxoeptions.
The tirm *deliberationa,"am umed in the open nwutinp rtatuta,
in connectionwith the term "meeting"wy k con8tru.d to
moan both dolibaration 8nd voting action -8rndual coxponont#
of tha collective docimion-makingprocew.”
k@-=MLUhi&d V. -CL;)YLPfo CO. Rd. Of 6&,f&iyF%l .
Reptr. 480, 465 (Cal. Ct. of App. 1968).
In thin connection note the follwing rtatoment in
53 Toxar Jurirprudence 26, St&tuteB, Saction 126, paga 187:
"An important rule to be observed in 8tatw
tory intorpratationia that an act should bo giv8n
l fair, ration81, reasonable, and seneibl;* con-
ltructfon, conridsring its lsnguage and eubject
m8tter, and with a view to accompliehing the 18gi-
alative intent and purpose.”
Bonorebia E&&.9 !??%Ja;:,,
page 3 (M-761)
Ue think it would ti unreaaon8ble to allow a bw
to daliberata on a matter involving security in 8 closed meeting,
8nd then require that it be brought out to an open meting lrnd
voted on. All mea&lance of security would ba dutroyd. In
the saae renrm, it would ha pointless to permit 8 bo8rd to
conaidez tha acquisition of reB1 property in a closed ameting,
and then rsquire that it be brought before an open meting Fa
a vote. The confidentialelmnt a0 often iMenti81 in this
type of tr8ns8ctiaa8nd kept fran the publia would ceaee to exiet.
We think it jurt 8# unlikely th8t.the &@@;28tUr8
intended to permit 8 baud to deliberate on the cOntr8af of 8
public officu M employee in clued muion, uhm $9~ perraa
8ffaCtbd h8p not requested 8 pubZichearing, end thsn nqui8-e
that the be&d VOW in 8 public metAq.. ff th8 prbli8 U'CO,,
be.deprived of the confidential informtioq upon vhiehthe
gWU-t8l OffiCerB V&O, th8y 8Z@ in ll0-itim t0 e.8
judgment of the wirdom of the vote by the OffiberS. Came-
puently, m must aonatrue the lt8tute in 8 m88an8b&o 8nd
pr8Utiolrf a18nna 8nd h8ve concluded th8t the L8gi8%8tur@ in-
tondod th8t the three exceptiona provided in Seotia, z(8) wul,
to be bud, voted upon, and concluded lb the al- Oa88iOn,
prwided th8t is the will of the gwernment81 bady.
If, howove, 8 tS8chmr WhOSO COM?8Ct MS t0 k 8&d
upon 8t the meting did request a public hewing, then to tb8
extent th8t th8t teacher‘8 COptr8Ct W8B dekiba8#d UpUIt Q(r
voted upar in an executivemesolon the exceptionprovidedLn
boction l(r) warninoprative 8nd such disau8SiOKa or vote WOklid’
have to be in 8n open mooting and t&U8 f8fhrO to do 80 would
be in violatiaa of hrtialo 625247.
A b Oud o f lahool trUBtm.8 ~18y dOLim8t8
in a closed laaaion on whether to offor a oants8at
to 8 te8chu
8nd m8y al80 vote on tin mat* in
aloeed l08BioSI,p0!Wid@d the meher OonWEMd h8
not reguuted a publia hO8ring. Article 625247,
V.C.I.,deem net toquire that the vote he taken
.in 8 public meting undar 8uah airaumt8aeU.
A Ward of schooltruuteer fnaynot deliber8te
upon im vote upon the queatiomof offering8
tuahu a contx8ctwhile in a clomd 888818n if
tb8t tM&kX hM rOf&U8tOd 8 pblic hUrily.
AmriatantAttuney @ener81
IkzM P8y10rrChai-n
W. 8. Allen, Co-Chalmarn
J8ok 8wkB
Kenneth Uardquirt
laott 08rricon
nut 88mi1tal a..
mm8 1. OIIIFFsn
8t8ft -1 h88irt8nt
Firat Assist8nt