. .f
Honorable S. Ii.Milwee
County Attorney
Floyd County
Flo@ada, Texas
Opinion No. O-7487
Officer, vho has
rs Court aa such
nted secretary
on8 of aourse have a ccm-
States and under
lsions of Section
hlah we quote
"Bo member of Goagrees, nor person holding or
exercisingany offloe of proflt or trust, uyler the
United States, or either of than, or uixkerany f'or-
eign pover, shall be eligllQe as a member of the
me. 8. R. Milwe - Pago a
Hoe. 8. H. MilVee - Pegs 3
“Po8ltioan lmd4r olty or 8hU Olvil uPvlao ml@
are a& 'OfrlM8 ie 8tw.e aueB4, like offieo or j ,
and ar6 tmt ~publie oWiee8~. Sm.%th-IRedatats. 0.3 2 ,
aa 13, 501 mith-lhrd strtr. Colmt. ut. 5 B24.
HeKialey v. City ot Chiuego, 10 1. E. 2d 649, 698, 291
Ill. App. 571."
The Solsatin, Treiaiagrad Semi00 Aoto? 1940, aa
aaeeded, does not aretateam lmpraseaataia dd'lnik dutieo
Rether 8u8ha peritlon is aonditiotmd upo~rnddetormia84b-~
the selaative 8e~ioedi~to~~adloerrlb#rdHlbmn~~r
the EdI8lnt8twtion of the bat. Purther, it 18 our opiaioe thet
thlm po8lticnrrrilrrto efuv7 vim it a del~tlon of uq pm-
tuti of tam 84Wr4&n pawa.