Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS k_ AUSTIN --’ 1 / IloaorahleWlll~nm a. r)rybirm,kcsident Texam Teahnolopleel Collepa Tab*ack, Texas ‘ear Pr. Whpmn: Oplnlon ‘110. O-0762 H. T,.Kent, has hetm gir stated t.hereln that the Army and an Enljated Reserve; that In virtue t.tl ~mrmltted In eer- bin lnatanees to Contime in an?1eC;e until the Armed S ter some nf these art for lrerrlceand were en an honorable discharge Rnlfated Reserve Corps. dramn no pav, eta., to be 8Onaidwred 8s ConrinF vmder the prorl~ion~ of Chapter 337: or shnuld the inmtttu- tinrtnrefu~o to repdster ~ueh stndmtr uwlentsthey par tbo roprul ar twf~ t.*onchnrgeo?‘* Art’ioIe 2t?fMb, hctlons 1 crnd 2, of Vwrnon’e ~Atmotnted I:e+lsoO Rtatllten‘ 68~ paartwd ln 1933. mR exempta students enter- ina: t.hc re~rl~fsus Ftate instl,tutions from the pepmt of *all cluea, fmlloiableWll?~ar %. nnyburtl- papa 2 fear and chargee rhatooetsr, includfng: taea for correrpondmes effwrsemic In 1943 t,boTe~l.sl.ature pamme# Cb*rter 337, to ~hlcb you refer, and speolt'leal1;1extended t,heprovisions of t.beAct of '1933 "to a?1 nnreea, members or the lomm* IIArmy Auxllirry Corps, Woman’s Auxiljary Yolunker Hmar~enay scwviaet end aIf mamlternof the tbited Mater Armed Cereea, regwdleas aC rhtfber memberm of t,he United States Amay, or of the Imltad Matee raw, or the tfdted statem Coast 9uardr The bare per we mow eewiag or mar after the pamage Oi Chir Abt, 0eWe in the Amob feraem of the Uelted States of Anterloaduring?the preamt World WK? %a. II. title 10, Bsotlon 9, U.S.C.A., an mmded in 1941, @en the oemposltlm of tha Army of the fMted Staterr in the fallor- lng lmlgltqet. 'The Army of the CInltedMetes aball eon&at et the #sgula~ Army, the Xatldnal Ottard or the Cnlted statm, the Rstioml Quard while in the aewlee of the Vnttdd Status, the Offlaere Remwe Corps, the Orpmlaed Rnoarven ld t,be Rblimted Remewe Corps urd ubrT1 inelsdte person8 induutet! into thcr land ferwm of thw Wited fitrtemunder etsationrXX-318 of rppemllx to title 50." seotlmi $61~3lR of apmdln to Tjtle Ix)oontrlna the ~eltotlre ?rrlnln& and Fenies Aet ot 1940. it In under t~hieAat that, the Covernwmnt astrbllshed nbat you say is reaepnlred es the Army and Wavy EnIIsteU Reserrtt. Ata we canstrue t.he federal rtat- uter dsfinlag rhe eenrtitote the Armed Toreen, the %ljsted Re- sew0 1 s 813lntegrml p8rt thereofg 3blm beltR true, al? thorns rhe have beem dlseharged by the Federal Oarernmenf from the Un- lilted Renews Corps are atat3tied to the eXemptlOw prorlded tar in told -8pteF 337 paswed In 1043. ch,January ;9,11?465KC releacledour Opinion No. O-dW7a to f3onorrb2eC. P. Slmwnsr Comptrol?er of the L%lverelty of Texas, 1~ rhlah TO held that &&ints diecbarged from tbe Fontal School I-, uere entltlwd to the benef'l _ _ - tn of said A6t l A copy OP thrb oplnlon