OFFICEOFTHEATTORNEYGENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS A?,ORWLY GENLR*L grrr. B. B. Sap&J ItrQauttre dxm3tary Teacher Betirameot L‘yetcin of Texas Austin, Texam Dear me. Sapp: opinion MO. O-6619 He: Bllglbillty OS oar for Teacher Ratlro one State De nlon requmsti raadlng been prmmst.66 our interpretation eslth, will the sliglbllltyof these mm- r Hetirenant benefit6 be affeoted? “8. Utap a teaoher who la on a leave of abeence rron a arid who recslvcrs ruu pay rrom said aohool, aahool, be allowed to muke deposltu with the Teaoher Hetlmnent System each month and be considered an active nfmber?* 85 Stabsection (2) of &action 1, aticla liPaZ-1, Vernon'% Railsed Civil dtat:ite%, reards aa ioliowaz siub880ti0n (3) 0r the aha mti0n I% 448 ~OUMB: “(1) *%eaohas~ wall 3wm a perasn employed on a tuil the, ro@ulns ualnry baair by board% of aommi oohool dkstrloto, board% of iodep%Admt %%hool di%trlot%, o0uuty ooho01 boarda, l?otlroaant Board of ?ru%tt%%, Stat% Beard Of iMw&IOn and Sate lkpmtmnt OS i;dueatloa, boerdr of r%gsnt% of oall%jg%a and unlrersitles, an6 any other leglAy sowtltuted borrd or aaeACy of %n eduocrtlonel l%stitutlOn or orgpniacatton %~pport%d wholly or partly by thr 5x&o. In ail ~a%08 of doubt, the Iirtirrwm Board of i”ru%tb%% her&n- rtt%r drtlnad, ehall dster-sine whether a perma in u te ohm 8% h%iiB8d Ln this ILOt. A teziohar ebsll mean 8 per8on render- illg ecuvlee to organized pubU% %4naatlon in psoiem%loAal arid bu%Ineo% m%ntIai%tr~tlon %nd %upervlelon end ln lnotrue- tlon, la public rehooia %n In Subseotion (8) of thi% 3Mtbn. f3Ub%#OtIOO (4) Of tf;% 8&i@ iMOtiOn 1S %% follow%: “(a) ‘~loym’* 8hall naan the, Ltete of ‘imxaa aad lmy 0r Ito u6oigac;ted egrnta or *%ncis% with r%%pm%lbillty urrd autimrity ,for publla edueatfon, bush a% the comwi *nd c independbnt echo01 boards, the board4 of regent4 of Stats oollege4 and universitiee, the 4ounty s0h001 boards, or any othsr egsncg of end within the stat4 by rhioh a person may b4 eaployed for eervioe in public education.” You are advlesd that, in our opinion, the ellgibilitp of menssberafor Teacher Hetirenent er4 not afieoted by the change in 4Up8RiSiO~3 rroa th4 Depsrtolent or Eduoation to the Department of Health. Both dspartmeotr er4 aganciee OS th4 State, by whloh pereonr may b4 enployed ior e4rvloe in publio eduoetlon. YOUr attention ia directed to thm following language found In subeeotlon (31, 8 upra : "In all oases 02 doubt, th4 Retiremnt Board of Trus- tees * * * ahall dateraim whether a person is a teaoher a6 de- fined in this Act.w Your second question la enuwsred in ths negetlve. No sohool district is authorized by law to pay a teaaher full pay unlsse the teeoher render4 4om4 ~41~144 to the sohool. A teacher on leav4 02 abeeno4 far th4 4nttr4 sohaol year is not r4nderlng 44rvlo4 to h4r employer and ehoold not be allowed to make deposit4 with the TeaaherU Betiremnt Syet4a. vi4 trust that w4 hev4 ratletactorily en4wemd your inquiry. Yours very truly , 1945 , u By ,lfii&L ‘FxAs C. F. Gibson A44ie tant