f .
gonornble Arihiix f3. Knickerbocker - ~~~~ 3
off~ocra ‘aa Z ccc have on t!:i, stiff, 4th civil oom-
. miaoioas of c?nolumnt, apporantly h~~va*he logs1 ri&t
to Pruw snlorlcm for their sorv!.ca as railltary officers;
Cl0 BUCh 5eb.l'~ IS bri.ll$ dXtk%?%,but ticis baau dUI.y
WllV0d. 1 dosire, by virt.ue of tho aSoroscaU low,
and jmcedaot, and pur;?ooos Sor wklot: such b:ildIngs
were constructad; to provide the 250 OS such hcusas and
util$tioo r.oooss6ry to tholr zaintonanee to t:,oae non,
fclthout cost to t,hm. An appropdotlon for nzainton-
GCOG and uttlitine for those bulldin@ h-25 bean mdo.
and Is. av.aSlIsblo.
“(1) till1 you’hiadly tall rno whethar or not I
have the lo@11 rigA to.:Jrovfde such ~uo.rtora ah&
utilf.tios aeoasu~ry for thwk mintamuoa, eithout
*har~i3to thooa mm, nox actively ‘serving on ny. otaff
in the eilitary Sorcas of this Ytcts, who,, at this stma
time, hold 0~011 offices of .esioluaont, .trust and honorP
The 1st par&&mph of Arti.cle 5709, Ikwisod Statutes,
cs mended, provides:
.3hhe hitjut’srit Oeaeral shnll bo lnocotrol of the.-
mii:tmy dopartnont OS this St&a, and cubordfnste only
to the Governor in wttors pertaIn:ng to safd Eayart-
-‘mant,. or ‘the ~nllitary foroae or this Ytota;, end. ho
.8h~l1 ~gerforta such duties as..t%a Governor my .Sron
tiaa ‘to Sirno ootrcst Lo him, ~oLatLva to the .mil?twy
~c~~~t1a~?on~, the mW.tory Sordas, the nllltary atoms
‘ad ~u~pltOs, ‘or to ct:?cr mattorn raspacting military
affairs of tt.is’ G,tu’to; and ha shall ocnduct tko. buofnaso
of tho Cepak9kccnt ?n sueti smnner ou the Covorno~ sbiill.
dlreat l Iia shull hsva %ha currtody and okarge. of all
books,‘. ruoordo, pugnro, furniture, Sirt~roe and other
propnrtp r$3cIng to hia Da~*srtwznt, and ~shcll p3rforn
00 near LIR ;iroctico.blo, such dUtiC3 ci6 portnin to tha
Chief US YtofS, ti?o Mlltary Sacr’ot~ry and other Ch,ioSs
of staff Cflpartzumts I uoder tha rcgilationn und Cus-
tans of the tisifod SCstoS lirsly.”
- 4353
irk&) ns am no- or m!?y hnrsoftsr bo ooSsbllshod by
. the laws for tha Itrny of the united r;t$~co.*
Titl; 37 , .-.>oction iO0, of ths U. 8. Code Annotated,
p-ttvidoa fn part a8 follows:
Wumpt as atherw!cc rrovldod lo this seotlon,
oooh otznA.salonod officer below the grade o’f br!.Ebdior '.
gonor%J or Its equivelont -- whila aithw OR activa
. duty O)P~entitled to trot~ve4ut.y $riy eke11 beg ent.ltled
at fill tlmos t6 a money QllOWkCO far reatal of qusr-
T&e cnxfoptiono.llntaU Zn said eaction co not betng
ontitlod to the money allo~~~o Zncludo, cJflccr%wlthout dqmrd-
odta wM,le dn field duty or at sea, and any offloor who ia
*aos'lgnou qu.i&t~rs at hi.8 pomnent St&trOA --.*
%aid section huthckca the Pxo&Sont to uako kogu-
latloas *in axooutlon of Use $rovM.ons OS ti*An seoti’on~~, and,
urrruant thereto, sxeoutive order 3io. 9258 1~6s iosuod by, t&x,-
z rashiaat, efSoc.tl.ve an .oS JUCL~1, lQ4+.. MU scrLd order, the ~~
Litrig (Ipornwxnt etatioV was deflnad. +S includlp% “the pl.ace:,
on shore where an oSSicor’ Is astie;?cd to duty --.* Said order
further pro~~ded~~‘~Thci OBelgnsw~t of guartors to 8n orSIO@r
ahall coaaJ.st oft&e &3slenatIon in acoor?.anoo with r~.guln-
. tlons .oS the doportsent o+noc:.rnod of quarters onntroU.cd by
the Govsiwent for ocoupsnoy without ohergo by the 0fSiCer
aa3 hIo dopondo&s, ir cny.” ..
.-. .
.i .~
ebooaoCst.l&~~ MI way be oods:dorod euItnb& to the
coctft?oss OS aersico et their stations. ;t;n??er war-
time co,ndlt!cna it Lo a~noldorod in th+ beat interests
of ths’sorvlos tl.at such offloors nay not be pormit-
ted to occupy quarters at ~l:~oas remote from their.
poata of duty.” -’ ,~ .
i&thor, army Ra~ulstfons~Xo. 100-90, ~isnued by the
:ar iMi&rtnimt on April 13, 1643, arovldea Ih riubntnrcc tnot
.. W~.IIG jzuirllc &iartero ucdsr t&e jurUkIiotlon or the Wr Daprt-
rent ora furnlshed to militcry pcrs~nool, Utilities will. be
su?;lied to o.uiuchquarters at.tha oxpewo of the Gopernmont.
it&71 or’ tha ctirront ogpro;rlation for the Adjutant
; .. Ca~crhlio &*rtment, fi>gear1.ng on p, 887, hets or the 48th
! i.! to~islaturo, la as folXc;rs: ._ :
%x3, fJ31,‘. rant on mmwmrd an8 aleaollanews~
er;r&~os of:oporctir16 c3~2ps; and IccltidXn& tallitles,
:: auto q3anSe, xupulrs and rsplaouiwm, ona extra
_ holy,. caiqm mbry, Jiulen and HOlpm3 and other cornpa
: _, .' -- $1~,000..00." : '. ". '.. '_ ' .' yx
. ;
,: . .:.. Thua~~:$rticla 58x3, Fml& YtaLuF&, and tno tippro-
J: jW~cClon bill, oqwa, in ChO light of crisy L&w nn& r&gil&tions,
?- chn!ly authorize tne usalgnmont OS rnllitery quo.rCwra owner
: : bY t:e 9tcto.and furn:ah!n~~ ar nti1rtf.o~ to the ~orrloora men-
Uoaod in your~lott5r, unlaas t:or’o be coz%icltutlonal bsra to -
. L. aoh cation.
_. *
eaotlons 12, 33 nnd 40 or Artlola 46 OX the Texoa G’oli-
altution imposa rostrictlons +@nst t.hs ididing by any pamon
- Of core then on0 office of emolument at ths s(tme time. The lat-
tbr txo sect,icna~tmr~ czionded in 1033, SO as to excapt from
?boir restrictions officern in the Natlonol Guard of’ Toras, and
ott.ers listed.
. .
III the WOO of Carpontor v. :jho~oard, 143 8. )‘I. (2d)
$42, cited in your Inttcr, the TOXW S.;2r&:e Court bold that
t:*+Jc::ona39nto’ to the Co;atltutlcn &ova rafarrofi to nuthorlzod
-. %I
: :-
.. ‘.. ‘._
noaqrabPo ArZhur B. Kaickarbocker. - ‘page 6
2 : _,
. .
,~~rvioo, end that “his epppolntmat -- In th$-mUnite6. Stuto’s
. ~\fiti cttwn not violoto 3eotlon 2e of ~xt~ole 3.8 of the Consti-
Xa.Opialon So. O-4400, coastruipg seid Co&ttutioa-
O~'+xY3Adm?Ot8, I%3 66id; .*
: Y.
~, ~*+e art? of tha o>tnLon that tbs Fhrase katlonal
* Guard of ‘Taxea~ wee used In the proviso8 td indicets
ths orgatxzod ni!ltla or the Qtetta, rbrher tnan’that
.: L
3 ,.
I . . qw+palz.ati.oa..of ths raltltia, es t&ion .coaotftuted,
kAOWA 08 ~tft8 ‘ thth%32 OUUl’d Of TOYZIS’. !i’O hold
. ..L.
0t,hrivis8 wo~!lQ be to ob:!ervo th3. forie cad -Ignore
,. ;:. - th6 subntauce. &ix~oe both the ‘Xtition@ CumYl of
.I.. ..
. ww3uf end *he mxes lwoase aumb’ ati cimgof+ts ,:
of the or6an5md stlltla of this State, it follow .’
that your.nmborshfp la the .Ttmes DO~OA~CI Guam3
- lgLl1 mot prijjutlioe your posit&m ,;vfth the ,Ftatca *
posml bf KoaXth.n
2&x11&IO foz?egoing, we oono2,u&a that you &re 16g~32~
2y authorixed to u80 the bullo iqs in quas$ion at $he St&.
i;iUtO.r~~ Wst of Cf%g Xabxy ns quaStar POr said off1co.H ,g.nd
il :; their Gcpan&~n%~, and SC farrrish utZ2lcliw for. sal quertors .
;*. 1 out OF the 20&2etivs aygrogriatloa 6r0r066i‘a.~. rio furL?er
,concluQe that tho greattag of suoh, u2lowmous to mm r&roudj+
,” : : oa.tho @ato payroll in other capec2tios 10 aot ,forbiddan by
::.: the Texrre Constltutioa. Yoursqmetrmi ie eaawarodin the
‘!:‘.- XOUl-6 uory truly
1 .
7’. _ hTTQr&T..P Otil*XFfi OF m.2
.,&. .. c.
Carloti C. Ashley
kxtornay ocncra.
Hrot kaslotaat
.. .
, : _ JA3:5x2