on the horel~bov~
7 thl8 6opartaulb. wo quot.
nl*lon al80providm thet the tam
omrler’ ahall lnoluda thorn
r deslr oto lngaee lxolu~lv~-
hohtr, onn.8, rlnd.l~~~or. &a 901om, rlnohem,
qm~lal rotor ~vohloles, and 8uoh 0tJnr devloo8
la are n)ormrky for the lfe and proper loadlw
or ualoo&hng of pro9ert~ r*qulrlnei 89eolalllee6
lqulpn&.for the Drmrportatlon end hsndling
Ron. Beauford z!.Jsater, page 2
party roauirlnu l~aclrllzodlq ulma nt
vLLooamodltioa uhioh by roaaon of length,
width, rel&ht, height, aim. or othar phyaiaal
oharrotarlotloarequire tha uao oi l9oolal dorlooa,
rO0iiiti00 o r lqulpnnt
rot tbolr loading, unload-
lna, Ma tronoportotloa.
iua~ wbdmg end treaiportatien~ cr. wet
th. .~&O< 9l'O9OWO t0UU 8lDOOi~M
l tW
*8sluaeo .a&01 Ilook w sbor~dbh parmlto
the tb&naport.otloa oi e lotgo qa8ntlty ot Ilve
pouXtw hoa mral~ end urban live poultry oono0ib
tratloa point8 to 'hne oitlaa lnd l~~00m90,and
‘the da)rpd for tbio 8orvl*o lrlooo $7 roooon d l
a&km&i:;* nrrlgeretia# f~ollltlu, 6malna
ntlonlag aad other aoa6lflona lul diifioultlu
lttrlbat*d to World W8r II.
*u 008m80tion aah th0 rir0t ~~08ti011, tdu
you plwoo o6vloo whoth~r the Cdoalon lo author-
18.d to ~otumine lx
'Ia-•ommotler,with the oooond quo~tion. rlll
plowo •4rlsa~*hothar tho'Cbmlialon 8hould
do*rW andor the
to l &Won l
was whthln the ltetutory
. . 244
Hon. h6UfOrd n. Jester, p&w 3
Artlolo 911B, !*eatlonl(1) or the Retied Cl011
%atutea of Team, reads in part, ls follows~
"(1) ~8p*ol~llzodmotor oarrlorl moans any
person owu, oontrollln~,uanaglng, operating,
or orua%ry to bo oprotod any motor-propollod
tohlolo ao*d in treu.portlng ovu any publlo
hlghuOt la this State, ovu irri@ar rout00
011 imetier lohOdulo8, fbr ooqonoatlon Ona ror
th0 /omoXml publlo Ulth l 900lallzOd l qulpmont,
property roqalrlng l puleliw4 lq ulp ment la the
trono90rtotlo0eodhon8ll0gthor0or; rovld~d,
tPat the twm *~900101%004 motor 0Orr P 0~' l0
** 9uqou of this Aot, the toa
*apu1oll~od lqulpakent~ $noludoo, But lo not
llmltod tcblo~k on4 to~klo,holota,oroneo.
*lna lo o ogeo
, lllno h ul9oololOIotor
v0hlolo0; mb luOh other dovLOO8 08 or0
newuery Su the mro ukC9ro9oz loadiage&i.
id00d?ng or propmy npii~i4 8p00~011~04
equlpnntior thotran8Do*tlon~nah~ry
-or .tho. p o o o OS thlr Ao f, t& e t la
*proprt~.roq up"rl0g l~ololl8od 0qul aat* is
lladkd to (l).oil ,$&olde&pa&, r2) how.-
hold gob&e aa oord offiootaudtam rrd equip-
rot, (3) pipe uod .lnfho ooaotruotlonond
aelntuenoe ot wotu limo sad pipe lln~a,an4
(6) oomoditloo whisk hy roooon 61 length, rldthrwei&tr;
hel&t, o%m, or other ~hyaloel'oharootarr*qulr4
the uao ec opaolal dov1oo11,f6ollitioo, or oquip-
ment iOr @0k lOBdin& UILlOEding,
6nd tr*nSpOP
. - 245
Hon. Baaurord A. Joetor, pogm 4
A Unit&l .tU@ Of the fOZ’O~Ob(l provldan. ln-
bloeko that the
08 oeopo, Sea6 lnI.wotor t~ollltlu, an6 the Ilke, in ooa-
tleotlon4th tbo ohlpplry:of llro poult oa the other
hen4,thourriorLlraoau4isa9 or3 t l8 0 ope01ell2.6
motor~rri~.mhuwhorml plokow lrrdbwu~~rto
$oa.ltrlln the ewdltloa la lKle h itla tenb r ed en4lo o o p ted
io rtr o no p a r taththhl*,
o n:
la loopo.rit& foe4 ad ntor
loooooorloo trurrlmhd by tJw sh$p Q. Wo think that tko
~g o eet
1 8
tc 4 o p o oPle
B a tol~
rr r iu’*~
p o a lt
wo,~~towe a spulU motor vehblo poeallorl~
abptod Tit tlampont8:1oa oi llw poultry.
nooeoauyto uumr yourotherqumtioru. .
TmIatin(,tbottJl%*rtl8f~otorll~amwere your
inqutrr, wo ara