o- 6. MANN
*- .mlPY
dpialoa Co. 0~0
Bonorabla Bbrt Yard, Adoinlotrator, ?age 2
*It 1s frsqurot thhat the holders 0r il00~8eti
8~0 lvp h e na rina vlolatloR pro*lolon6 or ttioTam8
Lia00r ~OntrOi AOt Witch thb -fiati aq8 Or th0 ii-
loneo porlod, la a at suah a tlw aa will prevent
the isBUalt88 Oi l Oit?tiOD U4d the holding Of 5
bearing, before tba lloenmo hna wRlrwl.
aAsetulllg that my par8oo!i1s found to &we vlor
latea tbr~Ttms Liquor Control Aot atag the PO-
oaalag year by tbr rlngle affwwcs of unlawiully ma-
ploy* IInlaor, would aarobfaot justify tbs legtkl
ooaolualo5 that tho lgplimat is not a law abiCin&
cltltendthiD tha a0anlnl; of the Texna Liquor con-
txm1 AOWW
krtlilq 66775, Vernontat
Aamtatad Penal Codo pro-
via*s in part;
~*Aay parson aeuri5~ a lioonoe as mnuf0aturor,
dlattibuto?, or retul sealer say in vaootioa or
In tenrflm fllo s otltion with tbo Qounty Judge
of tttacountyIn Whfob the 8pplloaat a08m8 to en-
fi-ge la rruobbummm whloh petition ahall rtato
as f&lmsr
"(1) That SWJla a la abtbirrg tnxpnylar. olti-
2en o? tbla 5tnt0, over twenty-enatP) pars of agel
that ho km bean a resident ot tha oountr rherrla
mah llomae is sotrght fog a porioa of more t&a OIM
year rwxt prooe(Ung tiht~
rtiiae of 8uebpati0t~~
aaa U.utthe her sot boon octnVlOt@d~of a felonywitbfa
two (2) years icmdiatrly, proeodIa5 the flllng of
Btmb petition,
m a retallamor;
'(1) The aam irformntloa required or a JUUIU-
*(2) The aormat ladrasr or pm-fire6 to be ured
by the avpllaantfor t&e ml8 of beor, ma whothbr
be 4 drae to ml1 beer for oansuaqtloa an or o#r the
Pord,AdPrlal6trator,Page 3
*O) Ue Ahall enuttaratetha klnba of~busl-
nest In ~I& bb la rlyaeed or la whloh lm lntcmde
to ena0 OD the llo~soa vmei*ao an& other pre-
mlmr RDarr his OODt?Ol of whioh tbo lloemoa pre-
Eb a r I* l p er t.
l(S) That ao pemoa eDgaeoc2 la chs budnose
or saiii~g alatfllea 8pirit8 CBP us? flnrrnom Lo-
tsrest la the bminess to be oonduate3 wider the
lloentm rought by tk applloflat.
~(6). That he hat Dot hQU any interest 15 m&y
to sell bosr~hloh lloansa has bsac OLW
oallod or revoked wltbln the twelvtrs(121 months
neti prooedlns tkm date of the prsa6nt opplloatlon
r0r ii OMAN
“(7) mt he 10 59t rrriaontianp doari0ii0a
with any person who ima, any fl5unoial intcraat in
my e8kbllahfBeDt m&nged Ln the busiaam 0f aoll-
iar,distilled mplrlta, or sny peroon In whom riam
any lbraae brfi be8a aaaoall*a or mv0k6a wltbln
the twelve (l2) SIOLMW preoei%q the pmsuzt liaanee.
*a . . e b
Artl6le667-7, Ternonts Annotatea Panal %de rewls
In part a8 folloimr
"(n) Any lium8e iliBu.d Ma8r the tams of
tble ArMolo, atorpt Branoh tloenaeb '~4 Tampornry
Uooa8e6 apeoirmiif provlaod for, rhullteaalaate
oaa yeu mm the aa i8i3uba, a54 00 lloenao shall
be lawna tar a longer torn then one par. Aay
person Dow bol0lw (t lleenm b mnufaoture or rail
beer lb thisZtata and Qeslrlngto re5ow the raaa
ahall baforalrglr~tlon
OS nla prasentlioenea,
aad not more than thirty (30) ae4p ~rlor to euch
expimtlon tie 20pur0a
ah, to mka applloetton
la tb man&rheroic
pr~vtio~ for the pin~ry lrsu-
MOO or nny dlaw of'lloan~ lad when It 1s dsrlrod
to ra~w nay 110856e abtalnm d traderthe prooedum
Honorable 8ert ?ord, Admlnlrtntor, 2~. 4
proriQa4 in thin Artlole, tho hol4m of m&oh 11.
lRnU &all uka nitten 8pplloatlon to the AC
r008orm4 coll~at~ror Woo ortim 00myor
the l+iooaun'r rool4oaoo not more than thirty
( 0) byr for to the aato 0rlxplratlon of the
1 Eo080 ha r4 by hln. Suoh lpplioatfon
for r’lnou-
al ahall be &l@nod br t&o lpplloaat
an4 aontaln
full an4 oomplotrlaformrtloa as lt out rab ?o-
q&r04 in a4 8pplloetlon for orlgiaallionmo
a04 lppllomt ahall paf to the Auouor en4 Cot
leotor or %bem theappropriate lloenso foe for
t&R olaa6 of llooama roughb to be ruwwd. . . .*
Artlore667-19, Sarmn'r Annotated penal co40 pro-
lid08 in part:.
*The Board or Admlnl8trstor aball hare the
pouu an4 lthorlty to oenool the Zio~~o of any
ram luthoritoa to .6ell b6u after noti- an4
gt, r h g l horoln provi404 upon ZJn4lag that tha
1iaonroo hart
*. . . .
'(i) Emplo~ra my person an4er the ace or
elghtom (18) ymarr to sell, hadlo, or 4lsponss
or to urlat 111 lalllm,) handling, or 4irpanslaw
b o o in
r m y l8t@bltlirhaurt whom boa h mold at
retailto be oon61um4 on the pxwaisrs whrre 80141
. . .
*'(a) That the lierplwr ha@ liolat.4 My mo-
visionOS thlrAot w a4 wlo ar rsgUlatlon
tho Boar4 at say time 4url u&R OriRtMoe OS th*
~loon~ 80 ht to be oari 7 a4 m witkin the next
pruo4iag 1 ooaee puleb of MY lloemse held by
the llowl~eo;
l. l . .
-w 00t or 0d.uon 0r aodrrion eimi5w8to4
herein a0 ORUUO tm the oaum~latlon or ou8penalon
type of uoona. shell also bo a vfolatlozl
of %
Of t o hot an4 lebjort to the gmkltlos prwiQn4
in sootion 26 OS thia utlolo, plrovl4.4,
Eanorabla But Yard, AQIlalrtrator, Pago 5
thRttlmponut?for ttuJ of snr tslscior
uatluo8tatvvntflla any applloatlon for 110a606
or la a4 ltmtma anport , or other inrtrunrrrt
b bo $1104 dth tho Boardand trloh lsroqairs4
to b mom to shall bo u 16 potl4r4 In 5notion
17(ato(2) of Artlola I of ChlR Aoh-
Arti 010 667-26, Vornoa*r Annotetrd Pea61 Co40 prs-
*AJly pornon who violates aay pr061610n of thlSs
Artiolo rhall br doom4 &lilt of 8 ai.dwMor R&Id
apon o~vlo~~on uiishod by a tins ot
not 1666 t&m @Wm $25.00) Dsllsrr aor more
thEn Plvr.Xus4n4 mllllrr or by imprison-
mnt la the oolult jell for not more thn om par,
or by bath mob 8 M MO imprl80656nt~
*It lr prorid04~ hawover that in oa666 whore
the Malnl8tkator or tho Boari in rrltlng ro66arn0n46
lOOO~k a OO Of l P I 04 Of gl&iltr, -4 6AOh #bR $6
aooopk4 t?u 4ooroo of the oomt 664 8666666mt
0f ptj~~t, 8h41u not mp0ir0 0~00uttt.h 0r 0 ii-
OOMO as povld& in Seotioa &9(p) of this Artlole,
bUt 8hsl.l106Tb the quostlon of o6nooll6tion of ll-
oonso Lp smh 0~688 to ths 4isontlm oi ths Bosr4
W&6i.@LrtW, hRViil& iIlR&lid?b plrrpo606-Of
will be noto tJat u&or 8aotl.m 5 ot hrtlolo
667 thta4parson 4*8lrlag allam 606ms6af60tur6r,
4lotrlbutor, of retail doalor wt rtato in &la petltlon ior
ovu t*nntponr
such UImw aawn@ Otbr thing6, tht I&@ 16 l la w abldlnp,
ta x p*yl
Oi WtOo 7-i dttiron of thlr Stat*, fP) 66rs
ador ths provlalonu of ~eotisn 7 of hrtlols 6g7
rogu4lag tha u@lrat1on aa4 ranoral OS 11emS*s tb s
omt ia nskla4 6pplloatlos r0r awmwsl of 11006w wt set
out t&n Yull aa4 omploto la to r mtloa aslt out m4 rewlm4
in mnlpplloatdon ior aa origlaal lloonu~
The BoardorMalnlstntorir luth6ris.d b oanad
the llsoaso of uy puson sutimrlm4 Or,ssll boor aster not100
oa4 6 h66rl1& 66 prosorlb64 ln the Ll uor Control Ant upon
Ha4145 t&it t&a l&a600 hr msplom % uy pnon umlw the
llonornble Bert Porit, ACmlnletrator,-60 6
rgr of olghkor. (18) yerra to roll, &t!lo~or *auloe or to
666l6t 10 ldllfg, hamlllq!QI:aiujmnrlng boorIn any estab-
ll*hw~t dmro baor ir 6614 at rota11 to be lonrumv4 on the
prmalroa whsra 6014. Ilho Baud or A4mlalatrator al80 Em
tbo powerM4 muthorltr to oaaooltb 11OOn66 Ot mf pmrmn
authorIre to MIU beer rikr notloo an4 hoaria?iM provl404
by the Liquor Coatrol Aot who& %ha l&606660 LLle violstd
any pXQTiAiOI8 Ot this Aot Or a rulo or rrwla tlon Qr Uu
&l&a Rt Mt tim adI44 thA 6XK #tMOr Of $kS 1106666 6Oryltrt
to be 08noello4 or within the next prooo4lag lloenbc;perlob
or rnr llornre Ii*14by cbc llouA8ee”. kay ptrson vioLatlI&
a4 provlslan or 666tIon of Art1616 667-7 16 eoilty of a
slr46mmnor under Artlols 667-26, Vonum’r AtmotatodFMU
I6 view of th6 fon&oing utututtc wt do not bellore
th6t 68~ per860 who baa vIolate thus T6xar Liquor Control Aot
bf the 01~10 offrau~ of uolaaSully ezploy& a Pinor, that
16 l fJIA?M ur n
dulI@t666 (18) pbar0 0s ~(0 60uld jt¶atifF
the legal oaneluolonthat the appl:olot is not a law abidlrig
01-66 wlthln the m6n$ng oi tJi6 %x60 Ll;uor Control Lot
With xY!~UOIMO t0 &pQliOutiOn
to l'o#WRi of ths l%O6&66.
Bowevu, 61 above ~late4 out the 1106&o+ OS tht
1166~eo 4on bo auaorlleb. ';4mro the Ifoes666 har 6z~ploy66
a rtI6w an4et llghtoan (18) years ef ago or violakd any
protlalon of the AOI or m&yrul.e OF r&atloo 05 the Boar4
at araptlae durlnutlw lx lc teno ofo t&a lIoemo imt@at to
bo oanoolf.4 or wIthin the next prooo4Iag llosoer period of
04 li8MM bO14 by tha i&OAuOa, U&4WhUe tbr 1bO660 h66
baoa l66oolloa tbo akarmo 16 net entitled to mothor U-
our0 ror twelve (22) ruralbr,
IJI oo~~otion wltb the toro~o4, we 4lrsct you at-
tention to Artiole6664, Vornon~a bnnotatedPsna1 Code, 6u-
thorlalng the %wfl'togNulf,rrfu#o, MIprad orsaaool
pam1t.mQT llororesfor the purdmsa, truuporI atlon, lm-
gorktloa, 6al0, or niamU4OttAr8OS tloobolIo b6VOrt?i66 or
otherper&s ti ream4 thorotem, It 1~ our oplnIon thst
tbls rtatutt aothorlm8 the Boer4 to 06.6661a liren66 Or l-e-
iuw l llaenar ortha r66ou6lthor66iwhf+n the Board fir&r
ttmt tlm appllaaat h66 vlolatoa up pmvIalea of the Aot or
6nt or4or an4 ro~tietI65 ot the BOM4.