Sm Hoarton State Terohwr Colloga
auntrvlllo, Tour
Dear 3lrr1
Oplnloa So. O-4661
iat the fO11OWh6 8rrn8~OtiOa8l
en the 0011ego
??u fiOU8bOlIstat0 TaoohOr8 COllO&a, Pap 2
tort&r ob~i&atiOn8 01 Shr part
or th eltOto wouldk ir
“2. Oaa thr roll*@ bgrlly pur-
ohare pleDI ati WrrOhat$8 00 libia-
8trllMRt plan with the Urtdorrtrodln(l
t&t the oath0 pUreha prior rwld be
paid frar thr fodorrl (rotornsont for
operatin& thr rohool?
0 .
. . . .
The "M Bouotoo?&to Teoohen ce11ruo1s not lo-
oorporrtad er 8 OOTpO~8tO body in thr 8euae of being gatmxn.6
b y l ehartrr filed with the %ontorr of Ytato. Cn thr othor .
bend, ll la rn rgrno or the %str and it rtoromod by lmglr-
lrtln IOI. (Coo ReTsoy, et rl. t. %laae, ZU ?r Y. (2d)
7l3, rhor'clnit VII bola that thr Rorrd or Ra&rntoof the
Unftorolty or Tbxer mm tha hoed of a dr?rrtmnt or the Ttoto .
tiPO?ltMA$.) Tho Board of h&OAtA of tha -tit.Toabhora Col-
hwi8 8 bO6J OOl-pOrat@:A t&A BOA80 thst it 18 88pOWOnd t0
Wquiro prO&wty tinder the OOcditlOC8 cbt Out in thr 8trtUte8.
se k1i.W that thi8 qCo8tiOflor ahethtr the OOlle(E 18 a
bo6yoorporotr or not ta ankod ia oocceotion with the two
qaootlonr thrt Sollou it--rhothe? it 08n tekb titleto no1
Or poroonal proprrtf, ad whether it OIA take and hand& be-
.qM8tO Or &it8 t0 it.
The Rorrd ot ?egwItr of the Ftste ?oaohero 0ollagoa
authorlrrd TV ooaatruet rnd lqP1p bulla-,
I),8Bd aoqub. land for tha Uaa aB&
@hera oolle t.rtlale2647, Revioed Clvll
647~ ~ornoa’s mnotrtod clru
t 18 rutborlkdio oonrtMot or arQo1l-ethrough
ha40 o~‘loanr to bo obtained fr6m th8 tf8itOd I;tOtW %TUT150nt
Or MO of it8 lg SAOiO8or ira0 aat OttLOt IOU?00 tb0 buil4lnm
irsorlbrd iB ArtiOh ii&>O,pI1pO11'8
~IiOt~t~d citll%atQt*l,
~44 plrdga the r*T*APe8 or reld bulldingr to t4r pq8aot ef
bado er AOtB8 i8sWb to? tb 004tFUOtiOA Or rOcjUi8lttOO Of
@aoh m1d1l&48. F .0llro Ar$lrl* agog8 Ternon's hnaot~ted
OlTll ~trtot.0, prorl~in# for t&o .lwtba mad rquipauntor
kaltorlrr, oottrgw, ra4 8tediU8$, •~4 the plod&~ oi the
08 therofro8 tot tho D(I at thoroor. To th elsto a t
s authotioa, rherder., tk. hrd Of ROeEt8
em nowtoo .7to8e Toaebro COllOP, kg0 3
~7 rrquln tit18both to roe1 propart? m4 porusal.ty
ammo. and kBOti$,o? tha SW 8OWtOB 8t@tiToarhoro-1.
10 A0 @AOYd lm 8U*hO?idngthr rollo~ or
th e to loeept 8lrto. Xonw, we mot hold
B o a r odfR o g o ntr
thc$ no raols genorol atNwrlt rrloko. Xn the ohm of Fort
Yertk Corrlry Club 1. fihoppr
ri 125 ax. 339 6) 8. II. (2%)
660, Justlo, Crl00spootlng fa; the Srproxa but loldr
*All mbllo offloe oad etiloo~ are oxw-
tUYO8 Of hT. 'Ptt, powto and httieo o? pabllr
o??larrr are dofin end llmlto6 br low. 31 k-
:ng %e?lnrd and lialt.4 bq low, n man tbm rot
o? 8 publio oriloor muat be lspno8lr aathorln6
by law, or implied fboro?ros. 22 R.U.L., 9. 555,
I 114. . . .*
.btialo 259) arlthorlmo
Ttorisod CiTif %OtUtbl,
6onrtionr ador roaditfonsthbrsla
spr8l?i@d iOf tbo prpooe
of rrtrbllabl~ 8 prof~s~orohlp or soholrrshlp la the hl-
rorrlt~or '?8SS8 or my or its brenohoo. The da!lrtlonoi
trxdrl:nquont la& to tha Boardoi %60nB@ Of tbr Ud~.r-
Oltr or ~0x88 le ruthorlrrb by mlolo 25950, VCUZI*S AZIJHB.
ktr4 Cl*11 Strtutoo, under orrtaia ron4Itl3ar. The 64tird
ot ClMOtOY8 o? the Agrtoultorr~ mnl '&oh8nloal Cotleg, 18
r*thsrlaed to rooeptgirts,dWirtiolr8 OI oontrlbUtllm8 of
1~4 euiteble for fonstzr ~urpoooo~Axtlolr2613r2, Yor-
Ma's Aitaotrt*d ClTll ~"ta~uko. fn OtherFt%8, 8hoso otrt-
Uteb r9*oltlr~ll~ authorlu tltolOOODt&!l60 O? Eooattozu.
Seotlon6 of Artlolo 26C3, providing for thr aen-
rtrtlotion of bulldlnp lBa the ple66k% O? rWODUI8 thOM-
f?M, rrrdr a8 ?olloror
t&i’, "iko. 6. Prod&o6 ruthor that rarh a? 0014
,~I (in thlr iBLlbWll0,8h0 8Or?d Of Re(rnt8 Of
1. the stat8 trrohoro Collr~oo~ is brrabr lathorlud
*x, to roqalro or br ~obo8. O'atOf id8 db-
,. aitoa bf 91 8hr m?ODUO8 88 heMiR proridti
oaeh trooto oi la&, titheat root to the !%8te ot
hxao as amr k neorour~ as MlJl~ rltam rod
U&d8 fO? tb ln&i# O? 8Wb bUilaiW.*
f= aad rrpherir OU?I).
s8mxouaCoaetrta Tea6harr aellego,Pap b
The ro~~ala~ khln4 the nqulro~nta
a lo lu th o r lt~
r o ra h l
a00.p ta
o rD.0 1 8
r 88 lr r lly
Bar dtB8 an dta a ootU~loa8 rhPoh nqrtre deWlo&
lUpO?VlOlO& A0 riw goor 00 8oepllootlon88lgh8 rtloo aloh
uoal4 lntarton *itlr the 8tfo8tho MDogwua$
ot lodrla-
oi tho eoll8@0,
TM grebLrmof nLiy 8 gltt to tho 9.u Eousten
f%ata Teaohwr COllOfl tar k BOlV8dby Mk1n6 thr #fr to
th eSt& oo fTo u rfo rthe a eli
lind benrflt of oold lollogo.
lb Loglolotun ur br nrolntloa loaop0 tho gIf% Xt It
bo8, th.8 tho oolla@ will rrO*lt@ tha uw *ad bonotl$ of
- & ii)
iD l~OOtiWOWith
O th.t.l’M Of8Uie.
wo noI turn te yeuP oasturotodqPootl4a8. xa
Quo8tloa 10. a, m r8k tiethor tho oollop 8ol borrow IbDor
for the p~pooo or oporrtlAl# I$8 Cl?11 PllOO Trrlalag Pm-
(PI8Bad &wehrola6 p1~D.880 k ur.4 la Oh0 program. To9
pa:' that #omollb~woa1a k npoll thla 0 prr lrcm
id by the ?oeon~ aT8rn8o8t,5 t thr Ian.8 woof4
bo pur up as oooarltr,but thot 100farther obl 8@tlm oa
the part of thr 00110~ or mat* wool4 be Lncptnl.
1% la our 0plaloDthat tho 6m Aouatoafwtr, Torrb
ora Collorp mat Dot borrow money for a* purpo0e0 watloIle$.
Ia tho t1rot plow th*n 18 00 ltattltory luthorlt~
tar the aollrge ltoolt $0 ulatola rook 0 rogro8. Ia !%o-
8loa) of ml010 16b7LI io ~14s “Sal6 go.ta OJLrllnot
o h e D6
04eprrtaantot lnnrt?urUompiorldodbl low,on4
a0 rlrp~tmr8~ rhail k ertrbUr&od for the rrpport or rhkk
~mlrlon bra aot bran 88&r by tka Legla1otur.r" P~orloloa
h8a ~0) been mad. b the LodoLotwo for thlo roau. It
rollon U88 the eof1*&o 88r rot pit?ehroo8lrQ11
88U ~OUBtO~ !%OtO ~080&?8 OdlO#O, ?88. 5
rrt10108 26030 aDd 29098 ~OtDO1)'B&UiOtBtO~ airi
f!tB~UtOB~ gz0ddO ?O? $ha WUOtrUO 1 iOn
lD4 the plod(liY or oh. roveawo or Bueh
DOJMnt thOlyOt. bWWO?, 18 18 OWF OpiniOO thrt th0 plu,
8bOBO #i-t8
Of 01 drplOlb80 &OB not lOU Wlthb the t.N
OflM h l?t~O~O8.
NO WBt 80881W of the kglolotw pr880~ EOU8t.
Bill lb7 mhloh lUthO?~~O8 th. boor4 of Dlrrotoro of the A&r10
odt\y#l and tf.BhaUiralCOflo@ t0 8Oqain ID airport ld
hf., R. B., Ch. 61
fOM%OD 8 &lBOtOt& citii
~ndi#OtiV. tkrt 8 Oil%.
~.& i8lOti;O
lUtbOTit~ iO -QUiX’d. Th. WOr@DO~ 0 r lUOO Of
t&O 008 rrd8 iE put 00 ?OllOWol
"80o. ). PhO ?OOt thOt 08th iMtitUtiOIl 18 c
illtUmt D-6 Of thO to lrqohe on& I-
o p o r a *a
to llrport in titb l~OOBEOW
km lnd thO88 0OBtW~ht.d lId t0 DW-
84 Ug h t
nit 1to:mon l?t*otltrooa9erotloai~1t&uMrtlord
P r O& r M OWOtU lII N?@nOt . , .-
(XmphPOiB uppl~oll.
Than lo no ruthorltrfor the ?)u HourtonTtotr
T~oahora Colla@ to purohmo or opnto on airportO? rl*
)11MB. It ro116w the uia oollego Roy aot borrw Rnaoy
to ~Ur Oh r B
It w ohould ho14 that the boll.@ aala pwrbow
the pbmoa the quartlo ro8U than lrlro 08 to uk~otbr the
r0O0 ~014 &h0 lonOg0 br the Worn1 *morwnt road k
Stat. mn.p , o na lf 06, rhotha the lOllogr OOul4 UOO 0U.h
moao~o, rltbofat~ogirlotlto appro tlatloa, tor thb purohooo
** p10n.0. I8 oar 09i~lon Il.. 0, %94 the ?ol1odrk#-0 ltlltod:
918 will be notoa that Ut1.10 265U pmvl6r0
that tho bfm1-4 ‘my rotoln coatrol~ ol lOoal Or lB-
ltltutlonol funda, bat aal& lrtlolo door Rot dro
lxprraa luthorltyto tha bOoti Of n6OQtB to pltiw
10081 tprda uhlah Y k Wd~abl. i8 tha fit8?*.
Ehbn all of the **etioao of Aztltie 26JU ore mm-
atrue4 teapthor, mo ballan tht lt 10 ltidonttha8
the latontloa of tho I.Ol;idBtPn 8O8 tU Ui- tb
lOa bOOrdBW’Ol~th*ri&t 86k 8.p ltdl-8l
SU EOOOtO5 fbt. ~OOhO~B OOklOp, POW 6
*Pada in l i0001 d0pobitwr, lart00a Or mq0biDg
that t&y bo trmoaltto4 to *ho Ftoto Troowry,
w4 that than UOB DO i5tO5tbD to 0ooi.r DO 8OoL
bOUd0 th8 pMI t0 j?lOd@ OUOh 10001 ?UtdB 88
mig h l
to o uma lo to
la #a ruturn. ?no pourt to
plod@ DUO& ?UA&O 10 M bOliOV0, OaO uhloh the
BOUd Of !?O(&OUtBWO d d Dot hrro lE thr lb B OM ~
of lxprrrr l~glofotlto authority. Xt in nil aat-
tl.4 that ‘pablia ottlooro aad ~arrrnaocrtal
.Ibbl8trOtl+O boordo ~OWSO ally ottoh-or8
lB'O?o lzpro88l~ oaItorrdJ upon tkm b7 low er
la 5808088rl.l~ lag1104 t?w thr ~Orrra omtorra4.*
34 ?@X. tirt8. b&o.-
In rlow or OPT Loldln~ thtb qwotloa la not kron
w, a Da w#lzp r 4 u no o p lnlo n
sh a tw hW0 0416 Vi8h TWPOO8 80YOU?fiT88 ~~08.
tb ll
lip~~108 lq UOllt
80 fa D?lfbOOod. tt tOllOV8 t&88 fo U
rrrond quertlon ia rnruer*d 10 tb* a*gatln.