Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 7ea dll obrom tU(r tht8otarpon8ionia tholr pamal8 hava not LaWcod U%o pomra ot ahap- br 1) of ta Ittire aitll S%atuSer. Eamxsblo AbmaL.tti,~o 27 w. uu a0 tr00 th0 th 0w080a dtb m ~0- qooot 004 *bh wo krowitb ratom that the T@os ouu Pro- &O* dOnJWk~w~8 6notOd 8 DOW& b trMUO8 tha tOl%or, & bwlaooot &Uel01~2g et tbr RevleadOiril stotutmo ot Toxar provldu for ?ho-tin6 of a mrdt to do bwlnooo ia Tom8 808 iontga urmr4tlonl oa4 th88‘it ouahurpomtion La o$aao;w~o thea one parpwo, tho posmlt my bo liaito4 woo*. Artiolo153sp r o r idu thet lo u o h otarporrt~wo MOPIvg%ainla6 awh &$ rhallbarOut4 0a0y Ultim rS& I@ grivi.hgor bout-& by t8r tari O? Ukis Stat0 on qorporatioar or~ealoo4 4Woz the law8 0.f tMdr St8to*. Astlola 13bprote to?tb &hepirpm4 tor rhloh privatewe- Perat1oa0 My k torMd* Sub&lrlsrlon 36 of Aztltlo 1302pro*irierln prrt 81 fulwot e Il~rlogoarr 37 aad )r oj Artlo1.r 1308era 88 r0lmfor l)7. To e8tablSah end m8h86h M oil bunt auowlth aithorlty k 08atnottoi t&0 lax80 6d 392 pcpohro* d tko right to mtd use oul and other mfu CM) us0 t&o rl&t to lreot ha 4 md wn lll noouury Oil kaw, oar0 alA plgwo nooomn~ fez the opomtioa of the bualnesoOS t&o eamoa" Artlolu l495-$5Q.provM0 tw oorposatlooo~to ltsro, tramport, bay and ml1 oil, gas, ho. A.Tc+lo l495 pwfdor *a tellovo~ ArBlolo 1096 prov¶dmJin @art u foll~wot *I. To rtoro and trans~or%oil, gas, brim at14 o&bar selutlona and Uqdflod Jo- dnwal orus, aad oloo oa44 ely mad alay prodaoto, wd to llakonaoonabfosltargeo UlerofQrr x~a~obio &nor LI Lodo, Pago 4 'b. To owa, kol uu aad ooe\r#r luoh landa, r l& k to r c lc r% j,o uo mtt krll4iagoan4 l,rrMohlooo ltr uo turu om8y ’b8o0000 to drdo y p a r p uo ot o #oh oosgoratlan.’ Art1uo lllpp pro?l4.0 a0 folloro1 ttOtl0." Artlola1~02 pv&doo a. f8ffw88 7n llmt of oamg dlroouy llttltaoil ati4 gearproduo* buolauoi"% My stat0 M ooustry, 4tlole 150) proridu a. tol&wor w&tfag In thi8 *hrpt*r *ball pro&ado the olot4rohlp or 0jwM6leE by My oolpor6tlmt,ot @v&o pip0 liasr in a~14about lta nflwrioo, tlu4 0 o r lt~tiow a wn tk o a w geb h oorpoMtzoo my bo.atga@ ta ihe ~FOQIWW buob~uc" It lo otidultt&t~thaI mit to bo baolmoo in TOMB ~te4 to the Tozao QdLf Rod uol~ Oompsoyuao grant- 0d c p r rth d~ e d0+0 QOO~ltOt0600, bOtli, 00uor Artiolo 1532 lbovo goetotl as ~31 so tbo ooastruotlon plue& thorem by the oouto 05 Qhlr Bbato a tero& oor#eretiosPo rights o&Ulno& oiae lnoWIor~&o tbataroktotgrtmtabh $a bouotlo oerporatlofm, thorotoro, it ir aoo@oa4r~ to uoa- 'Mdor what rIghta 00n bo gront04. 80 haootia oorporatlono ruatito to the arrttorsooncalRod la yQur inqusry. It will bo noted -6 btfU8 a!?9 *bon Cprot06 Rrovldeo llt pertt Ro oxuoiio Wmu l E; fir th & lo to r ” Oil h StawttiS% o 0o2p*all Ua g rt% ip lfM oorpotation t&0 0 7 IQttorablo AbnorL.&wla,Pal(o6 Under thm abow ltatuteo,theroforo, it lo t&o opti- ia0 of thitl d~Jlartm06 that the Tuuo OuwPm4uoft@ owpatty &u not ban th rig&t under tho pmwnit greota4 to it to oporato .a pipe llm Sor hlro u laudrod abut, and theta if it dOO~O0 60 e&+&e in th0 ~OitlOOO Of OUl4 Md O&@OId~ a &a line for J&o h Thor Stab, it ulll bo noooooaryror 10 to oo uLfwlththe provlolonrr oontalnodfrraaid Artioloo uw to TjQ3, lnoluBlto.~ TrAttg thlo utlofaotorll~ amwofo your lnqu*, wo lr o To r y tr ttf y o ur o ATTORR2IQ- OR TXAS