May 21, 1968
Honorable J. W. Edgar Opinion No. M- 238
Commissioner of Education
Texas Education Agency Rer Whether equipment purchased
Austin, Texas for and provided to vocational
rehabilitation clients is re-
garded as client services and
may be excluded from inventory
required of state-owned per-
Dear Dr. Edgar: sonal property.
You have requested the opinion of this office upon
the question of whether:
.equipment purchased for and pro-
vided ;o'vocational rehabilitation clients
(a part of their physical rehabilitation pro-
gram and/or necessary to their restoration to
a productive place in society) be regarded as
client services or in any other manner denom-
inated that thereby such equipment shall be
excluded from inventory required of state-
owned personal property?'
In connection with the foregoing question you have
stated that:
"Within the total vocational rehabilita-
tion process for handicapped clients, it is
often necessary to purchase certain items of
equipment for the client, as an essential part
of his rehabilitation program. Such items can
and do range from an artificial leg, to a med-
ically prescribed fixture necessary for client
hygiene, to a typewriter for training and self
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Dr. J. W. Edgar, page .2~(M-238)
" employment. Automotive tools, welding kits,
wheelchairs and myriad of such items are pur-
chased for clientservices.
. . .
"The physical and administrative burden
involved in the.inventory forclient equipment
is serious. Growth of the Vocational Rehabili-
tation,Division within the past five years has.
been tremendous. The client case load has mul-
tiplied to a point that a major proportion of
couns,elor-timeis and will be involved in at-
tempting to keep the inventory accounting com-
plete, thereby detracting seriously from the,
time available for client servicing and coun-
You have further informed this office by your letter
that communications have been had with the Regional Office ~of
the Department of Health, Education and Welfare concerning Fed-
eral requirements forkan inventory control and have been notified
. . .there is no requirement for main-
taininq such inventory; only the usual fiscal
responsibility concernins such expenditures
* . .we do not feel that an annual inventory
of equipment purchased for clients with federal
funds is necessary or desirable because of the
cost of maintaining such an inventory."
(Emphasis added.)
In closing, you have your letter that:
"In the face of this mounting burden,ex-
perienced . . . by the Vocational Rehabilitation
,. Division in maintaining such inventory accounta-
bility, discussion meetings were held with repre-,
sentatives of the State Comptroller and State
Auditors Office. They share the concern. They
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recognize that we are burdened with a problem
which entails expending far more, estimated on
an annual basis, in the inventory process than
the client items cost initially. Zt was brought
out that from an accounting stand point, the
equipment is considered services and not capital
outlay. ”
The State of Texas accepted the provisions of the
Federal Vocational Rehabilitation Act, 29 U.S.C.A., Chap. 4.
part 401, with the enactment of Article 2675-1, Vernon's Civil
Section 3 of Article 6252-6, Vernon's Civil Statutes,
provides, in part, that:
"All real and personal property belonging
to the State shall be accounted for by the head
of the agency which has possession of the proper-
"(a) The Comptroller of Public Accounts
shall administer the property accounting system
established by this Act. The State Auditor shall
adminhster the property responsibility system
established by this Act. The ComptrolZer shall
issue such rules and regulations and manual of'
instruction and prescribe such records, reports,
and forms as he deems necessary to accomplish
the objects of this Act subject to the approval
of the State Auditor. The State Auditor is
directed to cooperate with the Comptroller in
the exercise of the Comptroller's rule-making
powers herein granted by giving technical as-
'sistanceand advice."
Section 4(c) of Article 6252-6, directs that:
"All personal property owned by the State
shall be accounted for by the agency which pos-
sesses the property. The Comptroller shall by
. .
Dr. J. W. Edgar, page 4 (M-238)
define wha_t is meant by-&crsonal
-- --.-.-
~~o&g~-fZo~@ ourooses of this-. Un- ,,~
less the Comptroller prescribes,otherwise,
personal property shall mean all non-consumable
personal property. In nromulqam such regula-
tions, the Comotroller shail take into accouF
G&value of the orooertv, its expected useful
&f-e,- and cost of record keeoinq should bear a
~$~~~le rclationshio to the cost of the orooertv
records are kept. The Comptroller shall
consult.with the State Auditor in making such regu’la-
tions and the Auditor shall cooperate with the Comp-
troller in the exercise of this rule-making power
by giving technical assistance and advice." (Em-
phasis added.)
The Crippled Children's Division of the State Depart-
ment of Health purchases equipment for the use of the children
with whom it works similar to that used by the Vocational Re-
habilitation Division of the Texas Education Agency. Section
3 of Article 4419c, Vernon's Civil Statutes, enumerates certain
powers of the Crippled Children's Division of the State Deoart-
ment of Health and is set forth in part as follows:
"At the discretion of the State Depart-
ment of Health, transportation, appliances,
braces and material necessary in the proper
handling of crippled children may be in part
or entirely provided. Such appliances, braces
and material, beins'a part of the care and treat-
ment Droaram and necessary to the ohvsical restora-
tion of the individual crippled child as defined
in this Act, shall not be considered to be state-
owned oersonal property and shall be excluded from
the personal prooertv inventorv reauired of state-
owned orooertv; and all such property including
~appliances,braces and materials, being a part
of the care and treatment program, and which
are now being accounted for under the provisions
of the present system of 'accountingshall be
deleted from and not required after the passage
and effective date of this Act. The State Deoart-
ment of Health, however. shall maintain at all
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Dr. J. W. Edgar, page 5 (M-238)
times a complete record of such appliances,
braces and materials provided and such
records shall be verified bv the State
Auditor." (Emphasis added.)
In view of the foregoing, we are of the opinion that
the Comptroller of Public Accounts, upon consultation with and
approval by the State Auditor, could promulgate.certain rules
and regulations, under the discretion conferred upon him pur-
suant to Section 4(c) of Article 6252-6, whereby certain equip-
ment purchased for and provided to clients of the Vocational
Rehabilitation Division, being of a consumable nature as properly
determined and defined by the Comptroller, would not be deemed
"personal property" for the purposes of Article 6252-6 and would
thus not be required to undergo an annual inventory.
In this connection, however, the Comptroller of Public
Accounts might require some form of record keeping such as that
required of the Crippled Children's Division of the State Depart-
ment of Health under Article 4419c.
The Comptroller of Public Accounts, upon
consultation with and approval by the State
Auditor, could promulgate certain rules and
regulations, pursuant to Section 4(c) of
Article 6252-6, Vernon's Civil Statutes, where-
by certain equipment purchased for use by clients
of the Vocational Rehabilitation Division of the
Texas Education Agency would not be deemed "per-
sonal property“ for the purposes of Article 6252-6
and would thus not be required to undergo an an-
nual inventory.
V& truly yours,
orney General of Texas
Prepared by Pat Bailey
Assistant Attorney General
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Dr. J. W. Edgar, page 6 (M-238)
Hawthorne Phillips, Chairmen
Kerns Taylor, Co-Chairman
Thomas Mack
Roger 51er
Malctalm Quick
Dyer Moore, Jr.
Executive Assistant
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