April 18, 1967 Hon. Frank Booth Opinion NO. M- 60 Executive Director Texas Water Rights Commission Re: Whether, under the Sam Houston State Office Bldg. stated facts, the five Austin, Texas year provision of Art. 7519a, V.C.S., precludes entry'of an order cancel- Dear Mr. Booth: ISng permit No. 313. You have requested . . an opinion from this office on whether the five year provision of Article 7519a,,Vernon's Civil Statutes, is applicable in the following fact situation: A portion of PermitNo. 313 was voluntarily relinquished by its joint owners L. D. and Arthur Singley who executed separate affidavits in 1962 in which they stated that a portion of the permit has been abandoned and that they waived notice and public hearing and requested that the Commission cancel the abandoned portion of the permit, On January 7, 1963, pursuant to the above request of permittees, the Commission entered an order cancelling the abandoned portion of Permit No. 313; the permittees were then left with the right to divert and use 160 acre-feet of water from the Clear Fork of the Brazes for the irrigation of 80 acres of land in Fisher County, Texas. On October 10, 1966, when Commission records showed that there had been no water use under Permit No. 313 for more than ten years, an order was entered pursuant to Article 7519a, Vernon’s Civil Statutes, setting the permit for public hearing on the matter of involuntary total cancellation. On January 24, 1967, after due notice had been given pur- suant to law, the matter of cancelling Permit No. 313 regularly came before the Commission on its docket. No appearance was made by the permittees. The question was raised whether the five year proscription of Article 7'jlqa,Vernon's Civil Statutes, was applicable: - 283 - Hon. Frank Booth, Page 2, (M-60) ,I 0 once cancellation oroceedinns have 0 a been initiated against a'parti&lar per&t or certified filing and a hearing haspbeen held thereon, the Board shall not initiate proceed- inRs ainst such pertiltor'certified filing for a ieriod of not less than five '(5)sears after the date of such public hearing:"- (Emphasis added) There was no public hearing in 1963 when a portion of Permit No. 313 was cancelled at the request of the permittees for cancellation withoutpublic Therefore,'the 'five year proscription 'in Article '(219 Vernon's Civil'Statutes, would not act as a bar to total c%ellation on January 24; 1967. Attorney General's Opinion No. WW 1037 clearly distin- guishes between voluntary waiver or relinquishment of water rights under Commission Rule 615.1 and involuntary proceedings instituted pursuant to Article 751 a, Vernon's Civil Statutes. Further, by Article 7477, Section 3 (b), and Artidle 7544, Vernon's Civil Statutes, the Commission has the added authority to cancel water rights which have been abandoned for three consecutive years; such an action clearly would not fall'within the purview of the five year prohibition of Article 7519a, Vernon's Civil Statutes. SUMMARY ------- Under the stated facts, the Texas Water Rights Commission is not barred by the five year provision of Article 7519a from cancelling Permit NO. 313 in 1967 because of voluntary partial cancella- tion of the permit in 1963. Vef3 truly yours, Prepared by Roger Tyler Assistant Attorney General APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE Hawthorne Phillips Chairman W. V. Geppert, Co-thairman Sam Kelle Houghton 5 rownlee Vince Taylor Pat Bailey STAFF LEGAL ASSISTANT A. J. Carubbi, Jr. _ 284 -