Mrs. Bess Blackwell Opinion No. C-532
Executive Secretary
State Board of Hairdressers Re: Whether a licensed beauty
and Cosmetologists operator may work in a barber
Austin, Texas shop giving shampoos, hair col-
oring, or styling the hair of
Dear Mrs. Blackwell: male patrons of the shop.
Your request for an opinion poses the following
question: Whether a licensed beauty operator is eligible to
work In a barber shop doing (1) shampooing, (2) hair coloring,
or (3) styling the hair of male clients.
Article 734b, Vernon's Penal Code, is common1 known
as the Hairdressersand CosmetologistsLaw. Article 73 %a, Ver-
non's Penal Code, Is commonly known as the Texas Barber Law.
Both set up different State agencies for the regulation of
their respective practices.
Article 734b, Section 10(g), provides:
"The Board may refuse to issue or to
renew or may suspend or revoke any license
issued in accordance with the provisions
of this Act for the following reasons:
. . .
"(g) Practicing hairdressingor cos-
metology outside of a beauty shop excert
as provided by Section 12 of this Act.
Section 12 of this Act provides the only exception
to the practicing of hairdressingand cosmetologyoutside of
a beauty shop and it is as follows:
Provided, further, that nothing
in this & shall prohibit a person licensed
under this Act from performing duties as pre-
scribed by this Act In the home of a customer
in cases of emergency, when sent by a shop
owner. . . .'
Mrs. Bess Blackwell, Page 2 (C- 532)
This Section also permits work upon the hair to be performed
in a private home when done without charge.
From the above sections, it is clear that the only
way a licensed beauty operator ma perform their services out-
side a licensed beauty shop is (1"iin the home of a customer
in cases of emergency when sent by a shop owner or (2) work
upon the hair of a person when performed in a private home
without charge of fee.
Article 734a, Section 1, Vernon's Penal Code, pro-
"It shall be unlawful for any person
to engage in the practice or attempt to
practice barbering in the State of Texas
without a certificateor reRistrationas
a reulsteredbarber issued pursuant to the
provisions of this Act, by the Board of
3ar er
-phasis added)
Section 4(a) of said Act provides:
. . . and the practice of barber-
ing Is hereby defined to be the follow-
ing practices for hire or reward when not
done In the practice of medicine, surgery,
osteopathy, or necessary treatmentsof
healing the body by one authorizedby law
to do so;
”(a) Shaving or trimming the beard
or cutting the hair.” (Emphasisadded)
Section 4(b) provides:
“By giving any of the following
treatmentsby any person engaged In shav-
ing or trimming the beard and/or cutting
the hair;
. . .
“(2) Singeing, shampooing,or dye-
= the hair or applying hair tonics;
. . . ” (&nphasisadded)
Mrs. Besa Blackwell, Page 3 (C-532)
Article 734a, Section 6, Vernon's Penal Code, pro-
"It shall be unlawful for any person
to follow the occupation of cutting hair,
or practice as a halrcutter in any beauty
shop or hair dressing parlor or elsewhere
for hire as hereinbeforeprovided unless
excepted by this act, unless such person
shall have first obtained a Certificate,
as herein provided, which certificate shall
authorize the cutting of hair only in such
parlor or establishmentwhere such hair-
cutting is for hire or reward. . . .'
No exception is found in this Act which allows a
licensed beauty operator to perform the services of barbering
about which you request, I.e., cutting the hair, shampooing
the hair and dyeing the hair, without first complying with
the licensing provisions of the Texas Barber Law.
Prom the above statutes, It Is clearly seen that be-
fore a person can perform the services of a barber, they must
first comply with the regulationsof, and be licensed by, the
Board of Barber Examiners of the State of Texas. Before a per-
son may perform the services of hairdressing and cosmetology,
they must comply with the regulations of, and be licensed by,
the Board of Hairdressersand Cosmetologistsof the State of
Texaa. Further, any licensed hairdresser and cosmetologist
who performs his services outside a licensed beauty shop, with
the exception noted in Article 734b, Section 12, Vernon's Penal
Code, above, may have his license suspended or revoked If it
has previouslybeen Issued or the Board may refuse to issue or
renew his license, whichever is applicable.
A licensed beauty operator may not
work in a barber shop giving shampoos,
hair coloring, or styling the hair of
male patrons of the shop.
Yours very truly,
Attorney General of Texas
By: Dti &dQ-"k
DS/lbh Assistant Attorney General
Mrs. Bess Blackwell, Page 4 (C- 532)
W. V. Geppert, Chairman
Ralph Rash
Tom Mack
W. 0. Shultz
Pat Bailey
BY: T. B. Wright