Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Mr. E/P. Slater OQlnlo~ No. c-519 County Attorney Caldwell Countv RI?: ProDrlets of lncltiion of %eserve Luling, Texas- for-Bad i)ebts"and deserve for Bond Depletion" In determlning the value of shares of bank stock Dear Mr. Slater: for ad valorem tax purpoees. You have requested that we advise you as to how the shares of stock in the First Iockhart National Bank of.Lockhart, Texas- should be valued for ad valorem tax purposes. The Bank has sub- mitted to the Tax Assessor-Collector of Caldwell County a state- ment of the condition of thenBank. !l!he’copyof thlsfstatement which you have furnished us shows as liablllt~es a Reserve for Bad Debts" In the amount of 3:z.s and a Reserve for Bond Depletion" in the amount of t% . . As stated in your letter, Attorney General Opinion No. O-4675 (1942).held that a "Reserve for Contingencies" must be taken into consideration by the board of equalization In fixing the value of the stock for tax purposes. We quote the following excerpt from page 4 of this opinion: "The phrase' reserve for contlngencies~ Indicated that the bank hea set apart and segregated a part of its earned surplus for the purpose of meeting whatever contingency that may arise. That fund, by whatever name It may be called, Is a part of the bank's personal property. As such It is neither assessable nor taxable to the bank. Article 7166, supra; City of Marshall vs. State Bank of Marshall, 60 C. A. 508, 127 S.W. 1083. On the other hand, as personal property, it Is a part of the assets of the bank and Is one of the factors to be taken into consideration by the board of equalization in ffixlngthe Value of the stoak for tax purposes. You then make the following statement: -2439- .: . Mr. E. P. Slate* - Page .2 (C-519) '~ “Following ‘your opinion No. O-~&O, MS, are unable~to determine If these reserves represent definite accrued llabllltles rather ,. than capital furids,surplus or undivided Q??ofitS.':.~ . ..: :. We quote 'the following eX&e&ts f m pigee' 2 and 3,of ..' Attorney Oenersl Opinion No. 0-686~ (1943: .. . ‘~, "We therefore advise you ttit &.?ognlsed acqounting practice d~stlngulshes sur~lus.re- serves such a8 for.addltions, anticipated losses,~ bond sinking funds, end the like from so-called treservesR set 'up for contra asset .., acoo'unts,such as accrued llabilit%es. While accrued llablllty 'tieeerveti' represent funds . ;. held by the bank not imsnedlatelypayable, by their vely'nature as accrued liabilities or' debts,~little, If any, .conslderation could be accorded such funds as elements tdnding :, to compose or~augment the ,valUe of the stook : ‘.., In ,the hands'of the stoakholder. Therefore, if 'the facts ,arefound to,be as'titated.by .’ ‘, the bank, the assessor and counjiyaommis810nersr court should give a Qroprlate conslderatlon to ‘. . the facts that the 8 265,376.23 Qortlon.of the so-called ~'reserve'fund represents definite. accrued~llabllltles rattierthan capital'funds,; surplus or undivided profits. The assessor or ,the~board of equalization may, of~course, In exercising their expert 'adminlstratfve Judgment, conclude that an amount In excess~ of' that necessary to meet these liabllltles has b&en set eside. Any such excess should, of course, be treated as surplus or undivided ,~ QlVfltS. "It Is believed that the ratlonallsatlon - suggested in this opinion will serve to dlstin- gulsh It from Opinion No. O-4675 to which you Invited the attent.ionof this department. That opinion involved a fund set up for contingen- cies rather than accrued 1iabllSties and ~the holding was that such fund was 'one of the factors to be taken into, consideration by the board of equalization in fixing the value of the stock for tax purposes. I” -2440~, Mr. E. P. Slater, Page 3 (C-&9) We .think the "Reserve for Bond Depletion" constitutes a~"Reserve for Contingencies" within the scope of the holding of Attorney General Opinion No. O-4675. 4 Attorney General Opinion No. Ww-935 (1960) speclflcally' held that the “Reserve for & Id Debts" set up 'by a National Bank pursuant to Federal rulings may not be deducted In arrlv- ing at the value of the shareh61deris shares for State and County ad valorem tax purposes. A copy of Opinion No. WW-935 Is attached hereto. You are, therefore, advised that these two Reserves are neither assessable nor taxable to the Bank, but that as personal property they constitute a part of the assets of the Bsnk and would be one of the factors to be taken Into consideration by the assessor or the board of equallsatlon in fixing the value of the shares o? bank stock for ad valorem tsx purposes. SUMMARY The "Reserve for Bad Debts" and the "Reserve for Bond Depletion" are neither assessable nbr taxable to the First Lockhart National Bank of - ‘Lockhart,Texas. As personal property they COQ- stltute part of the assets of the bank and should be taken into consideration by the Tax.Assessor- Colleotor In determining the value of the shsres~ o? bank stock for ad valorem tax purposes. Your0 .very truly, WAOOONER CARR Attorney General of Texas MMP/fb AP&NED: OPINION COMMITTEg W. V. Oeppert, Chairman $;sp$ Taylor ; l Brandon Bickett John Pettlt . APPROVED FOR TRE ATIy)RNRYQERERAL BY: T. B. Wright -2441-