Honorable 0. B. Close opinion 100.C-334 County Attorney Ochiltree.County Rer Eospltal care of Indigent Perryton, Texas Dear Mr. Closer You request our opinion pn the above subject mat& and eek the following quertionst tree County, Texas for indisent care? Can the Ochiltree Jio8pltal District pay private physiclane for in-patient and.out- patient care o? .lndigente3.nOohllt*ee C&My, ‘~ Texan? (3) Your general opinion a8 to the scope of responsibil.Sty and authority of the Hospit& District under the existing circum- stances regarding indigent care?” ‘You state in your request that pursuant to Article 4494q- 4, Vernonfs Ciiil Statutes, a hoepi& district wae created with- in the boundaries of Ochiltree County and.a bond election has been held, approving the Issuance of bonds for the construction of a hospltal.and .theHospital District contemplates that the conetxuc- tion of a hospital will be commenced within the year 1965 but It ~5.11not be operational for 801118time. You further state that at the present time there are no public hospitals nithin the boun- darlee of Ochlltree County and that the onI..hospitals presently operating within the County are two privately owned hospitals. Sect3.m 9 OS Article IX of the Constitution of Texas pro- vides for the creation of hospital districts, and provides in Part a8 fo&lowar II that after ita creation no other or political tnunicip.ilit~ oubdlv$sion ohall have the power to levy taxes or ‘lame bonkle or other obligations for hospital purpoeea or for providing medical care within the boundaries of the dietrict; . , .I - 1588- Hon. 0. R. ClOse, page 2 (C-334) , Section 13 o? Article 4494q-4, Vernon~s Civil Statutes, provide6 in part: "Except as herein provided, no county that has been constituted a hospital district, and no city therein, &a31 thereafter levy any tax for hospital purposes; and such hospital district shall be deemed to have assumed ?ull respcmslbility ?or the ?urhishlng of medical and hospital care for the needy and Indigent perrrons residing- in said hospital district from the date that We6 are collected for the hoe- pita1 distr’lct.” ~. In kew'o? the facts &bxaltted in visions o? Sectlou 13 of Article 44g4q-4, ital District assumes.the same authority KS of tiedlcaIand hospital care for the ne 603)sresiding in the Xospltal District'as thereto?orepossessed by the Oommi66ioner6 Court of Ochiltree Couuty; etlcle 4438, Vernon's Clvi~Statutes, provides: *,I? ‘hers is a~ regular estebU6hed puillc hoepital'in the count ; the c&misdUner8 court shall provide ror.8e L the indigent sick o? . the county to such hospital. If more than one such hospital exists In the county, the indigent patient 6haIl have the right to select which one of theq he shall be sent to." In Attorney General's Opinion6 O-2179 (1940 .and.O-4633 (1942), it was held that the comi6eioners ccurt:o 1 a county did not have authority to pay items of hospital treatment tar indi- gent sick to any hospital outside o? the county. .Theee conclu- crions were based upon the principle6 of law anuouuaed In WilIacyl , 29 S.W.2d 456 (Tex.Clv.ApP. "The power6 and duties of county commis- 6ioner61’court6, and the, obligatlon6 of the countlee to pauper6 are ?lxed by statute, and mg~z be enlarged upon by unnecessary impll- . .These powers and duties, in 60 far aa applicable,here are de?lr.edin ,andrest icted by the provi6ion6 o? Articles 2351 and b43a Revised Statutes, 1925. . In Article'2351 it'16 rovlded.that each'commibrloners~ court hell eubdivlslon 11) ‘piovide for the support o? 'i paupers Y * + residents of their county, who -1389- HOG. 0. R. Close, page 3 (C-334) are unable to support themselve.;', and (sub- division 12 'f'orthe burial of paupers'. In Article 1438 it is provided that 'if there is a regular established public hospital in the county, the commlssioners~ Icourtshall provide Sor sending the indigent sick * l * to such hospital'. In the latter provision, the duty and the authority of the camnissionersl court to send the Indigent sick to hospitals is limited to public hospital6 within the county, which provision, by necessary implication ex- cludes any duty or authority to send such per- son6 to private hospitals, or to public hospi- tals without the county.&.Even I? Barbosa was within the class.defined,as 'Indigent sick,' the commissioners8 court-as a body, muchless the county judge-acting singularly, we6 under no duty, and was denied the au&hority to send Barbosa to a hospital, either public or pri- vate, outside the county. y+ iv* Under ,theprovision6 of Article 4438, the county was under no duty to send Rarbosa to any hospital, there being no public .' hospital in the county, and under the implied restrictions of this provision it is doubtful if the county could be bound by the coeaaiasion- ersl court, certainly not otherwise, to send him to a hospital without the county, at public expense." Likewise, It was held in Attorney General's Opinion 0-2633 (1940): "You are therefore respectfully advised that it is the opinion of this department that if the commissioners~ court determines that an . indigent is a pauper it may furnish medical aid and medicines to him as such, regardless of nhe- ther or not he has been placed upon the pauper roll of the county, inasmuch 11sthere~is no statu- tory requirement for the making up of a county pauper roll. It is the furthc:ropinion of this department that the commissiol;ers'court has the authority to aid 'indigent sick', who may or may not be 'paupers',by sending such 'indigent sick' to 'public' hospitals within :.hecounty. The question of 'indigency' is also a question of fact to be determined by the commissioners' court." Ron. C. R. Close, page 4 (C-334) In Attorney General’s Opinion C-246 (1964),‘itwas polnt- ed out: “Somewhat similar to the preceding quee- tlon, your sixth question also concerns the contractual power and authority of the Com- niselonere Court of Tarrant County. Ae etated In answering your first question, where a duty is Imposed or e power conferred upon a commie- sloners court, then the commlssioncre court hae implied authority to exercise broad discretion to ecccmplieh the purporee intended. When the comleelonere courtr were expreealy given the power end duty ‘to provide for the rupport of peupers,t by necessary implication they were clothed with the authority to do all the lnci- dental thinga necessary to provide for their support. Thus, while the commlsnionere court Is not under e duty to place lndigente In a prl- vet8 iecility a County v. Valley (T Ci A ltB%s,l~tpi gents whom it placea in e .prlvatefacilifiy.Here, of couree, the contractual term miustnot be such es to amount to a donation by the County to the Individual or corporation providing the care, nor can the contract provide for payment.8 by the County out of future revenuem.” ,It wae pointed out in Attorney Gcneral’e Opinion C-246 that: “Your first end second questions can be answered together. Under the provlefonrr of Section 11, Article 2351, Vernonls Civil Stat- utes, the Conunlseloncre~Court has the duty to: “‘11. Provide for the support of paupers and such idiots and lunatics aa cannot be admlt- ted Into the lunatic asylum, residents of their county, who are unable to eupport themeelvce. . . .I ‘While it Is true that the Comieeioners8 Court is a court of limited juriediction, it Is also true that where a duty Is imposed or a power conferred by statute upon e commiseioners court within the boundaries of power which the Constitution has created, then the commlseloners -1591- i b c Hon. G. R. Close, page 5 (C-334) court has implied authority to exercise broad ( discretion to accomplish purposfs Intended by such statute. El Paso County v. Elam, 106 S.W. 26 393 Tex.Clv.App. 19 :TEGon v. Marshall, 11Q S.W.2d 621 (Te%.vw938, * Anderson v. Wood, 137 Tex. 201, 152 s.w.Et' Orror d3r 684-(pSl) . "Under the provisions of Section 11, Artl- cle 2351, a duty to provide for the support of paupers, which Includes the Indigent aged, Is lmposed'upon the Commissioners Court.' In view of the foregoing, if the Indigent care referred to In your request constitutes the support of paupers within the meaning of Section 11 of Artlcle.2351, Vernon's Civil Statutes, the Hospltal.Distrlct,under theauthority of Section 13 of Article 4494q-4, ma make payments to private hos ltals within Ochlltree County ttorney General's Opinion C-248 $196417. If themedical care -#or Indigents does not constitute the support of paupers" within the meaning of Section 11 of Article 2351, the Hospital District may not make payments to privets hospitals within Ochlltree County, but such care must be limited to.such hospital treatment as authorized by Article 4438, Vernon's Civil Statutes, In public hospitals. Wlllacy County v. Valley Baptist Hospital, 29 S.W.2d 456 (Tex.Clv.App. I-930). SUMMARY A hospital district created under the pro- visions of Article tig%-4, Vernon's Civil Stat- utes, assumes the same responsibility for the medical care of indigents within said district as that previously Imposed on the ccmmlssloners court under the provisions of Section 11 of Artl- cle 2351, Vernon's Civil Statutes and Article 4438,Vernon's Civil Statutes. Yours very truly, WAGGONER CARR Attornc\yGeneral . ,:4 -:&& By/rd’ ,1’ yc) ,;'-John Reeves JR:ms Assistant -1592- HOG: 0. R. Close, page 6 (c-334) APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE W. V. Geppert, Chairman Malcolm ,Quick George Black Ralph Rash APPROVEDFORTIB ATTORNEXQENERAL BY: Roger Tyler .. ._ .~._ -1593-