Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

.. Axnw- 11,TEXAS FVILL WI&SON A-RNEY a3ENERAx. November 18, 1960 Honorable E. E. Coons Opinion No. WW-961 .ZountyAttorney Sherman County Fle: Whether the Commissioners' Stratford, Texas Court may require gas plpe- line companies to move or lower their pipelines along or aorouu pub110 roads whlok are to be paved wlthout pay- Duar Mr. Coons: lng compensationtherefor. You have requested the opinion of this offioe on the following question: May the Commlsslone~s~Court of Shsr- man County require gas pipeline companies to move or lower their pipelines along or aoross pub110 roads whloh are to be paved without paying compensationtheraiart In the caee of State v. City .of Austin, %X. - 331 S.W. 26 737 (1960) the.SupremeCourt of rm8 w&8 confrontedwith the questlo; of the validity of an enectmpnt of the Legislaturewhich provided that the relocation of utility faoilltles necessitatedby the improvement of hlgh- ways establishedas a part of the National SvfJtem of Inter- state and Defense Hlghwaye be made by the utility at the oost and expenae of'the State. In upholdlng this statute the Court, in the courue of Its opinion, also stated the 18W applicable to the situationralaed by rour qUestlO& At page 741 of the opinion we find it stated: "In the absence of assumption by the state of part of the expense, it Is clear that respondentscould be required to-Fe- move at their own expense any Installations owned by them and located In public rights of way whenever such relocation Is made. necessary by highway improvements. See City of San Antonio v. Bexar Metropolitan Mr. E/E. Coons, Page 2 (WW-96;L) Water District, Tex. Civ. App., 309 S.W. 26 491 (wr. ref.); City of San Antonio v. San Ant&lo St. R. Co., 15 Tex. Clv. App. 1, 39 S.W. 136 (wr. ref.); State of lp;my; v. United States, 6 Cir., 256 . As pointed out in the Bexar MktropolltanWater District case, the main purposes of roaik and streets are for travel and traneportatlon. While public utllltles may use the same for laying their lines, such us+ IS Subject to reasonable regulationby either the state, the county or the clty,~as the case may be. The utility may always be required, In the valid exercise of the police power by proper governmentalauthority,to remove or adjust (ita installationsto meet the need8 of the public for t.raveland transportation." Quoting further from the same zprce and page: ,I Many city ordknoes a8 well a8 ?fevk&'of our statutes authorizing utiSlty oompanlesand municipal oorpora- tions to erect their lines along'and upon 'public roads end streets stipulate that the owner of the facilitymay be required to relocate the same at its own expense 80 as to peimlt road and street lmprove- ments. See Articles 1433, 1433a, 1436a, and 1436b, Vernon's Ann. Tex. Clv. Stat. These statutes and ordlnane@s express the public policy of the state a8 it existed at,the time of their adoption. . . ." Article 1436b of Vernon.1sAnnotated Texas Civil Statutes, es referred to by the Court, read8 In part a8 follows: "Section 1. Any person, firm or oor- poration or Incorporatedcity or town en- gaged.ln the bUslne88 of transportingor distributinggas for public consumption shall have the power to playand maintain pipes, mains, conductors and other faolli- ties used for oonduotlnggas through, under, pp. E. E. Coons, Page 3 (m-961) along, across Bnd over all pub,llchlgh- ways, public roads, public streets and alleys, and public waters within this State; provided that within the corpor- ate limits of an Incorporatedcity or Incorporatedtown such right shall be dependent upon the consent and subject to the dlrectlon,ofIts governing body. Any such person, firm or corporation or incorporatedcity or town Shall notify the State Highway Commission or the CommissionersCourt having jurisdiction, as the case may be, when It proposes to lay any such pipes, mains, conductors and other fixtures for conducting gas within the right-of-wayof any state highway or county road outside the limits of an IncorporatedcltJror Incorporated town, whereupon the Highway CznmI88lon or the ConrmlssionersCourt, If It so de8Ires, may designate the place upon the rlght-of- way where the 881116 shall be laid. The poratlon or Incorporatedcity or town and specifying the facility or facllltles to be moved and Indicatingthe place on the new right-of-waywhere such facility or faolll- ties may be placed. Such person, firm or corporation or Incorporatedclty.or town shall replace the grade and surface Of such road or highway at its own expense." (%phaSiS added) It is our opinion that the language quoted from State v. City of Austin, su ra and the plain unequivocal language -%A at your question be answered In the Article 143bb requires affirmative. Mr. E. E. Coons, Page 4 (w-961) You are therefore advised that the Commissioners1 Court of Sherman.County may require the gas pipeline in ques- tion to be moved or lowered by the pipeline company at the expense of such OompanieSby giving notiOe,in compliance with Article 1436b. SUMMARY The Commlssloners~Court of Sherman County, Texas, is authorized to require gas pipeline companie8,WhOSeline8 i?Unalong or across public roads which are to be paved,to move or lower such pipelines at their own expense and without reimbursementfrom the State. Yours very truly, WILL WILSON Attorney General of Texas BY WoS:nrm..I APPROV&: . OPINION COMMITTEE w. v. Geppert, chairman w. Ray scrmggs Harris Tolcr Llnward Shivers B. H. Tlmmlns, Jr. BY: Leonard Pasamore