Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Dear.Slr: ,In. your 'letteroY ~requeatyou'have .askedeertaln quest1ons,pe~.~~nlng~to-~t~e~gr~tl~g .oP~a,permlt'toa foreign cor.por~tlon...Thisoplrilon~l.~'ias.ued in response to qnestlon~amaber.two:~in..ymr.lettez!.(~QuesX~o~s:~u~~red one, three:'andfour have'beendealt -within a pTlor~:opi~- lon,~#o.:Ww-~. The -second,question'ls: ""Sboul.d:the,Secr~tarydr~State ac~cept arid.fllean application fora.%ertlRcate .of:Ant~horltyunderthe ~:provUionsal ,,Arti- 4le ilg.3 ~:for.a ..pmpuaemiitch'isn6t 'i-eEen- tical::in:Ilanguage~~;.doeanot ~lnclude.the r&tire purpase~:dlanse.:a~tho~ized 'It by;saia .33tattiteY 'T& .rorporat;~on'un'der:~e~tt:ion.,stated as Its PUP- pose: '%o act as.trustee,~-&ecutor,adnii?iix+ .tratoa,or~guardign,PPh~:'degLgnatedby~~'auy person, -c-orpuration, .or::a.:court .~to.do~.ao, an~da9 agent for~the performamce,of~auy law'iulact." Honorable Zqllle Steakley, page 2, (~~-558) Article I513a reads in part as follows: "Sec..2. Trkst Companies may be created; ard any corporation,however created,.&ayamend its charter in com- pliance herewith, or a foreign corpora- tion may obtain a certificateof authorl- tg to do business In Texas for the Sol- lowing purpose:~ "To act as-trustee; executor, admin- istrator, or guardian when designated by any rsrson, corporation,or a court to do SO,%and,.asagent for the performanceof apy'.:awfyl, act,I lncludlng the right to ~recelveedepdslts-ma,deby agencies of the Unit&d States of America for the author- izedaccount of.,anyIndividual;to act as attoriaeyl,ln-facts for reciprocal or lnter- insursnce exchange..:"' The Legislature in Sections 2 through 7 of Senate Bill No. 165, Acts of the 55th Legislature,Regular Ses- sion, 1957, Chapter 388, codified as Article 1513a of Ver- non's Civil Statutes, provided the,Secretaryof'State with authority to lss~uea charter to a domestic corporation, accept amendment of a charter of a domestic corporation, and issue'a certificate of author1ty.t.o a forelgnhorpora- tion to operate in Texas as a trust company; and, ,lnSec- tion 1 of the Bill, expressly repealed Chapter 7.of~the Texas Insurance Code, Vernon's Cl.vil Statutes, which pre- viously had provided the Board of Insurance Commlssloners w:th e>lthorltyto qualify corporationsto operate as trust companies. Artlcle'1513athereby became the only statute under which a foreign corpor~atloncould secure a certificateof authority to operate in Texas as a trust company.and,as a statute under which domestic corporationscould secure'au- thority to operate as trust companies, became of great lm- portance to domestic corporationsas well. Since 1eglsIative policy in's gl.venfield should be consid'eredwhen viewing particular enactments In thatfield, considerationin this instance should be glven'to%he appro- val by the Legislature in adopt'lngthe Texas Business Cor- poration Act of the policy of flexlbllltyproviding that the public interest IS adequately protected. Honorable Zollle Steakley, page 3, (~~-558) In consfderationof all these matters, the avalla- billty of a statute, such',asArticle 1513a, should not be unnecessarilyrestricted, although the restrictlonncontalned in Section 7 of Article 1513a, must be observed: . the provlslons~ofArticle 2.01A (of the Texas Business io;pora- tion Act) permitting a corporationto have more than one DUI’DOSe shall IlOt aDDb." While the Legislature has COMO- ted-as no more than‘&: purpose all of the authorization .~ stated in ArtlcIe 1513a. there is no restrictionwhich pre- vents the use of only a-part of the authorizationas a com- plete purpose. Therefore, It Is the opinion of this office that it IS not necessary for a,corporationutilizing Article 1513a, In stating Its purpose, to use the identical language of the purpose clause of that statute or to use the purpose clause in Its entirety. SUMMARY The Secretary of.State can accept and file an applfoation for a Cer- tificate of Authority 'underthe provisions of Article 1513a, Ver- non's Civil Statutes, for a purpose authorized in said statute, but which is not identical in language and does not Include the entire pur- pose clause as stated In the said statute. Very truly yours, WILL WILSON Attorney General of Texas BY Assistant CDC:rm Honorable ZOl.lleSteakley, pags 4, (WW-558) APPROVED: OPINION COMMITl'~ Geo. P. Blackburn, Chairman Riley E. Fletcheiy Leonard Passmore Ralph Ra'sb~' Robert H..ti&Us REVI~ F~R'THE ATTORNEY GENERAL BY: W. V. Geppert