April 16, 1958 Honorable Price Daniel Opinion No. WW- 417. Qovernor of Texas Capi to1 Station Re: Are the monies appropriated Austin, Texas under Senate Bill 471, Acts, 55th Legislature, Regular Session, 1957, Chapter 502, page 1465, for the Texas Traffic Safety Council available for use of the Council, despite ,the fact that the bill was not sub- mitted to the Comptroller Dear Covernor Daniel: for certification? We have received your letter of April 4, in which you state the Legislature passed Senate Bill 471, Acts 55th Legislature, Regular Session, 1957, Chapter 502, page 1465, giving the Texas Traffic Safety Council the following author- ity: "Sec. 7. The Texas Traffic Safety Council may accept gifts, grants, or donations of money, or of property, from private sources to effectuate the purpose of thfs Aot. Any and all funda so donated shall be placed fn the State Treasury in a special fund called the Traffic Safety Fund and shall be expended in the same manner as other State monies are ex- pended, upon warrants drawn by the Comptroller upon the order of the Councfl. Such monies are hereby appropriated for the purpose of carrying out this Act." You further state that the Comptroller has notified the Council that In a8 tiuchas Senate Bill 471 was not passed to him for certiffcation, that none of the funds received as donations and deposited in the State Treasury is appropriated for this biennium. Honorable Prloe Daniel, Page 2 (WW-417). You ask our opinion on two questions, substantially as follows: 1. Is It necessary that a bill containing an appropriation of only this type be passed to the Comptroller for his certification? 2. If the answer is "NO", then is the Texas Traffic Safety Counoil authorized to expend any donated funds deposited In the Treasury during this biennium? It is clear that the Legislature appropriated no money to such fund or for such purposes8 except to the extent that funds were available therein from specific donations. If there are no donations, nothing Is appropriated. If there are donations, that and no more is appropriated. Section 49a of Article III of the Constitution of Texas reads in part as follows: 1, . e . Prom and after January 1, 1945, save in the case of emergency and imperative public necessity and with a four-fifths vote of the total membership of each house, no appropriation in excess of the cash and anticipated revenue of the funds from which such appropriation is to be made shall be valid. From and after January 1, 1945, no bill containing an appropriation shall be considered as passed or be sent to the Qovernor for consideration until and unless the Comptroller of Public Aacounts endorses his certifioate thereon, showing that the amount appropriated is within the amount estimated to be available in the affected funds. . ~ ." If Senate Bill 471 had been submitted to the Comp- troller for certification, the only action he could have taken would have been to certify that funds for paying this approp- riation would be available. In keeping with the import of the holding of this Department in Opinion No. ~~-416 and author- ities therein cited, we wish to advise you that, In our opinion, Senate Bill 471, appropriating to the Texas Traffic Safety Council accepted contributions and donations deposited in the special fund, known as the Traffic Safety Fund, for the speci- fied purposes, is not such an appropriation bill requiring certification by the Comptroller of Public Accounts. Honorable Price Daniel, Page 3 (WW-417). _ it In answer to your questions, _ Is not . necessary . that a bill containing an appropriation of Only thls type De paSSed to the Comptroller for his certification, and the Texas Traffic Safety Council is authorized to expend any such donated funds deposited in the State Treasury during this biennium. SUMMARY The funds received by the Texas Traffic Safety Council in the form of donations and aontrlbutlons, which were appropri- ated under Senate Bill 471, are available to the Texas Traffic Safety Council, despite the fact that Senate Bill 471 was not submitted to the Comptroller for certification, such certiflaatlon not being required of this type of approprl- ation. Very truly yours, WILL WILSON Attorney General of Texas j,l; , By 7.h;~.~J; [ i !t,, '/ ', Tom I. McFarling 'z Assistant TIH:wb:pf APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE Geo. P. Blackburn, Chairman J. Mark McLaughlin J. Arthur Sandlin B. H. Tlmmins, Jr. REVIEWED FOR THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Bg: W. V. Geppert.