Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS May 22, 1957 Honorable Fred F. Holub County Attorney Matagorda County Bay City, lkxae Opinion No. WW-125 ReS Authority of County to relm- buree Pipe Line Company ‘for expenses Incurred by virtue of acquiring right of way where there le a pre-existing pipe line. Dear Sirs The Sollonlng queatlon wae presented in your recent letter8 “The question that Is presented here Ls that when the State Hlghway Commlaslon takes over an exlrjtlng County Road for the purpose of con- atructlng a F.M. Highway and requeeta addftlonal rights of way to be purchased by the County for a wider right of way than originally included In the County road right of way, and said old County road Ian crossed by a pipe line of a common carrier, must the County pay said common carrier for meeting State apeolflcations In lowering and additional oaelng of the pipe line under the widened portion of said right of way%* In your letter you also offered the following com- ment a “It would appear, taking into eonalderatlon Article 6022and 2351 that although the oommon carrier would have the right to cross a public : road; where same is a County road under Article 2351, the Commls~loners Court in its exerelse of general control could control the methoU of Ihorable #red Fe Holub, page 2 (W-125) crossing and the looatlon oi ocos~lng. Here In this caee, had 8he comaon oafiier mde a Sonnal notlee OS urofmlng, the Oomlsalonerrr Court, could, It would be masoneble to assume; foresee a futulr ridenlng of sald road and m- wire the croestng to provide ior Suture widen- Ingo M It appeam.that no formal approval or notice of crossing was promFed by the commn carrier, it would appear that now any addltlonal casing or lowering shotald be doan at the expenao of the comon darz%er.” We refer you to Opinions -115 aW -78 (uhioh alw en.closed)holdlng, In eifect, that the expenses for XWloation of’ a utility on right of way alrerdy aubileot to publio use, must be bone by the utility rather than the publloo !kUOWW, your question 88. prebaented was limited to the propoaltion of whether or not n?lmburaerahnt was reqwlnd tq be paid to tha pioe 13114~common carrier Por rrntlng State apeeifloetlcma ln 1aPering rcM addZtlonaX ‘orslng of the pip% tiab un#r the new ;;t”,~-&ymht~~o~~~~~ lbgBa&Bg~ which you rntlo?Wd 7oII lud in .7Iwls h-, 6~s H 60 Wt#’ lpeasupe of daeg is, B O&N%- -84t4 +%%lelrfoaN’; lte sib -a* ena qanlag e&i’- rhezw the lee3 ~hel3 perwl~ sada 0oPpoFqtion as above akntlonad to eTeol 8lkl emafrfi& i&I lines under and aemau pI&llc Foatle, and whim3 the county mqtix%?,a the ‘aUditiona Mght of way for new highwayEi OP publie roads over and acroaa .; the pHvate property of the above aeneloned corporation, the cow@7 vould b&liable bo se5d : .,.? , CIVD Ame 191, IIWR, 156 s.w, 2: ‘It hepi long been the rule in this atak that 3.s ‘~by.: the taking of a portion of one03 land .’ for pub110 u8e it becomes necessargr fo build fences, constrwt gatee, culverts and other things necessary to make ths remainder usable and to prevent pester losses sustained by the : 2 ., . . : . i ! Honorable Fred F: Holub, page 3 (WW-125) appropriation of that part taken, evidence of such expenses thus Incurred should be considered by the jury fn fixing the amount of damages to that part not appropriated. m 0 .” Also, see Plllot v. City of Houston, Clv. App., 1932, NWH, 51 S.W. 2d 794. * Should this right of way have to be condemned, the cost of buryltig and providing additional caning would not be a aep- arate issue, but should be coneldered In the general Issues of the before and lifter Va?iu?a of condemneels property. IS, however, thle right IS acquired by but’of court settlement, It seems that there would,.be no other way to compute what the plpe line company la entitled to but by~.conslderlng the 008 t of reburying and pro- viding ad~ltional~6a~lng, and ltla considered that this Is sup- pbrted by ample authority a8 above set forth. . You pointed out, aa above quoted, that you considered this situation different because the pipe line utility had not secured’ ‘permleslon of the Commisslonere~Court to cross the ex- ~latlng’road and that “it would be reasOnable to assume” that the Commlsaloners ‘Court would “Sore&e a Suture widening of said. roads .alid require the crosalng to provide for Suture wlden- lngo 0 0” and Sor’that reason there should be no llablllty for Mburylng and providing additional casing on the gortlon taken Soy ney, or additional right of way. It la submitted that this propoeftioc has been decided adversely to your contention in Hammon v. Wichita Count& Civ. AP~Q, 1956, 290 S.W. 2d 545 (no wrlt history) a “Wichita County has no right to destroy appellant OB property prior to the lawful appropriation thereof by paying or securing the pamnt of compensation. Cltjr of Fort worth v. Dletert, Tex, Cfv, Appoe 271 S.W. 2d 299, error refused. “Conversely, the Coanty has no right to PeatFaIn appellant from making lawful, use of his property prior to a legal taking thereof by the County.” Hence, amumlng, wtthout decidlzg, that the statutes Impose upon the pipe line common carrier the duty of clearing with the Commissioners8 Court before crossing a county road, C._ c . . L ” : Aonorabl? Fred FI Holub, page 4 (WW-1%) .. and even aasumlng that the Commlsalonerp@Court has foreseen the widening, it could not have required the pipe line common carrier to make special preparationa, at additional exense, on land not In the then exlatlng right of way a8 euch would have been a restraint upon the use' of private property prior to a legal taking thereof. W@ere a pipe line croaa,e8 under an exlrting county road, which road lb de- slnd by the Btate'aa a Fati to Market road, and additional Mght of w&y la re- quired to widen the’ road, the governmental authority aectilng this additional right of way la authorlzed'to pay thi pipe line oommon carrier for expetia&a lncurred'ln meeting state ppeclficatlona which apeol- Slcatlona require the lowering of the pipe line and additional casing therefor under the widened, or newly acquired, right of way. Youre very truly, APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE Ii. ffrady Chandler, Chairman FPed Werkenthln f Ralph R. Rash Jas. W. Wilson &VIEWED FOR Ti33 ATTORXXY OENXRALBY: Ceo. P. Blazkburn