Mr. E. B. &Made, Chief Accountant OpinionNo. WV-l.22 Tome Stat8 Park8 Board Austin,T8X88 R0: PmpOr depositoryfor dividend Check8fra8 atOOk gIveenState Park8 Board for maintenanceof Bear Hr. Car&de: Varwr-Hogg State Park. ik qUOt8 the follovingfra yO”Z letterrequestingOUT Opinion on tim above captionedsubjsotr “Enclosed18 a photoetatcopy of a deed dated December3, 1956, from I188Hogg to the State Park8 Board of the State of TO=8 0onv8ying52.67aorea in BraaoriaCounty,TBWII,for State Park purpoeee.... n hb haY0, in OllppO88888iOZl, etock Cer- tifiaaie;&dewing 330 elnreaof KennecottCopper Corporationcommon atook and 100 share8of Iiiggett and Myers TobaccoCompanycomnon&Oak. Theee atoak CertifiCatasaI’ in the name of the State Parks Bosrd of the State of Tame. “We have receiveda check from Liggettand Myars TobaccoCompanypayableto State Park8 Board of the State of Tex88 in the amount of $200.00and a check from KennecottCopperCorporationpayable to state Parka Board of the State of Texas in the amount of $495.00in pagmsntof dividendson Bald hares of stock. “In view of the ~ovleion in said deed that: “‘all of the cash dividend8from said 8toOk ahall be used only far the operation,maintenance and improvementof the premieesherein&we granted, and no other,and that the title to said stook aball veet and ren!ainin said State Parks Board for 80 long a tlw as said premisesahall be used for State Park purposes,as hereinprovided’, m reepeotfullyrequeetyour opinionon the following question: Mr. E. B. CaIniade, page 2 (WW-122) v'Whereie the Stat8 Parka Board authoriaed to d8pO8itthe dividendoh8ok8 in ordar that an aOOOUZltICaybe 08tabli8h8dWb8by the Stat8 Park8 Board oan oarry out the proviaionaof said deed?‘” In additionto the provisionvhioh you quoted in your latterof requeet,the deed containsthe followingproviaionr "TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above deeoribed premise8and shares of stock,togatherwith all and singular,the right8 and appurtenancesthereto in anywise.belonging unto the said State Parks Board of the State of Texas 80 long a8 said pre- mises are continuouslyh8J.dand used by said Grantee,and its succeaaora,a8 a State Park under the covenants,terms and provieionshereof, and no longer;and if the same be not used for said purposes,or at any time cease to be used for such pUQO8e8, Or at any ti8leb8U8ed'fW any other purposessave and except those uhioh are herein expresslydescribedand mentioned,then and thereuponthis conveyanceand tran8fershall be null and void and said pW8i808 and 8hare8 of stock,togetherwith any additionalOF substitute ehareswhich may be hereafteracquiredby way of merger, consolidation, stock dividends,split-ups, and/Or spin-offs,by the issuingcorporationsor their successors,shall isuwdiatelythereafter revert to Grantorherein,her heir8 or assigns, and it shall be lawful,without suit, but only upon the giving of reasonablenOti to the &ate Parks Board of the Stat8 of Texas, or it8 8ucce8- SOTS, for Granterherein,her heirs or assigns,to' re-enterand repossesssaid premisesand repossess said sharesof stock,and thereafterpeacaablyto hold and enjoy said premisesand shares of stock as if these presentshad not been made; and no act or omissionon the part of Grantor,her heirs OT assigns,save the failureto give such notice, shall be or constitutea waiver of the Operation or enforcementof such condition;and upon such occqence the State Parks board of the State of Texas herebyexpresslybinds and obligate8itself to re-transfer,re-assign,and deliverunto Grantor, her heirs or assigns,and all certificates evidencingsaid shares." Mr. E. B. Camiade,page 3 (wl.22) Artiole 6068, Title 103, V.C.S.,authoriseethe Board to aooapt title on behalf of the State to any traot of land deemsd 8titabG by the Board for parkpurpO8e8. Thera is no expresoauthorizationto tim BOard t0 aOCOpt p8r8OI8Llpmperty, nor 18 there iU Title 103 any expre888t.StIP tory pXWi8iOn OOI~taining a direotivea8 t0 the prop8e depositoryfor Ca8h re8ultingfmma gift forth maintenanceof a State park. htherefore de-d it naO888aryfiret to determinewhetherthe Board ua8 authorizedto aoaept the gift of stook. U8 have oonoludedthat the Board18 impliedly authorisedto receivedonation8of personalpropertyfor the ppaintenance of a State park for the follovingreaaeone. It is settledas the law of this State that "publicoffiOer8 and govemmntal and administrative board8possessonly 8uch pOuer8a8 are necessarilyconferredupon them by law or v so conferred" 34 Tex.Jur.,440, &l, Sec. 67. ~aupplied tbro&hout.) Althoughit is true that statute8which preecribeand limit the exercieeof officialduties8re strictlyconstruedin respectto the powers oonferredand the mmner of their exeroiee,it is equallywell settledthat a duty upon au OffiOeror board a lav which confersa power or i8tposea carrieawith it by duplicationthe authorityto do euch thing8 a8 are rea8OUablyneceesaryto carry into effectthe power grantedOr the duty imposed. 34 Tex.Jur.44344.4,Sec. 68. The Parks Board as an agency of the State 18 authorisedto and chargedwith the responeibility of aaquiringm a system of public park8 for the benefitof the people genera- for benevolentpur- po8e8, promotinghealth,happineasand the generalwelfare of the oiti8ens of~;ey. -v. IJJ S.W.2d 347 (Tex.Civ.App. 1937, . . Since the Board la specificallyauthoriaedby Article 6068 to accept dOnatiOn8Of land for Stat0parka purposes,and 8iIIC8 under the above cited decisionit is o&god with the duty of &&&n&g a sy8tem of public parks, It ha8 impliedauthorityto aocept cash donation8or, as in this case, donation8of stook given in conneotionwith the grant of land for park purposesfor the purposeof maintainingthe land8 donated. Article 6069 containsthe followingprovision: n. . . The purposeof this law is to initiatea movementlookingto the establishment ev8ntuaT.T.y of a system of State parks for the benefitof the people, securedeitherby a donationor purchase,or establish- ed on any land Owned by the Stateavailablefor such purposes." bh-.E. B. Camiade,page 4 (W-122) It iS llOtOW&hyth%t thi8 8t.Sbl8llt Of PUrpOSO do88 llOt r8qll.b8 th8 donationa,vhioh win help 18ad to th8 e8tabliahmentof a ayatem of Stat8 parka, to be in land, Suoh an interpretation would deny the B&d a power essentialto the aooompliahmentof the prinoipalpur- ~088 for vhioh it wa8 oreated. SeOtiOn1 Of A&i018 607Ob read8 a8 fOllOW8: nThe'Texa8State Parka Board 18 herebyauthoriaed and empoweredto acquire State park site8 by purchase, gift or otherwise,and to improve,beautifyand equip, and to contraotwith any peraon,~ firm or corporation for the dmprovement,beautification or equipmentof the State park8 of this State to auoh an extanta8 to eaid Board might be deemedadvisable. The authority herein give!?t0 pUrOhs8018 lImitedt0 tV0 year8 from the effectivedate of this Act." Althoughthe purahasingauthcrity.granted under thi8 partioular seotionhas expired,the State Park8 Board 18 stillauthoriaedand em- POVOWd to acquirepark sit08 by pIJrCba80,gift or OthelWi88,t0 dJDprO'Je th!SS,etc., and to contractwith any person,firm or'oorporation for their improvementor equipment. Being authoriaadto contractfor euoh purpo8e8, the Board is impliedlyauthoriaedto aOUOpt gifts for the 8ame purposes. The Tows Legislatureclearlyintendedt&t the Parks Board eatabliahand nraintaina parks systemand that it receivedonations therefor. These donation8lightanthe tax burden of the people. This intentbeing evident;the 8tatutesehouldnot be 80 oonatrueda8 to nullifythe will of the Legislatureand cause a oonfllotwith the apparent legislativepurpose. GJStherefarehold that the Parke Board may exercise the power to accept gift8 of personalproperty,this additionalpower being necessaryto an efficientdi8ChargOof their dUtiO8,andnecessarily impliedfromthe broad powera given them. !& pa88 to a considerationof the properdapoaitoryfor the dividendchecks. It is ilear that the fund8 which have been and viu. be receimd from thi8 8tOOk WV- b8CcSne “Stat0 fIUld8" in th8 881180that they could be placed in the generalrevenuefund and appropriatedby the Lsgi8lature.The stock dividend8are impre88edwith a tru8t and in8ybe expendedonly for the purpose8statedin the deed of gift. Furthermore,we think it is apparent,thatit was not the intentionof the settlerthat the80 funds be placedwithin em specialfund in the State Treasurybecausethe State'stitle to the stock and any revenue8 Mr. E. B. Camiade,pge 5 (VW-I.221 therefromwould terminateshouldthe State fail to oomplywith the conditionof the gift. In auoh event,any revenue8then on hand could not revertto the Grantor,her heir8 or aesignaupon gMng notioe to the StateParks Board becauasa legislativeappropriation would be woeesary to withdrawsaid revanueafrom the Stat8 Treasury. Forthi8rea8onyouareadvi8edth8tthererenw8 should be dapoaited& in the State Treasury,but &the %StO !ibwa8vrer tob8heldbyhim~and aaaorthe maintenanceof the VarwrzHogg StatePark as authorizedby Article 4393a,V.C.S. Article4393s provides,in part, a8 follows: be recw bv the w on a depositreceiptiaswd by the State Comptrolleras providedin Article 4354, Beviaed Civil Statutesof Terns, 1925, a8 amended Such moneys or other eecuritieeshall be ieid'intrust by the State Treasurerin like manner a8 the B8psrtmentalSuspenseAccount 18 held under Article4388, RevieedCivil Statute8 of Terns, 1925, as smended.. ." giedman w 131 Tex v. AmericanS&etp Co.'of 175N& 114 York; S Ii.26 137 Tex. 216 (1938); 149, 151 s.n.2d 570 (1941). The State Parks Board baa impliedpaver to accept gifts of personalpropertyfor the purposeof maintaininga State Park. Cash dividend8from stock given State Parks Board for sole purpose of maintainingcertain grantedpremisesas Varner-HoggState Park, title to the stock to remain in the Board for so long a time as said premisesshall be used for State Park purposesand no longer,are impressedvith a trust and should be depositedvith the State Treasurer, Mr. E. B. Camiade,paage6 (W-122) to k h8ld by him 88 OU8tOdian.aSa qeoial trwt fund for the oprration,~int8MnOO and isprovementof Varner-Hoggtit8 Park. POW8 vary truly, WILL WILSON Attmwy General ASSiStant m:gS APPROVED: OPINIONCOMMITTEE H. Grady Chandler,Chairman Elbert M. Morrow EdwinP. Homer Biley EugeneFletcher RF,VIEGEDFOF~TBEATTCRNEYGEN!ZBAL BY: Coo. P. Blackburn