aml ihe aooaapany-
. B. .orlandlex and
an4 &I188hula
oi %xarr by
rk puxpow8,
e ~urohaesthen-
a6 a denetlon
on o? thl8 departgent in
:~'~ Ii the abooo quertLonf8 anawsr-
the negative,oan elthexthe Texas
,i. State Ptykrr Board or urotheragsnoyoiLthe pste
I:. of Texas or the Btato or Tmm lea&e aaid ptip~rbjr
;,; for ninety-nlno(991 yeare t6 a ~ooellyorganized
oorpoxatlon or Board OS Tru8t00e.w
trable olenn Link,'Pee e
Under thr authorityof Artlolo6070b,Vernon*a
AauotatedQtil Statutes,the.TexuaStateParka Boar4 ao-
oepted tha gift or lap4 on Deoembor16, 1983; an4 dnoo
192JSthlm area Qmmzlbed in s&Y deeds he8 been operated
a8 a pu8liopa*.
fhe 'peXa8 Park8'hrd i8 a &ate ageno~, in the
nature of a quasi-publiooorporation, oroatod Id aaplo~wi
by the State iOr tho porpore of initlatfnga ~OYe!&Witlook-
lng to the 08t6blbhWnt lvwWal3y of a~ayatemOS Stat.
Park8 .ror the benoflt o? th@ pooplo, 8OOU.FBd either by 60-
nation or purobmm, or e8tabli8hodon @J&Jlan4 oWnad by the
Eta tOl?#allable for 8UOh pUX&@8..' SW Aote~19Z5, 38th La.,
and 0. s. Ch. SS, PO SS, ) 31 Aot819S7, 45th Lo&, 8. 8.
No.~M9, 1 11 Artlole6069, V.A.C.8.t57 IBr. Jur., p.65;
11 Tim. Jur. ~68s q6S.
%lOSS 8psoifioailf authorirodby the Colutltu-
tioa"orStatUte#i auoh Stat6 agonoira have no power or au-
thorityto oomey any of tb propertyaoqulredby them foi
the pUrpo808 02 oarxyingout,thr duties 4elegatoU td them.
Whoa authorlnobby statuteto oomy rqoh gx!operty, they
mgt it&" 8tl'iOt&+i the manner.pro+Ued t@min. S7 ‘hr.
. l
or authoritythe 8tate Parka Boar4
ha8 t0 dfw088 Oi Uy Of it8 Qi'QWty d th0 -Or by WhiOh
the 8W IRay bo oOIIY0J.d i8 Ue&‘iVOd fro8 ArtiOle606t$ R.&S.,
,88 amendadby &t8 X939, 46th Leg., R.S., 8. B. Ro. 898, ( I,
1 Oi'tM8 Aot ma48 in part am r0ii0w
“. . .
"mhe 8&I &6rd. 8hrili OOiiOit dOMtiOM
to th8 gtato Of traota or land, large or 8mall,
to bd w&l by the S?Ma for tho purpom ai pub-
llo.pwks and/ormonitional arear?, and.aaid
Boar4 18 hsreby,.authori~crd
to aoaapt$a~behel~
of ths Btats th&,!ltlato any such traot or
traotcrof land. :. oi"$f title'toa elte has
Glenn Link, Page S
besam Ysrted In the State ?or park purpo8er
and tb 8ito $8 dSOmd qnauitablo@we State
Puk by the State'Puk8 Boar& . ., tho Boar4
18 henby authorlxs4an4 ampowerodto tramiar
tit10 to another 8tata Demrtmant or inrtltu-
tb&8 8tatUti. it.mUSt d0 80 by a tUO-third8-
Of tMmmber8 Of the Bmrd, an4 pro- _
rldingthattho~lmlrmaao?tho BoarU8hall aigta
ti ill8truPtWt8 6llthOria.d under thi8 ht,. AS
.~ . amendedA0t8 lOSO, 46th Leg., p. 816.**(Under-
80&w OWE)
objeot O? th@ Leglalature.5.n
area&g %
Ar&ole 4040 -8,to direst the Statehrkr Board OS title
to laXId rhluh i8 MIIuitablO?Or park pUrjWjWai$;l~ ;I-,
8it 8UOh 3And t0 be &ttt$to’ Other U808.
the Board und*r th18 8tatuteto reoonroy&&ted lands to
th+ Uoaor, thor8o?~~wt,howover,be OXWO18.d in mtlfot
with the.mtatute.
pphethor or not tbs State Parka B&4 ho the au-
8horlXy to T@V*8t tit10 to.Mid 1ti8 into a group Of known
OitiSU&8 rh0 Odu*OtOb by popular8Ub8OriptiOn a Sum O?
money dth.uhioh 8al4 oltlsew pUZOha8Od the lu@m dworlbed
., in the rubdttod 4ood8 arid 4onate~ @aid land to the atat0
?Or park purpwm ,or whothor authorityexlIWI to rOToat title
to mame lntai looallyorganlxedoorporatlonor board of
tTU8t.W mU8t be ?Ound, l? anr, in the pmtinhnt ~rtla Of the
rtatuto abovo underaoorotl.
It lr the opiniono? thla dep+rtmentunder the par-
tioular faot 8ituatloaherein 808 out that the &it made by
the twenty-?lyooltizen8or Stephenrllle, aora or lem, oon-
8tltute4a land donetlonto the State for p8rk purpose wlth-
In tha rwnlng o? the 8tatute) au4 that thereion,a moon-
toyan may be ma40 to ma14 4onoraun4er tlm autborltyan4
manner providedlb the 8tatuto.
., 3aw.
Hmorable 018nn Linlc,Pq8 4
Vndor the olau8eof ArtIdle 6068,‘tuulerworod by
~8, ,w an of the Opinion thatthe Stat8 P8rk8 @am% ha8
the nquldto authority to brewfor title to tho 8614 4onrkt6d~
hIId to thi doaor8~thoroot In srdor to pemlt 8&d lea.to
bo put to other WI8 ?dn the #ama 18 unnuitablofor &a*
Itwoula?ollow thatbo0aume th8propo88&18oally
organlmd OOTpWabiOlh OT board of tXU8tW8 won no0 in ?a08
tW roti donor8 of %ho lnnd that raoomoymoe to 8al4 bodl.8
.rouldbe lmpmpirmd lllog& boOOrdiZ@f, YOU2 ?bSt qU@8-
tlon mwt bo uuuorad. in the ae&atire.
We haY0 OaZOfUlly OX8dMd th0 v6riOW 8868utm8.
under T&lo 103, R.WJ., &tlolw 6087 to 60810, lnolwlYo,
V.A.O.&, tith 86?8nn88 to th8 pmer8 of the Stats park8
Board or other War subomllnate Stat8 ag8nolw.to dl8-
pO8. or State park lan48, and rind no Oxpr888 d8loeation
Ofluthwlty 80 any Stat8 sgOhy to ha&J 8aib -8. Ill
the lbaenoa of 8uoh authority your 8eoond quarrtlonmart bs
an8noa-84inth8 n8gatlt8.
Shoul4the War4 in 188 juaepwnt 8dd
18nd un8u%tablr for park~purpcao8 a ndla th elvOnt th a at
neon~eyam~ thwoo? to th* orlglnal Qnor8 18 voted favor-
ably, the 8tato Park8 Board 8hOuld nquln mob proof a8
will ooapl.tOlJ 86ti8ij it a8 to the -8 Of dll QSmarU
to tho projeot sod l? reoonveyonoo
ralrln@any 88n;liributlon
18 mid* it 8h0da bo to all 8uoh pormoak
Youn verytruly
Che8ter &. 01118on