Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

-E A'ITORNEYGENEEXAL OF TEXAS February 25, 1953 Hon. G. F. Wllllam~ opinion Ho. s-11. Firemen's Pension CornmIssioner 702 Tribune Building Austin, Texas Re: Eliglbilitg of the Texas Municipal Retirement System to receive funds appropriated for the Firemen's Relief and Dear Sir: RetirementFund. Reference 18 made to your request for an opinion which reada in part a8 follows: "I have a problem with a local pension board on which 5 shall have to request your advice or ruling. It concerns a full-paid Fire Department whose flremen have been participatingIn the State Firemen's Pension System since the beginnlng, when the Pension Law was enacted. . . . "On September 16, 1952, I was notirled that they had transferredall of their funds to the Municipal Retirement System on March 10, 1952. On September 11, 1952, they returned a State Warrant . . . which had been mailed to the Secretary of the Firemen's Pension Board or their city. They requested that I change payee on the warrant rrom the 'Secretary, Firemen's Relier and Retirement, to the 'Texas Municipal Retirement System.' . . . "I would appreciate very much if you woul,dfurnish me your ruling a8 to vhat authority I have to take action In the matter." Chapter 125, Acts or the 45th Legislature, Regular Session 1937, Page 229 (codifieda8 Article 6243e, V.C.S.) provided for the establishmentof the Firemen's Reller and Retirement Fund. Section 2 of Article 62~43e,levied an occupation or license tax on Insurance companies with the major portion of the funds received rrom this tax to be deposited In the Firemen's Relier and RetirementFund. Hon. G. F. Williams, p8ge 2 (S-11). The tax on fir0 insurancepremluma van held unconstitutionalby American Alliance Ins. Co. v. Board of Ins. Com'rs., 126 S Y 2d 741 (Tex. Civ. App. 1939 error ref.) as vIolat& the due process and equal ' protection irovlslons of the State and Federal Con- stitutionaand impinging on the powers and duties of the Board of Insurance Commiseloners. Since this holding, the Legislature has appropriatedbiennially from the General Revenue Fund to finance the FIremen's Relier and Retirement Fund. _ The Texas Municipal Retirement System,,on the other hand, w&e set up by the Legislature ae a self-sustainingagency. Acts 0th Leg., R.S. 1947, Ch. 75, page 108. Section 4(b74 of Chapter 75 provlded: "The Legislature shall never make an appropriationto pay any of the cost 0r thle eyatem." However, Section 10 of the same act provided: "When the members of the Fire Department of a municipalityby their electionand with the consent of their employer become participants of this municipal system upon the voluntary applicationof the employing munlclpallty&he Fih~dil:I1;~f,~an~~,-.oP~1thq 'Firemen'sRelief and RetirementFund' or such tinicipalltyand all tuture payments to such Fund may be traneferredto the Board and credlted to its Prior Service Reserve Fund. "All distributiona amd payments vhlch could be made annually to a 'Firemen'sRelief' and Retirement Fund' for the rlremea of any. participatingmunicipality, ir the rlremen of such municipalitywere not covered by this or 8ome other Pensloa or RetirementSystem or if such participatingmunicipalityhas or had taken the proper steps to 6ecure such funda, shall be paid over to the Board and credited for the benefits of such riremen as the Board shall direct." Section 4 and Section 10 of Chapter 75 were clearly conflictingIn nature. While providing that the Legislature should never appropriatefunds to pay any of the cost of the Texas MunicipalRetirement Sya&em, the act also provided that funds otherwisepayable to a Bon. 0. F. Wllliame, page 3 (S-11). FIremen Fund should be paid to the MunicipalRetlre- ment System. The 51st Legislature.amended the above statute relating to the Municipal Retirement Syatem. In the amended act the prohibition again&t leglslatltieappro- priations to the Munlci al Retirement stem was deleted. Acta 518t Leg., R.S. 19$9, Ch. 24, p. 2 T (codifiedae Article 624311,V.C.S.). The Legislature in the 8ame act appropriated#jC,CCC.CC for that lbyatemba a loan. Section 10 relating to payment to the Municipal Retlre- ment System of amounts from the Firemen'8 Relief and RetirementFund va8 re-enacted by the Leglelatureas Section XI of the amended act. It 18 our opinion that Section XX of Article 6243h, V.C.S., ineofar ae it concern8 State~funda,Is uncon8tltutlonalas it violates Article III, Section 511 of the State Constitution,vhich provides: *The Legislature of thla State shall have the authority to provide for a system of retirement and disability peaslQti8for appolntive officers and employee8 of cities and town8 to operate statevlde or by districts under such a plan and program a8 the Legislature shall direct and shall provide that participation therein by cltiea and towns shall be volun- tary; provided that the Legislature shall never make an appropriationto pay any of the cost of any system authoricedby thle Section.' Hence you would not be authorlzed to make a pay- ment to the Municipal Retirement System from funds appropriatedby the Legislature for the Firemen's Relief and RetirementFund. SUMMARY Under the fact8 submitted,the Flre- men'8 Pension Comml88loner le not author- ized to certify a payment to the Municipal FioniG. F. Wllllams, page .!I (S-11). Retirement System rrom the Firemen'6 Relief and Retirement Fund appropriatIon. APPROVED: Yours very truly, Rudy G. R1c.e JOHNBEN SHEPPERD State Affairs Division Wlllis'Gre8ham Reviewer Robert S. Trotti First ASsiStant John Ben Shepperd Attorney General