. a Jlye 12, ‘1951 .; Hea Stuart B. Lumpklar. optnioo No. V-1.)86. County Attornef Ellis County ~’ Re: Legality of a property owner ~Waxahactie, Texas. emflloyhg mlicensed pereons to do plumbiq work on prop- erty nhl& he ~owmsbat which he does not awn Or oceapy a8 ‘his horn&, Qr&er rathorfty of the exceptto@ &owed in Arti- cle 6243-101, Siatkh f;.Sub- Dqar sir: sectiop.&i), .:. v,c,s. : ,~,,, Y-i ‘request for an op&&m r&Mctu that a bofldia cop- f : tractor ia Wmcahachie ha8 purchaokd certa&a ploperty”uQob w fch he @tends. to cpaatgact a houee Cot the p~poro of r*ealc, He does not have any hateration of occupying the lwue8 ae a horcre and does not now occupy any of the land upon ahi& the &oust ia being built as a home. The contractor in question I$ not a licensed plumber, nor are the pereone he propoxes to oee in 1ostaUiag the plumbing, B&d on the above facts, &u apk’~h~ h&$ag~,ques- eon: ‘.., ‘Where a Qersoo Owns pu@peVtI’( ti doe6 not regard a c c u & ‘k su c h ( LB h ie ‘homel maphe h a ve plumbing work done on Such building by LLineelf or by unlicensed persons or emptoyeus, under +etion‘ 3, subsecrson a, of Artlc’le No, 6245*1037” Article 6243-101, Vernon’s Civil Statate6, “The Plumb- ing License Law of 1947;’ forbudihg Qlumbfng work by those who do not hold State lic,enses, was enacted by the 50th Legislature in 1947. Acts 60th Leg., 1947# eh. 315, p, 192. Section 3 of the act in question provides in part a8 1%110~6: ‘Sec. 3, The folloting kcte, work and conduct shall Abe expressly perdtted without license: “(a) Plumbing work done by a propet! owner ln a building ow%~d or oecupled’by L.L as his home;* \ . . Hoa, Stuart B. LumpkinS, Page 2 (V-1186) The validity of the Plumbing License Law of 1947 was expressly sustained in Ex partc George, 152 Tex. Crim. 465, 215 S.W.2d 170 (1948). This office has previously held in Opinion V- 549 (1948) that this statute doe.6 not prohibit a property owner from doing plumbing work without a license in a building under construe- tion which is to be occupied by him as his home, For the exception allowed in Subsection (a) 02 Section 3 of Article &&43-101 to be applicable, wr thinkthe plumbing work must be dose ill property owned or’ occupied by the ,property cjwnu as his home o# to’be occupied by.him as his home.’ The basic req- uisite for &-application of the exceptr?n is that the person propos- ing to do the plumblmg work musl be doing such work on hia own property whichhe occupies as hie time or intends to occupy as his home. Ao Gas bsld in Opinion V-549, he can perform the plumbing work on property aa to which he possesses tbe present intention of ownorshlp a$ his home, although he has not as yet occupied or does not at the pteBe@ occupy the premises as his home. On the other hand, when the owner ia constructing a house for the purpose of re- aale aad hag no intention of occupying it as his ho- we agree with you that the exception doe8 not apply. Your question is accordingly answered in the negative. SUMMARY The provisbna of Section 3(a) of the Plumbing License Law of 1947 (Article 6343-101, V.C.S.). per- mitting an ynlicenaed person to do plumbing work in or on a building owned or occupied by him bs a home, does mot apply to an unlicensed property owner and unlicensed third parties employed by him fn doing lumbing work on a house being bui!t by such owner Por the purpose of sale, and not intended for use or occupancy by him as a home. Very truly yours, PRICE DANIEL Attorney General APPROVED: ~y2a+zx~~ Mary K. Wall Jelrse P. Luton, Jr, Assistant Reviewing Assistant Charles D. Mathews First Aseistant MKWfmwb