. ,. H NEHEAL. August 17, 1950 Hon. Robert S. Oalvert opinion BO. V-1084 Comptroller of Public Accounts Austin, Texas Ret The gross receipts tax liability of United Qas Pipe Llm Oompauy by virtue of FeGGllt GXtGILSiOZl Of the oorporate llmite Dear Sir: of Dallas and Houstm. You have requested the opinion of thie office on the above captionedmatter. The following facts were submitted comerming the operations of the United Caa Pipe Line Company. In Dallas, the company has been selling and deliveringnat- ural gas to the Dallas Power and Light Compauy for many years for use as fuel in Its geuerating plants. Recent- ly, the city litits of Dallas were extended so as to In- clude the various points at which gas is delivered to. the Power and Light Company; The Pipe Line Company alro sells and delivers natural gas in Dallas to the United Gas Corporation,which is a gas distributingcompany Bub- ject to the tax levied by Article 7060, V.O.S. The Oar Corporatiouhas among its customerswithin the Dallas. city limits a small number of "farm tap@ customerswho are served through tap lines connectingdirectly into the lines of the Pipe Line Company. In Houston, the Pipe Line Company sells and delivers natural gas to the Gas Corporationfor general distributionwithin the eitx. The Cas Corporationalso has various "farm tap* aud rural service" customers within the city limits which are connected directly in- to the Pipe Line Companyls line. The Pipe Idne Company has for mauy years cllrectlgserved several indum?ial consumers which were located outside of the Houston city liI&its.'Houston extended its city limits on January 1, 1950, so as to include a Syntheticrubber plant operat- ed by the Goodyear Rubber Company and a generating plant operated by the Houston Lighting and Power Company. These tvo industrial consumersare served directly by the Pipe Line Company. Eon. Robert S. Calvert, page 2 (v-1084) Article 7060, V.C .S., reads in part as followsr *Each Individual,company, corporation, or association owning, operating,managing, or controllingany gas . . 0 works . . . lo- cated within any Incorporated= or city in this State, and used for local sale and distributionin said town or city, and charg- ‘ingfor sucfigas . . 0 shall make quarterly, 011the first day of January, April, July, and October of each year, a Peport to the Comp- troller under oath e o . showing the gross amount received from such business done in each such Incorporatedcity or town within this State in the payment of charges for such gas e 0 a for the quarter next preced- ing* Said Individual,company, corporation, or association,at the time of making said report o D . for any Incorporatedtown or city of ten thousand (10,000)inhabitants or more, according to the last Federal Cen- sus next preceding the filing of said re- port, the said individual,company, corpor- ation, or association,at the time of making said report, shall pay to the Treetsurerof th3.sState an occupationtax for the quar- ter beginning on said date an amount equal to one and five thousand one hundred twenty- five ten-thousandths(1.5125) per cent of said gross receipts,;asshown by said re- port. * . . ‘Rothzinghere5.nshall be construedto require payment of the tax on ~~0898rbceipts ereln levied more n once on e same iommyty, and whert?he ccmmodi~~ is pro- uced y one individual,company, corpora- tion, or association,and distributedby another, the tax shall be paid by the dis- tributor alone.” (Rmphaslsadded through- out). , A question of similar nature to the one now be- fore us was presented to this office in Opinion Ro. V-994 regarding the sales by the El Paso Watural Gas Company to three industrial consumerswlthln the City of El Paso. We quote from that opinion as follows: “In Opinion Ho. O-3776, dated August Hon. Robert S. Calvert, page 3 (V-1084) 1, 191, this office held that if there wau a sale of gas to more than one oustomer or purchaser within a aity the distributorwas a ’ ae VOP~S' under the etattrteand subject to &he tax. We quote from th%t opinion3 .‘It is the opinion of this department in line with the above quoted casea that 8 individual or corporqtionselling or diatF1~ but$ng 1iqul.dpetroleum gas to more than one coMwaer in any incorporatedGity vith.3.u the populatfon brackets stated in Article 7060 would be subject to the gross receipts dr; ievied the4-eln.t *It Is thus our oplnhu that the Rl Paso Ratural @as Company, by vl3tue of the faot that it sells and distributesnatural gas to three iudtxttrialconlwier~wlthin an incor- porated city, is a ‘gas rorkat and subject to the occupationtax on the PQSS receipts of such sales aa levied by AP8icle 7060, 8. C.S.’ The only reported case which ve have found oon- strulng the meaning of the term “gas works" as used in Article 7060 Is that of Utilities Ratural Gas Ga. vi State 133 Tex. 313, 318, 128 S.W.2d 115=1155 . 0' our4 said; 0 we have no doubt th%t the aim-. ple fait’& a delivery of gas la made In the city, by means of said pipe line, to a single customer, and to nobody else, was not Intended by the legislatureto be compre- hended by the term tdistrlbutlon’as used. This term as used does not mean the trans- fer of the poaseaaion of gas, by mean8 of the pipe line, to a sinnle wrah%ser where such ‘individualsor conoerns in the city. Any other oonstruatlonof the term vould, in out oplnlon, involve a departure from the legls- lative intent.” Under that decision the sale to one Industrial customer within a city does not mean,that a pipe line Eon. Robert S. Calvert, page 4 (V-1084) company 3.8engaged in operatinga "gas vorks" for the lo- cal sale and distributionof gas. It is our oplnlon that while the United ffaSPipe Line Company is engaged in mak- ing "local sales" in Dallas, it is not a *dlstalbutor*of gas as that term was construed by the Court in the Utlli- ties Ratural Gas case. The Pipe Line Company in senx the~Gas CorporationIs selling to a 'distributor'who li.subject to the tax rather than to a consuming or ouatom- Thus the Pipe Line Company is selling and delivering g& to only one industrial consuIper in Dallas (the Dallas Paver and Light Ccuapany),and it is our conclusionthat It is not liable for the occupationtax levied by Article 7060. With respect to the sales within Houston, it is submitted that the Pipe Line Company is making sales and deliveries to two Industrial consumers or customers. It has been our opinion that persons engaged in the distr$.bu- tion and sale of gas to tvo or more customers vithin the corporate llmlts of cities and towns are operatinga 'gas works" and are liable for the occupationtaxes levied by Article 7060. It is therefore our concluslcnthat the United Gas Pipe Line Company 3s liable for the tax in the amount of 1.5125 per cent of gross receipts arFsing from the sale of natural gas to all its consumers or customers within Houston from December 31, 1949 the date the com- pany began operatinga "gas workss wl&tn that city. It Is our understandingthat the United Gas Pipe Line Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of the United GasCorporation. We have, for purposes of this opinion, assumed that the sales to the fazestap and PU- ral service customerswithin Dallas and Houston vere bona fide sales to the distributorand that the Pipe Line Company is not, through a joint operation,dlrect- ly engaged or financiallyinterestedin the actual dis- tribution of gas to those customers. A pipe line company vhich sells to two ormore industrial consumerswithin a aity is operating a "gas works" and is liable for the occupationtax levied by Article 7060, V.C.S. A oompany whlah sells to only one in- dustrial consumer is not subject to the tax. . I Hon. Robert S. Calvert, page 5 .(v-1084) Utilities Rat-UralGas Co. v. StEt:e,$3 31 126 s w 2 115 (1939) I",: Ho:: V-9g'+*&ddO-37;6. APPROVED: Yours very trrily, W. V. Geppert PRICE MRIRL Taxation DlvLaion Everett Hutchinson Executive Assistant Charles 13.Hathews First Assistant FL/mwbrm