Hon. Raymond E. Magee Opinion No. V-1083 County Attorney QalvestonCounty Re: The duties of the Coun- Oalveaton,Texas ty Judge upon receiving a petition ior an elec- tion on abolishingan independentschool dis- E;;;;, and related ques- Dear Sir: . We refer to your inquiries concerningthe pro- posed dissolutionof the Santa Fe IndependentSchool Dis- trict in Galvestbn county. You advise that the Santa.Fe Mstrltit comprises.theterritory of'three small towns, Alta Loma, Arcadia, and Algoa, each of which was former- ly a common school district. It is set forth in the sub- mltted copy of the petition for abolition of the inde- pendent district, addressed to the County Judge of Qal- veston County;that heretofore the common districts of Algoa, Arcadia, and Alta Loma were consolidatedto cre- ate, and were operated under the name of, the Santa Fe ConsolidatedCommon School District. Subsequently,such conrrolidateddistrict was incorporatedto become the Santa'Fe IndependentSchool Mstrlct; that It ls.now the desire of the citizens OS said district that.the Santa Fe IndependentSchool District be abolished. Your first question is whether the submitted p+tltion Siled rith the County Judge of Galveston County' requeaflng that he mtll or order an election for the pur- pose of abolishing Santa Fe IndependentSchool Mstrict 18 sufficient. This petition bears the names of 127 per- sons alleged to be resident property taxpayers, qualified voters of the Santa Fe Independent.SchoolDistrict. Bnder the presented facts, the Santa Fe Dis- trlct now has the status of an independentschool die- trlct. It was created an independentdlstrlct under one 4 of the general incorporationschool laws. Arts. 27422 and 2757, V.C.S. Such statutes provide'that aommon school districts incorporatedthereunder shall have all the rights, powers and privileges conferred and imposed by '1608 Hon. Raymond E. Magee, page 2 (v-1083) the general lans.oS this State upon independentschool districts. Thus, when the prior existing Santa Fe Con- solidatedConnnonSchool District was Incorporatedto create the Santa Fe IndependentMstrlct, the old con- solidatedcommon school district ceased to exist upon the creation of the new Independentdistrict. dlstrlatas dlstlnguishedSrom a consolidatedcommon school district, It follows that the proceduralstatute, Article 2767, et seq., authorizingthe abolishmentof an‘ independentdistrict is applicableIn the Instant matter, rather than Article 2815, which provides for the dls- solution of a consolidatedschool district and the res- toration.of the districts Included therein to their former status. Article 2767, V.C.S.,'providesIn part: "All independentschool districts ln- corporatedror Sree school purposes ... may be abolished in the manner herein provided: "The COunty Judge of any county in which any independentdi8triCt ... Is situated, shall, upon petition In writing signed by twenty-flveof the resident property tax- payers, who are quallSled voters OS such ln- dependent school district, make an order SOP holding an election Sor such purposes, on a day therein stated, and at a place within said Independentschool district and within the county In which said county court is sitWted, therein designated. He shall ap- point an officer to preside at the election, who shall select two Judges and two clerks to asslst in holding it. ASter previous no- tice OS ten days by posting advertisements thereof at three public places within such independentschool district, the election shall be held In the manner prescribedby law for holding general elections,except as herein provided. "All persons who a& legally qualU"ied voters of the State and of the county in ; Hon. Raymond E..Magee,page 3 (v-1063) which such Independentschool district :.i Is situated,and who have resided ulthin said Indbpendentschool distrlpt for at least six months next pbecedlng, shall be entitled to vote at such election. 'The officersholding such election shall make return thereof to the County Judge within ten days after the same Is held.. .XSa majority of such voters, voting at such election, shall vote to abolish such independentschool district, the Coun- ty Judge shall declare such Independent school dlstrlot abolished,and shall enter an order to that eSSect.uponthe mtnutes of the commIssIonerscourt, and Srom the date of such order, said Independentschool dis- trict shall cease to exist.." The submitted copy'of petition Is su&'lclent as to sorm. However, It is the duty of the County Jiuige prior to the Issuance OS his order for such an election .in compliancetherewithto determinewhether the petition. oontalns the signaturesof at least twenty-fiveresident property taxpayerswho are qualified voters OS such lnde- pendent school district as defined In parzigraph.3of dr- tlcle 2767. Question 2: Since the:santa Fe-~&de- pendent District consists of the area of. three towns which are widely scattered; please advise whether such an election could be held In only one place In the,dls- trlct, or must.It be held In three towns as Is usually done In school elections? Paragraph2 of Article 2767.'provides.thatthe County Judge shall make an order for holdlngap e$iotlon Sor abolishmentpurposes,on.a day therein stated, and "at a place within said Independent district.."Under this provision such an electlon'couldproperly be held In one place In the district. Question 3: In case the Santa Fe In- dependentMstrlct be abolished in accordance, wlithArticle 2767, would said district revert to its former status as a consolidatedcommon school district,would It revert to.Its earll- er former status of three common districts as Ron. Raymond E. F&gee, page 4 (V-1083) of the year 1927, or would It be thrown Into the hands of the County Board of School Trustees for whatever dispositionsaid Board might see Sit to make of the territorynow within such lndependdntdistrict? As hereinbeforepointed out, Article 2767 pro- vides the procedure for abolishmentof an Independent district,whereas Article 2815 of Vernon*8 Civil Stat- uteriIs a law covering a different situationand provld- lng for the dissolutionOS a consolldzited district,a district composed of two or more former districts.When a consolidateddistrict Is abolishedunder Article 2815, the former districts oomposlngthe consolidationrevert to their original status. That statute so provides. When, however, an independentdistrict Is abolished-under Article 2767, et seq., that law does not provide for auto- matic reversion OS an independentillstrict Into another, type of district, original or otherwise,save one.&xcep- Mon. The exception Is provided In Article 27671, which reads In part: "Upon the abolishmentof an lndepend- ent district oreated by special or local law out of territory theretoSorecontainingtwo or more common school districts,said common school district shall lnrmedlatelycome into existenceby operation of law with the same boundariesthey had prior to the creationof said independentschool district; ...@' (Em- phasis added) Under facts submitted,the present Santa Fe In- dependentSchool District was not createdby special law out OS territory containingtwo or more common districts. It was created under general law into an Independent school district. Therefore,Article 2767~ could not-ap- ply to the Santa Fe District. It Is our opinion that if the present Santa Fe IndependentSchool District Is abolishedunder the provisions of Article 2767, et seq., it would lie within the province of the County Board of School !Prusteesacting under Its powers granted in Ar- ticle 2681 or Vernon's Civil Statutes to order whatever dispositionIt sees Sit of the territorynow within the Independentdistrict. Question 4: Are there any provisions within the Qllmer-Alklnlaws (S.B. 115, 116, and 117, A&s 51st Leg.,.R.S.1949) or wlth- In other recent school legislationwhich Hon. Rmnd E:Hagee, page 5 (V-1083) would render the proposed abolition of said Santa Fe Mstrlct null and void? ;' We know of no law which repeals or supersedes Article 2 67. In fact, paragraph 4 of Article VIII,Senate Bill 116 1Art. 2922-18,V.C.S.) provides that Its provl- slons for the consolidationof dormant school districts by order of the County Board or School Trustees shall not be construedto repeal, supersede or limit any existing statute providingother methods for school district con- solidationand annexation. Pertinent also to the powers of the county school board is paragraph 3 of Article 2922-18,which provides in part: I... at any time that It may be de- termined there Is territorylocated ln a county and not nithln the described limits of a school district,the County Board of Trustees of such county are hereby author- ized gad required to add such territory to an adjoiningdistrict or districts and the provlslc~ herein made tith re.Serenceto recording and defining the area of the'new district thus enlarged,with reference to assumptionOS bonds, authorizationof a tax therefor,and for a local maintenancetax, shall be Sollowed ln all such oases;? 'meations 5 and 6: If the electorate of the Santa Fe IndependentMstrlct votes to abolish the district,when and under what circumstancesshould a local maintenancetax be voted by qualifiedvoters of the abolished district. What oSflclalswould have author-. lty to receive and disburse the Sunds of the abolished district, The answers to these questions depend, of cowse, on what dispositionIs made by order of the ~CountyBoard of Trustees of the area now comprisingthe Santa Fe MS- trlct. IS the county board creates one or’more connnon districtsof the wea, then the CommIssIonera Court of the county would have the power to.,levyand cause to be collkcteda maintenancetax only after, In accordance with general law, an election has‘been called and held In the new district or districts authorizing same. Tex. Const., Art. VII, Sec. 3; Arts. 2795; 2'@+e, V.C.S.; Fyote IndependentSchool Dist. v. Dyer; supra;~BlgSoot~ lion. Raymond E. Magee, page 6 (V-1083) IndependentSchool Mst. v. Qenard, suprai IS the"c&nty board consolidatesor attaahes the area to one or .inore existing districts,then there must be an electionau- thorizing such tax before the same can be.legallylevied. Tax. Con&., Art. VII, Sec. 3; Arts. 2790, 2795, 2784e, 2922-18, V.C.S.; 1923); Burn8 v. Mat., -295Sin. 1091 (Con% App. 192 xendent School Dlst., 34 S.W.2d %yote IndependentSchool Dlst. v. Dyer, supra, anil* Soot IndependentSchool Mst. v. Qenard, supra. respect to taxes to pay indebtednessof the district out- standingat the time that the same is abolished,Articles 2767a and 27670 provide the procedure to follow. A-Q: Opinion Ho. O-3134.. See also Art. 2742b, Seas. 9, 10, 11, 12, V.C.S. Article 2767d Is the lau with respect to the dlsoosltlonof the assets of the abolished district. Eagle Lake Independentschool Dlst. v. Hoyo 199 S.W. 352 (Tax. Clv. App. 1917, error ref.); Rocky Moknt.:IndeWnd- eiltSchool Mat. v. Jackson, 152 S.b.2d 400 (Tex. Clv. App. 1941, error ref.). See also Art. 2767f, V.C.S. Question 7: "Since the Board of Trus- tees of said Santa Fe IndependentSchool Ms- trlct did not order the above mentioned elec- tion, Is It mandatory that said Boar&provide for the payment of the expense of said elea- tlon?" In answer to your seventh Inquiry as to payment of the expenses Incident to the holding of an abolition election,Article 2746b provides In part: "All expenses Incurred In connectlqn with or Incidentalto any school district election in connectionwith the public school within such school district shall be paid out of the available maintenance fund belongingto such district...." Under submittedfacts the Santa Fe In- dependent School Mstrlct may be abolished by an eleatlon authorized~lnArticle 2767 of Vernon's Civil Statutes,which may validly be held at one place within the district. Hon. Raymond E. Hagee, page 7 (V-1083) . If so a.bollshed,It lies ulthia the pouer of the Comity Board of School Trustee6 to order the dl8p$l~l~ 0; Ehg territoryas It pees sit. . . . . ArtlcIe.2767Is not supersededby tie Qllmer-Alklnschool laws. Art. 2922-18, par. 4,’V.C.S. Where new school didtrlctshave been formed out of the territoryof the abolished independentschool district,or where such territory has been added to existing districts, then before a maintenancetax may be levled against the taxable property thereolt,the same must have been authorizedat ti elec- tion called and held in accordancewith the provisionsof general law. Tex. Con&., Art. VII, ~ec. 3; Arts. 2767a,*2767c; 2@4e; 2790,’ 2795, V.C.%; A. 0. Opiaiqn Ho. o-3134. Expenses incident to holding OS the abolition eledtlcn are payable out o? avall- e malnteuauce Suuds of the district. Art. x"746b, V.C.S. Your8 very truly, APPROVED: PRICE DANIEL Attorney QeneraI J. C. Davis, Jr. County ASSalrs Mvlslon Joe Ft.ffreenhill Chester D. Olllson First Assistant Assistant. CEO:mw:db