TICTIE OFTEXAS July 5, 1950. Eon. Rdger Hutchins opinion AO. v-1078. County Attorney Hunt county Re: The authority of the Greenville, Texas Comlu~ssioIlers ’ court to devote the balance of proceeds of a bond issue to acquire and improve an airport to repair former airport buildings wbfch are now tb be used for county Dear Blr: fair purposes. Your request for an opinion IS as follows : “In 1942, Hunt County ordered a bond Issue for the purpose of ‘acquiring and im- proving an Air Port. @ The County acquired some 1,500 acres of land to be used as an Air Port and entered into a lease contract with.,the United States Government under the terms of which generally, the Government agreed to establish an Air Field, and it established Haj ors Field, p eragraph 12 of that contract is as shown by copy attached hereto . Subsequent to this oontract the County and the Government entered into two other contracts copies of whioh are attach- ed hereto. In July 1947 the Government with the permission of Hunt County assigned its lease contract to the City of Greenville. “The City of Greenville is willing to assign, if it has not already done so, to the Hunt County Live Stock Assoolation, which is a non-profit organization, the use of saue five or six buildings to be used for County Fair purposes. Hunt County sold its bonds and used the funds In acquiring the real estate leased to the Government. ;zt.as some $~,OOO.OO left with this bond . It Is very necessary that these build- ings be repaired if they are to be permanent buildings. The lease to the Government which Hon. Edgar Hutchins, page 2 (v-1.078) ;;slF6n assigned to the City expires . The Commissioners Court wish to be informed whether it may use this $~,OOO.OO in repairing hese buildings and that question is sll ti4Itted to you. It It is well settled in this State that the proceeds der$ved frap the sale of bonds must be de- voted to the purpose for vhlch the bonds vere issued and no other. Lewis v. City of Fort Worth, 126 Tex. 604, 89 9 .W.2d 975 936) * Simpson v. City of Racoq- doches, 152 3.W. 85 ‘(Text Civ. App. 1913, error dism. 1. In 1942 bonds were issued by Runt County for the purpose of “acquiring ana improving an air- port for said county.” It la our opinion that the proceeds of the bond issue can only be used for that purpose and not for the purpose of tmprovlng build- ings used for County Fair purposes. Since it Is con- templated that these buildings are to be used for County PaI* purposes, It Is our o Inion that the Dcm- missioners I Court cannot expend $g ,OOO.OO of the bond proceeds for repairing these buildlngs. We express no opinion as to the authority of the county to lease the airport facilities in question to the Hunt County Livestock Assoclatlon. SUbQilARY Proceeds of a bond issue for the purpose of “aoqulrlng and improving an airport” cannot be used to repair bulld- inns to be used for Counts Fair purposes. LeGis v. CLty of Fort Worih, 126- Tek. CFtG 4 89 of iiI&ioches 2 975 (‘152 936) Civ. App. 1913, err& dism.). APPROVED : Yours very truly, J. C. Davis, Jr. PRICI! DAHIEL County Affairs Division Attorney General Joe R. Greenhill FLrst Assistant Price Daniel Attorney General Assistant JR :mw: jmc