Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. OF TEXAS PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYGENERAL Hon. J. W. Edgar Opinion No. V-1054, Commiwiowr oi Edumtlior Texas Education Agency RP: The validity of a contract for Austin, Texae revaluation of property with- in Grand Prairie Independent School District, in reconsid- Dear Dr. Eidgas?r eration of Opinion No. V-966, You bavca reqw#M@ thu opinion of this office on the a- bove capttowd mstWrr Articles 2391 ad 2792, V.C.S., expressly deal with the assessment and collection of taxes by independent school districts, Article 2827, V.C,S., specifically eets forth the purposes for which puW &se ~chooS Cundo map be expended, SecMone 1 aad 2 of Aaldcle 2827 read as follows: ‘“1. The f&Ma, and aoa&y available funds shall be ueod @xclusively for else pagpnant of teachers’ and su- peailtto,ndents’ salart@&, feoe ie@ taking tke scholastic census, and interest 01~raaoney borrowed on short time to pay salaries of telcrbare and superintendonto, when these salaries b~ecome d~uebefore the echool funds for the current year become rva&lable; provided that no loam for the purpeae ef payment of teachexs shall be paid out’of funds o#&w t&an t-0 for the then current yeas D “2. Local eehool fawde &oxn dtstrM taxes, tul- tion fees of pupiLe inet entitled to fxee tuition and other local sources may be used fop the purpoees enumerat- ad for State and county funds aad for parebasing appli- ances and supplies, for the payment of insurance pre- miums, janitors and other emplogse, for buying school sites, buying, building and repairing and renting scheol houses, and for other purposes necessary in the con- duct of the public schools to be determined by the Board of Trustees, the accounts and vouch&s for county drs- trfcts to be approved by the county superintendent; pra- vided, that when the State available school fund in any city or district is sufficient to maintain the schools thepeof in any year for at least eight months, and leave Hon. J. W#.?&igaP, Page, 2 (V-1054) a eurplur, such surplus may be expended for th% pur- poaea mentioned here&n.” It is a general rule that a school district, through its board of trustees, may only enter into contracts authorized by law or necessarily implied from the powers expressly conferred by law. McCorkel v. District Trustees of Rh’inson Springs School Dist. No. 76 121 S W 2d 1048 (Tex. Civ.w1938)177 .’ T ex.. Jur. schools, gg ‘71, 75. The contract under consideration was entered into by the Board of Trustees of the Grand Prairie Independent School Dip- trict and the Texas Educational Service Company, a corporation an- gaged in the business of appraising and valuing property. ~The contract provided generally for the appraisal and evaluation of all lots and parcels of land and all buildings and im- provements located on land situated in the district. The results of the appraisals and other pertinent information were to be recorded on record cards which were to become the permanent record of the school district, The company also agreed to list, appraise, and eval- uate, with certain exceptions, all tangible personal property and busi- ness and professional property. In addition, the company agreed to furnish various other special services to the school district, En Attorney General’s Opinion~No. V-966, in which we held this contract to be void, it was pointed out that there were no authorities directly in point on the question and that there apparent- ly were conflicting opinions by the C lated qtiestions. Aldrich vr Dallas Co App. 1942, error diem. w.o.j.1; Marq W,2d 494 (Tex. Civ. App. 1938, error of Gorsicana, 86.S.W,Zd 792 (Tex. Civ. App. 1935)~ v Hall,~ 280 s 0w * 2rj (Tex, Civ. App. 1926). We relied p~inclpally on the Marquart and Aldt’ich de- cisiom in OUP ‘prior opinion. The court in the Marquart case heAd a similar contract, which had been made by the Commasdoners Court of Harris County, to be void becausk it had the effect of usurp- ing the privileges and obligations of the tax assessor-collector. In our prior opinion we concluded that we were bound by the Marquart and Aldrich decisions which were rendered later in point of time. Since Opinion No. V-966 was released on December 14, 1949, this question ha% again come before tha COUPES fos datarmi- nation. The couPt in’Gro%by v, P. L. Marques% and Co.,‘226 S.W.Zd 461 (Tex. Civ, App, lm, error ref,;n,r,e.), on January 5, 1940, up- held the validity of an appraisal ad evaluation contract which had been entered into by the Trustees of the Kountze Corporate School Hon. $, W, Edaar, Psgp 3 (v-1054) DLrtrl@E tiLLI. P, L, Marqu### ati Company. The preamble to that 8oUIaat pM&dti tbrt tbs #Ompany was to gather and compile in- timation OILthe value d all p@wrty aituatsd in the district. Tbr, OOITI~~ aleo had to @n&h a aomplete f&&aIn bound ledgers and Md to aomplete the t$exew &e&s acxl tax rolis on forms’furnlsh- rd w the rchool dktt&ot. T& ccompany e~pecffkally aprod to e~ath- *s rad compile icbformatio* J*&rfj to the vsiuo of all real and pu- ratral p?ogrrty cu#toc#rily tdW@t of ae bei- taxable, tee*, ~-I&W- *La, bd, Lmprovemettte, and LlWentorLes of hoods, wares and mql- obaodks rituated in such D@!triet wasof January 1, 1949, for the use of rucb Dish&t in the aasessl~ and collection of taxua,’ The appellants in the Ga caee exprrsaly relfsd on the Marquart caee in their hrri& 6% appeal to the Court of Civil Ap- peal6 in theG contentboa t&rt &II oontract was invalid b4caus4, in providing for the valurE&oa of t&6 r&r4 taxabls property located in the dbtrict and t&s prsgrradon ef tha tax rolls by the cornpan?, the con&act tn dfrct 4u redad tha powers and dutiss of the tax a#- aerror-ool&ector, T%”I: oou*t Sa rnewrrr to this contsatioa ratd (4t pago 463)r “Under t&e tuMMao&y kr this record the Marquees Company wo&?d With the Tax Assessor and Collector of the School Boaid, They did not value the IaM in the School Diotrlct but did mrlrr an appraisal of the im- prwamenta a& thr, Wtd. TM contract did not obligate ths Marque- G #*wre information an to wh4th4r anp pp berra readered for taxation or Dot, It was not t&t8w.fe of,’con&act which is commonly referred to se a ‘tax a~lati colatract’. The contract does not dlrcloae the Want of 8ithrr party that the work to ba doue by the M&Pque%o Con ny should be done to the exclusion of the Beard‘s Tax R esessor and Collector, There is nothim in the contract which indicates an ia- tention to confer any powers of the Tax Assessor upon the Marquess Company and St $8 apparent from the tes- timony that no peweo6 of the Aeeeosor and Colkctor were coafrsred exolartx4ly u II the Marquees Company, We believe the quest&en of va r dity of this contract Is gla*ezaed by the case vf Roper v. I-&all, Tex. Ctv. App., 280 S,W. 289, and haid that the making thereof was with- ia the implied powePe of the trwteeg of the School Dlo- trkt,’ T&a court, la ho,oMtng&e aontract was not coatrotled by kba Mwqoart dactrlom, sold (ak pam 464): Hen, J. W. Edgar, Page 4 (V-1054) may seem to place it within the scope of the opinion in Marquart et al, v, Harris County, supra, and if such ex- pression in that opinion is the law such a contract might be illegal and void. We Qpo not convinced, however, that this contract contains the vices in its terms and in- tendments a$ that one wbioh was condemned in Marqua&? v. Harris County, supra, and do not accept it as a f&n81 authority requfring a ho&ding hera that this oontract is void. w While the Sin-&w 4#Qse, supra, was evidently not brought to the attention of them? &Q Mar uess case, we believe that it is closely related to this qt~ir4Um. -T+-T4 per ment facts involved in that case wQr$ thart tt&aG&p ##fCtwsicana employed an “expert” to “ascertsin ths value of within the city.” Suit was late&?brou&t by the tit quent ad valorem taxes on certain real propQZ?w own& w trr, dQfQndant. The defendant alleged that the a$sQsQQd valuetio@ d $&Y property Obould be 8Qt aside be- caoee they were exceaa,ive and uta board of equalization in fixing the valuations d the property bad adopted as a whole the valuation re- port of the “expert)) without oth9rwiQe ascertaining the value of the propQrty. Judge Alexander, Qp8ating for the Court, said (at page 794): *WQ know of no v&id season why a tax board can- not employ an QxpQrt to assist it in arriving at the true value of taxabte props*&?, a#! when such expert has been emplo@ the bawd shou!d h&w a right to take into con- sideration the %$ormf%tfcna(30 famished by him in ascer- taining the true value cdj~9*)9& for tax purposes. Stev- ens v. City of El Pa#o { @K. G19, App.) 81 S.W.(Zd) 149; Federal Royalty Co, v. Bate (Tex, Civ, App.) 42 S.W.(2d) 670. But it must be rem@mbQfsQd that such experts so emplow b~alr no &&A&l r)lations+ip to the propatty ewns~ and hsvs no statutory rutibodty to fix ths value at which the property is to be ar~eseed for tex@#. The matter of ascertaining the hue value of the property is committed alone to the board of equalicctiot%, and that board must formulate i&6 opinion and exercise its judg- ment in arriving at the vsalue of aach particular piece of property. Such board cannot avoid its responsibility by delegating the matter to an iatiesponsible third party nor discharge its duty by srbttrarily adopting in toto a blanket report of such expert as to the value of all prop- erty in the city and thereafter adhose thereto without regard to the true value Oe tke partioular pi8ce of prop- erty under consideration.” Hon. J, W. Edgar, Page 5 (Vi1054 We are unable to see any significant differences between the contract invotved In the Crosby case and the one here under con- 8lderation. It is our opinfoniw of the decision, that the Board of Trustee6 of the Grand Prairie ent School Dis- trict was authorized by its implied powers to execute the appraisal and valuation contract with the Service Company and the contract, on its face, is legal and valid* Opinlon No. V-966 overruled. SUMMARY The Board of Trustee8 of Grand Prairie Independ- ent School Diet&et had the implied authority to enter into a contract providin for the compilation and recor- dation of informatton te 9* ting to the appraisal and val- u&on of psopwty Lacated within the district for the use of tho district in the aseasement and collecttan of ad valorem taxto, Crosby v. P, L. Marquess and Go., 226 S,W.2d 461 (Tax, Giv, App. 1950, error ref. n.r.e.); Opinion No. V-966, which was written before the Cros- b opinion, is overrruled because of the subsequenm i&ion inthat eana* Yours very truly, , PRICE DANIEL ). APPROVED2 I( W. V. Geppert Assiotant Taxation Division Joe Greenhill First Assi8tant Price Daniel Attorney General w FL/mwb