Ootober 13, 1949
Hon. Qene Naddln 09lnloa lo. v-934.
Dlatrlot Attorney
Waoo, Texaa Re: several wp.-g-
KE? H.B.156, Aota
Dear dir: or the 51at Leglalature.
You have requested our oplnlon on the folloir-
lug queatlona:
"1. Ii a person aubdlrldea a traot
wlthln the oor9orate Llmlta or within 5
mile0 o? the oorporate llmlta of any oltt
In the State OS Texas ior the put-poseo?
pg out any aubdlvlalono? any traot,
and oauaea a plot to be made there-~
or,'ia it neoeaaary by Roplo Bill 15% or
an~prpriorlawthat ho tiordtho aaarltlr
the oomty olo*?
*2. Doer Howe Bill 158 refar to all
lnaorpor&ti'oltlas In tha atatq, or only
to oltloa over 25,000 population aa W pi-
tioaa plat law
l3. What la meant by the tom 'ark4
loo&e the same with reapeat to ray orl-
glnal aoraer o? the orlglnal lrvw'o?
whloh It 18 a POrt?'
"4. What degree of lo o ur a oahall
y the
aubdlrlaloaba looated with reaPott aa
orlglnal oorner of the orlginal a~ o?
vhloh it la a part?
.5. What oaa be done If an ownar at-
tompta to auixllvldehis traot by deadrlbing
oaoh~lot by meter and bound8 and reoordlng
",is; notea, and ialla ,tomake plat aa
"6. would It be the dut of the ootm-
ty olerk to determine If the Ileld note8
Hon. Oeae Naddla, Page 2 (V-934)
were legally prodwed before allowlag
aame to be rlled?p
Hocya Bill 158, lots of the Slat Leglalature,
*. . .
"‘i3eotlon1. That hereafter every
owner of any traot of land situated wlthln
the oorporate llmlta, or within five q llea
of the oorporate llmlts of any oitr ln the
Stat0 of Teuaa, who may heraafter divide
the aae la two or more parta for the pur-
pose of laying out any aubdlrialoa 0r any
traot of land . . . ahall oauae a plot to
be made theavof whloh ahall aaouratelyda-
aorlbe all of raid lubdlvlalon or addition
by meter and boaada and looata tha aama
rith mapaatto an orlgl~loonmr of the
orlglaal aurvey of whloh it la a part, glt-
-lng the dlmanalow thornof of raid aubdlvl-
alon or addltlon, and dlmeaalona of all
atmeta, lllqa, aquarea, parka or other
portlona of aame Intended to be dedloatod
to pub110 uaa, or for the wa of pumhaaen
or ownera of lots fronting thenon or ad-
jaoeat thereto: provided, howover, that no
plot of any aubdlvlaloo0r any trwt of
land or any addition to any townor olty
ahall be raoorded taaleaathe same ahall ao-
ouratelj deaorfbe all of aald aubdlvlaloa
or addition by metea and botmda and looate
the aame with rea9aot to an orlglaal ooraer
of the original aavay of whloh It la a
part glvlag the dlmerulaw thereof of arid
aobdlrlaloaor addition, and dlaeaalocm of
all atmata, alley*, aquarea, parka or
otbor portloaa of aama Intended to be de-
dloated to pub110 use, or for the aae of
ynoheaera or owner8 of lota f5oatlng
thereon or adjaoeat thereto."
In oonatrulngthe provlaloaa of Xoaae Bill 158,
it was held la AttoswJ Oeneral~a Oplnlon lo.V-919, a
of whloh la ewlosed, that the portloa of Home Bill
"1% requiring mbdlvl~lone or addltlona to be looated
with reapeot to an orlglnsl ooraer of the orlglaal eurvey
of whloh it ia a part la in violation of Saotloa 35 of
ma. Gene xaddln, page 3 (V-934)
ArtlOle III of the Coaatltutloaof Texas. It was further
held that If the County Clerk has reaeatod to him for
reoomSatlona aubdlvlaloaplot wlhEla the aoope of Artl-
ole 9748, aa amermledby Eouae Bill 158, whloh plot has
beea approved by the p r o p er
luthorltle8 but whloh does
not looate auoh aubdlvlalonwith sempao& to an original
oomor of the oxQlaa1 aurvef, he ahould not refuse to
xm001ve aad file iuoh plot beoamae of It8 fallum to
have a looatlon wlth rafmenee to an oHglaa1 ooraer.
Seotloa 2 of Artlole 9748, rhloh woo not imneua-
ed by House Bill 158, provider:
"That every awh plot ahall k duly ao-
kaowledged by owner8 or proprietor80s the
land, or w acme dolt authorlxed agent of
aald owner8 or proprietors, la the manner
nqamd rathe aoWmwladgmmto?deeda;
and the arid plot, auQeot to the prowlslam
ooatalaed la thla Aot, ahall ?m illed for
reoord and be noorded la tha orrioe 0s the
hztg Clerk or the Count7 in rhloh tha land
When a palrtloulara*iole or aeotion la amend-
ed' by re-eaaotment, the provlaloaaa amendedbeoomeaa
part of the orl~lnal rtatute 8ad takes the Dlaoe of the
provlalon amemded. Iaternatloneland G.R.Rg. 60.-v.
land. 181 8.W. 504 bbx.Clv.A~~.lQ15)3 39 Tar.Jur.128,
In view of the plala provisions 0s Artlole w4a,
V.C.S., aa amended by House Bill 158 of the slat Iagltila-
ture, it is our opinion that if a person aabdivldea a
t aot wlthla the oorporate llmlta om wlthla flea mllea of
tte corporate llmlta of any oltg wlthla $he State of 'per-