September 10, 1949
Em%. w*. L. Taylor Opinion wo.
Ro6eouting Attorney
xarrl8Qn county Rer Nay @wrisoa CQunty
IWshall, Texaco School Board ot %-us-
teea oon8olMote ‘dor-
meat” Irs~l &botr~ots
Janruut te .&Blrlo
VIII, s.El*x16 51et
I;rgi51aturo,with I&r-
shall I.S,D,, a ait?
Oimtriat ud What-
Dear stir cd q~rtloaor
ma co?aty scrh601 BQaM or mlwi*
aeta ImaiBr Art!wo 'tIIE Be
. Le&ialatfOY haa ammihat-
w&ml bwriatr rim
the Ham&all IndependentSahool Distrrlot.
l&rshall IndependentSchool District is
loaatetl within the City of Marshall, and
the 01%~ has assuaed oontrol thereor.
Question 1. Has the Count School
Baud authority under ArtlcLQ VIE1 of 9,
B; 126 to aonsolidate "dafpant"sohool
dirtrictswith an adjoin&g taltyoontreS*
led, aunl~ipal school dlstrlObP
If the answer to Qwestlola1 is in
the negattve, then oould the aity bg cyp-
d-e, that ifs,rat under th8 prwi-
siont~of Article "a SW,,
2803, eamind it6
corporationlines tar sshool purpeses ok
to take in adjoinIng dormsnt +hool
&ricts or do the provlsior~ of Se+
tion 186 if the Charter of the Citt of
Narshall granted in &B. lo, 105, Chapter
6 of 31st Legislature,R.S. l,!309, at pa&e
78, preclude such action?
Hon. W8. L. Taylor, page 2 (V-898)
Yap hne ldvl8ed in your submitted brief that
the City OP Marshall in Its Charter granted by speoIal
law, has been constitutedand remains now an independent
rohool district under the management and control of a
sohool board appointedby the City Carrisslon. Seotlon
!ar3,ete Bill Ho. 105, Chapter 6 or the 3lst Le@sl8k
Speolal Laws, 1939. Thus, the Barshall In-
dep0&da~t'~ohoolDUtrlct Is a munialpal rohool dlatciot
o-ted by ape0181 law under authority of Seation 10 o?
Artiole XI and Seotion 3; Artlele VII CoMtitution of
hour, prior to amendment theroof in 1926. He aseun
far Bur0oses of this ooinion that the aohool dlstrloi
ha8 irot-b0endivorced '&m elty ooetrol.
Artiale 2768, Vernonls Clvll St8tutes, Pm-
vwam, In part, that:
Mlaln 2769, 2770, WTl, 2772, 279k 2T99,,
&JO, 2801 and 2&B@, Vmon's Civil St8tutes, constitute
theother gek~ral laws l pplloable to citl+s In thIs9ht0
whloh have or may asmme
mt ol'public ire0 sohe
ita, and aleo detormlne
~emaint shall be In a board of trustees. There &at-
uter lllustti8te th0 praotioe and pollo~ of the LegSsla-
Bure for mre than feFt7 rears of dealing spsoiiically
With municipal or alty oontrolled sohool dietriot C?EUy
by gemera legislation, During the same period o? time _
t&%0Legislatureha? br other general legl8latlondeelt
'U%~%l~;hooldIstrIcta which are not munIolpallj oon-
Thus, thp Legislature has In the past reoog-
dsed fir leglrlat$vepurposes tie classlflc8tloBsOf
reh001 di8trlot8, tiz., (1) munlclpal or oity ooatrol-
led school dlstrlots,and (2) school dintrlotm whioh
me net oity oentr0Il0d.
Inlddltiom to the above istatuteso Articles
Ifon,Wm. L. Taylor, page 3 (V-898)
2803 and 2804, Vernon's Cfvil Statutes, relate 8
oally to the boundaries of city oontrolled sshoo!I---
triots. They provide es followe:
ht. 2803. "Any elty OP town that
has tsken charge of ths publie ?me s*ols
within its limits, or that rhall hereafteti
take charm of the raue,may,~ordlnanue,
oxtend its oorporatioalines for soheol pur-
pow8 onlyp on a petltfon slg8wd by a major-
ity of ths resfdeat wiffod votersof th8
tOrrltol?j,whfchistobetakea %mto said
city or town for 8,aboolpurpo888 oml~, and
reomndsd by a magorftg vote of tbs true
We8 of the publie f%we 8ohool8 of said oltr
#hall not deprlm t&w sohmlastioohlldren
of the renlnlngparto?th8 mum reheel
distzlot or dl8trietswhfoh w be affeot-
ed ba ths propared -0 of tho opportua-
ltr o? atteaadaneew sahool. The added
territory shall bear'%8 pre rata pWt ao-
sordl to taxable value8 of any 8ohool debt
w deb7 8 that ray be owed OF contreated bjr
Said city or town to which it shall have
been a&%?d, and shall not besr any part of
any othex-debt that mar be wed 0~ conttraot-
ad by suoh town OP oity. The property o?
the added terrftory shall bear its pro rata
yr8of all school taxes, but of AO other
0 The added territory shall not af-
fect the clt~s8 debts OP business re?,atlons
In any manner whateverS except for school
purposes as provided abov@. The o??foers
whose duty It Is to a8se8s and QoPleet
school taxes wlthkmthe efty lefts shall
abo amess and oolleot sohoo% tare8 wlth-
in the terrftory added for school purposes
as herein prwfded."
Art. 2804, ~Whemmvep ths limit8 o?
any lnoorporat8d olty oP toua con6tl6uting
a8almiepende~tschool dfstplletare 80 ex-
tended or enlarged a8 to es&race the whole
or any part of say latlopendentor eomon
sohool dfstriet adgaoent to eueh iQcoPpora-
ted cit7 or town, that portion of euah ad-
jaoeat dlstrfet 80 embraced wPthfn the cor-
pfnMe lirft.8of 8-h fneorporatedelty or
u; ad#e~aaab~ mb4c4l Qirctrbt. Axtiale vZI1
4444 .&i&t
.~oWSoally irafe~to school dlstPluts over
W$iwh wttke. ham assumd exclw%oe contPo1, and in tbls
attern establishedbr e%-
a3 roforP* 8p40lfi8al4 t4
such dl.trict. We t0
be mati subject to a partioukw Act.
fL, Cltf of Beav8eW IndependentSchad B&etrket a mm&-
ei)el dfrtelat, oa the one hand, ard;the lMmh il&depen-
drnt Sol&w1 Dletv%ct on the other a8 tbavhether cert&Js
Waw%torJ vhich bad been annexed 6~ ardiaapee to the Cit
of Bemmloiatthereby became a part of the C&ty ef &mamcA F
Xnde$muBea~Sebool District and det8ohed f’&‘cmthe R’emh
Z#&e$m?lentSehool Dietriot. It vae coawed that Art%-
&lea 2742e aad 27421 repealed Artlole 2804, old eliwe the
Mtr of Beaumont IpdependeatSchool Dlettiob had @ct Pot-
Mmd the procedure of the tvo az%lclu the nevly extend-
Dd are8 of the city of Bmumeat vm a5t 8 part or the
r\mioiprl rohiwl district. on the other haad, the city
BF Jkmmrmt IndependentSchool Dlstriat conteaded that
the exteaelcn of the City llnlts by munlclgal ordlnmmce .:
mttmatically br t the new temltorj iato the muni-
o;i 1 school diatr
T st by virtue oi the proM.sions of’Art-
la!z 2804. oa the kl8 of the la&.swiir* hl~tolv of
tev8 q~@&3ebl4 oal to aaialprl 80-1 didriots 88
dt#tisa@BW than Tegl~latlea apptiaabte t;o 6cheol dllr- ,,
tria8& eMa@ thaxiaullclpal, the a@uFt saat8bl.d thm po-
litLa et the @sty of Ibet Indmt Sc~ol Ms-
'w. meads
i We fimd in the l#&8@Siw Mire
w 0; ih; bvl reIdlag: t0 rPrk&Mf 8ChOOa
&&M+rkota rrad et&or 8shoa2 dfatrict8 in the
aovaty 0 ma&$Wt batentian cm the part of
th l8vw bedy ta8provide I%r two sop-
aPate srfaa,rl~farrt$aer, of distriatr, mlt,
t&e Located ulthin a municipality,ever
Vb%4b the C&w QP ttprm hB8 a8gXQed CCataO&
ti Irylw#l~*lbM without the 1WN ef 4S in-
erated 0s.w er tovn, From aB ewlt a8
a&l *what lntewuptiaD, rov5.6len ban
lmen’aade fee the canWe e,IpubE ic free
84h0~1a Viti&in the liEit Of a nUI!d8i$8l%ty
,/- either by the city acunoll 02 bx a beurQ a#
truetees selected la 8ome manner fW Wb
poee of ~wernlaag the school8 Vithia tb+ F"',
:lQ8 of the elty. Th, WUl't8 hW0 bW@tti-
re0 tired thie4~rlasclfl6ation. + + mW &O#*
&e&r% ir* hietoFf ef the bt8 WO8tblU th@
cewtty bcwd ci?trustee end Zta
mea IcewolD uuder its contPo~ do*1
l * ‘
Son. wm. L. 'faylor,page 6 (r4g8)
* . *
?R la the considered oplnlon of thl8
Court that Article 2804 hae not been ex-
presrly repealed. HOP has'lt been repeal-
ed by lmplfcatlon. 0 D It therefore nece8-
8arlly Pollovs that the annexing of Idyle-
vood Estates Addltton and IpllaReed Addl-
tion to the City of Beaumont also annexed
them t’or 8ohocl purpcres and they became a
part of the Beaumont IndependentSchool
District. D 0n
ltnttev of this feglslatlvehlstoCf acnc~-
le@ol8Wvo enaatmemts applicable to munlclpal dir-
3 ct# 1, d58finguirhedfrcm d%etrIctIJ vhloh are not
m?n%clpU, 118 think that Article VIII of Senate Bill
116 ir not to be ccnatrued a# authorizingocunty school
b@#M8 to cc@8olldate "dormant"districts vlth rpnlcl-
3.8chOO1 dl8trlotr. We are of the oplnlcn that Art-
c tcrYXfI dealm only vlth county school district8 undw
$he juri8diQtlonoi the county 8chool board, and has no
rqy)llcrticn to munlolpal dlstrlcts under the control of
8 putlcolw ,eit;r or town. @u&her, vhere county 8chcel
WMd8, purporting to act under AHlcle VIII of Senate
Ml1 116, hwe by order oonrolldated“dormant” dlatrlotr
@$@%Imunlolpal school diltPfCt8 a8 dlstin$piahed fPa
(ItUtPiCtl vhleh @PO not slty contPo11ed,8Uch order8 mu.
(Inullltf, llleg&k 8ad +oU. JI ve tlu it, the 19k9
Act, Art. VZII of S.B. 116, au not %ato@&d to be a
#wwr81 rr*pitityrof the rohcol l&v vlth reference to
rbhool district boundaries.
9%~ que8tlon of the 8utbcrlty of 8 count
Iehool baard ~toccn8clidat.ea %rnantD dlstrlet viih
municipal df8tplct vas not presented or
inion los. V-855, V-856,Y-866,
77s Therefore, t&o80 opfnfonr are
&ct to be 1nteFpYetedas ccntrad$etolrJ, or In ccn?l1et
W$W the holding expressedhere-.
Aa to the secoad qrrMtloa ~im~~-
+i8* th&t the bh&rtW of the City QP
bk io&bVfno FW181cS pZW8ePfbrd ia th@ 8$Witi 1U
prrrSs@ the QPtr it8 charter (Seotlon 186 of Chapter 6
Of 3&e i&~re, hs.p lgogp at pa@ 1x4):
"A31 lands and tew3tow included
Hon. VI. L ~lflor, page 7 (~-W3)
*ithin the oorparat* li8Its of the Cltj et
lkrebrll rhall aeasetltuteand be the We-
peadent rehool dlmtrlot of eald cltr, the
boundaries of the mid 8ohooZ to be lden-
tical vlth the aald llalts and bsepadslyof
The atttr~~Ofthn~id88hiBO~
bt&i?% *hdF 8UCC4886W8 kr Qffi40 8-2
exlrendto the X$m.lteat mid districthem-
In deahrad aad Plxed,*
lrrtlole2803, her&pabcn qt#td, -8
that oltythathaetake8ch82=ge ofthepubllc fkee
88hOO 8 vithin its lJ;dtr,BRJ br ordinM8e
POP *ohm01me808 001’1,
aedtwo therein 8*t (Mtr
It vi11 be obsemed that Article 2803~auth-
cPiM8 a Oity t0 "CXtC& it8 CO~CHltC li,E&OCr"
the atv&tlcn 0P nev terrlto~ to eticha OltJ for 8cheol
pvrpores oalj from outside the oorpor8te 1-b ef the
;%& did not ohenge the charaetef of the rchool &I-
We do not believe that Seotlor 186 oP:the
crdlkae extend8 its oorpefatell*llls
poses CaxJ, than u* terrlt~ %iacl~ in 8UCh axwn-
alon, Per the a~@ Pas vhlah the exteaefen vu mule,
18 the-w iv6I-ud8d vlthin the corpewak lirits Of the
eltr, end Pw euch pwpoee besetmar,a part of tbe ektr.
Thlip,the 00rpora%e 1irit8
sahoal purposes vould aan-
tryvlthln the cozwwate llnee
of the cltr for ~lclpal purpores aad &?i lddltlon that
tOm4tOlvy included In the corpor8te ZkSIIsof the city
extended for sohool p 08.8 OfrlJ~ Section 186 of the
Charter of the City of
% ah812 so ecnstmod vi11 not
ooafllat with the $enersl liw, Article 2803, 8uthOrlz-
lag my olty to extend Its baundarler or 1Inlte for
84hCCl pUrp08.8 only.
Adc~rdln@y, it 18 our o$lhiosI thUt thD ciw
of krshall is not ncluded by SaCtfcB 186 OP its &&V-
ter ficm extending !i
y omliaanoeit8 ~llmltr03 batundarles
f4P 8OhOO1PUXVO808 On1 in the method presorlbed U&d
l~thOtIzOd by AHUla 21;'03, Vernon's Clrll SWtute8.
BJ tlrttae OP avP hcldJsgr vlth m8pMt to the
bra quertica8 eoa8bdozwdheseln, it fUUsve th8t tJw
th?UOdOraWit dUlriOt8 in*olved are 110t QM8Olid8%Wd
rlM uny 4UtlPlet, becuU8u the OPl8w of oL* SWP%~CII
&aaty School bcs* ordrrW# ooarolldrt&arr With tit4
-hall IMepom!eat School Dlrtrict 21 a rrtSiw* 'bD
JtWFi80#& cauatt Sohool loare
mdor aeotian vYXX ei semte bi%l
Mlah "&M'B8at"distX'ict8 rlth u1 WijO
di8trlCt8,VhIch la not 8 BW&iOl$~l
0. Oplniaa Ilo.V-855, If, hoverer
Jbousfrefrain8 froa order1
mant d.lstrlctsso 8a to 81 "fov the Clt$ 0P tirtu&l b&O
cppcrtunltyto extend it8 bcundcurlee under Art:410 m
80 88 to Include vlthin It8 boundmle8 Par 8CheCl $=-
~cae8 only the terrltom oaapri8ingthere rdjOw
dormant" districts, such dlStPIOt8 UJ thl’&t be -,
a part of the knh811 IadepenYentSchool Bi*t*lct~ .&:
g+ointad cut ia Attorney oeneral OHnion .!!a.WJ66, Mb
isle VT11 of Senate ~111 116 does not prarorlbe the ax-
olurlw method for the oonsolldstlonor anaeration et
a "doment" sohool district,
&%iole VIII of Senate bill 116, 5irt
Legirlatwe, doe8 not authorire 8 Fm$r -:
rohool boerd to ccnrclldate 8 "d-t
school d18trict vlth a munlofprll contv~l*
led 8ahocl di8triCt. Artlole 276B , T&eie;
57 s*w: '
. , .
Hoa. Wm. L. Taylor, page 9('-95)
337. An order of a co&y echo01 board
purporting 80 to do Is a nullity.
hating under 4rttole 2803, Vermmvr
Civil Stat&tee, any olty whloh h8a aeeta-
ed control OS the sohoolr within It8 lir-
its, may by ordinance extend its coPpora-
tlon llaem iOr school purpes o!+y to la-
elude exirtlng adjolnlng dormant dls-
trlcts, provided the county echo01 beard
p8 not b7 board order aozmolldatedauoh
dormant* dtltrlotr with 8 dlrtrlat or
dl8trlote other th8n mtmlclpally coat*ol-
led dl8trlat8. A.Q. Opinion No. V-866.
Section 186 of the carrks of the