Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

August~ll, . 1949 ~0x1.L.'A. Woo48 opinion Bo. v-880. stat+ stqmrintsna~tc .: .., Departmsnt0rzauOfm~ ,Re: 41he authkrity or 8ll:8x- Au8tln,T8xaa '. 0rrid0 c0+ty saperin- tOna8d to ?ntploj.anas- 818tad caunty 'su~erlll- tendent f,iwt0 re~Ow8 travel expen8e8"~88~.pr0~~a- .ea inH;332:549, :Aote 5ii3t L8glslature;'~lg49~ Xor a Pear Dr:uobdet ~~(iounty~~sap9rintt1~16ent. HOG.L. A. woods, page 2 (v4380j (100,000) according to the last Federal 'Census may eplploya competent asaiatant to the County Superintendent at a salsry not to exceea.Pour Thousand, Eight Eunclre~Dollar8 ($4,800) ana may employ such other aaslstants as necessary provided that the aggregate amount of the sal- aries 0r all a8818tants shall not exceed Seven Thousand, Five Hundred lMlars ($7,500) 8nnual- 1s; and sala Board le hereby authorlsea to fix the 8dll.Py Or SUOh .aBSi8tant8and pay 8sl.Ile.OUt or the same runas from.uhIch the salary 8nd expense of the County Superintendents are paid; and the County Board of gducatlon may make further provl8Ion~ as it deems necessary for 0rfiOe and travel&g expen8es of the County Superintendent; pp0viaea that expenditures for orfice and travel- expensea.of the County Superintendent shall not be'more than One Thousaad, Eighty Dollars ($1,080) per ww, 8na ehall not.be pala exaept upon notarilcea 01ri.l.mmade upon rorms filed by.tae County School SuperSntenben$, ana approvea by the county School Board. .\ Article 2701,'V.C.S., relates .to the authority the county board to appoint an *eslstant to the ex- rid0 coapty.superintendent ana prOVlae8 ror ofrice a travel expense or the ex-oriolo auperintenaent ana as r0li0v8: "In each oounty hav- no School Superln- tended, the County Judge shall be Ex-offlclo County Superlntenbsnt an4 shall perform all the duties requIrea or the County superintend- ent in thiB Chapter. He'shall give bond In the sum of One ThOU8&d ($l,OOO.OO).Dollars, payable to and to be approved by the Cotity Board of School Trustees of.the respective countlee and condltlonea rm the ~althful.per- r0mk8nOe0r his autm3. The.county ,Boara shall name or appoint an as818tant to the Bx- OsriCiO oOUnty sUPeStitenat3XXt aIIa ahal. pro- vide for off'lceand traveling expense of the Ex-officio Superlntenaent. .Ths salary or the Ex-0rsi0i0 Superintendent 0r Pub110 Instruc- tion, the salary or the Assistant Ex-officio Superintendent of .PublicInstruatlou and the office and traveling expenses for the office Hon. L. A. Wooas, pa&e 3 .(Vd80) 4r-3he 'Ex-0rrici0 Superintdnaent in all cotm- %tiea 3.nTexas ?hall'be from ana af'terSeptem- ber-1, 2947, paia.fraDll the State and County. Available School Fuxia." .Artlcle 3888; VS.S., is a8 foi~oxmr . . .%n a county where the County Jpdge'akt8 as .&p&ntenclent of Public Instruotf0n, he .shal.~-iwoelveror 8n0h 8eZTlCe8 euch~salary not.to.exceea Sixteen Humlrea ($1600.00) Dol- CAB a gem 8.8 the COUUty &JEW3 Of s&OOi Traeteea 0r the rimpectlve countlea insypro- vlae.' The Ex-oSSlclo Asalstant Superlntena- ent OS Public Instruction shall receive ror bia 'aerv5ces such 8alarJinot to erceed ‘Flf- teeriHuudrea~($150%00),Do11ars a.ye8.ra8 the Coun~+ard OS School~Fruetees oftthe~.re8pec- tlve countles.may woviae; - %%a CouniyJ' e while actinga a-or; fioio o&&y T enaent oi:Pilbllc'.mstrl&c- superl.n tlasr,SOL 0SSice and travelSng expensee, may' recel,ve~an43mountnot to exceed Four Hwi4Ired may.‘($450;00) Boll8rs a ye85 a8 the~county B6tual.ofSahool ~ust%e8 of the reepeotive . 'aountles-.may:proVlae.The above 8xuount8~8hall "be Pa;ra.l+~the~lnsnnerapecifled In.Cha@& 49, h&8. oi.the 418t Leglslatuz-e, Fourth* Called’ Se88iOU, 8nd in apter 175, Acts Of th& 42l&l ~Leglslature,..RegularSesslon.~ '~SpitS.the~~fac~.-thIAt 8peclal9ro~8lon :18 made M &ht~~Spe~ifl(: Statutes-authorizing BP a88t8t8Itt to the ex+fflcio c~~ty'saperlntenaent and authority wanted permitting the countg'boara to pay 'orsiceand trav8lln.g'expen8esoi:the,.ex-offiolacouuty SUperintentS- ent, thequeat$na la iðer Artlole 2700 as amsaaea'by LB/ 54giiAata 518t Legislature, .X949,, la braaa-enough to author~ze..thepagment:.dr,the asalstant ex-0Srlcl0 s&1001 SUperint6haeht'S~881az74%8 well aS.~OrriCe.anb trav6l~wxpenses'Xor the-ex-of$iolo 80hOOl.sti+i.n- tendeat~~-.~~..~~ts:Statied:~reln~.. It..18to'be not- 3a that:th08e .statutesrelatlng'ta ex-oSSla~0 80hool su- ~ertiteaaents are.8peOifiOd3&9U&3.Ve. Article 2700, r.C.S;, aa'amenaed; 1s a.general statute relatlug.to :ountyeuperintendenta: Aes~~mln&~that there is 'a.00n- 'llct in the statutes, the rule 1~ well eatabllahea that r . ,. .. Hon. L. A. Woods, page 4 (V-880) where there is a conflict between the general Statute and a 8peCiflC statute the specific Statute more Clearly evldencee the intention of the Legislature than the gen- eral one, ana therelore, It will control. In other woras, the general statute is applicable to all cases except the particular one embraced in the specific stat- ute. Townsend v. Terrell, 16 S.W.2d 1063 (Coma. App. 1929); Flowers Vi feces R1ver.R. Co., 138 Tex. 18, 156 S.W.2d 260 (1941) SaplBassett Lbr. Co. v. City of Hous- ton, 145 Tex. 492' lgtlS W 8 (194 J On th th hand, one Btatute'deals ;i~~d"S~~erint~n~entS" :d'th: other deals vith "ex-orflclo superintendents." The two statutes are capable of being enforced independently ulthout conflict. Article 3888 is a specific statute relatFng to ex-officio county superintendents and being a specific statute relating to this subject matter it necessarily vould control relative to salzo!lesfor ex-officio school superintendents, assistants and office and traveling ex- penses of the ex-officio county superintendent. This 1s further evidenced by the IX&that the &ergenoy clause to S.B. No. 252, Acts or the 50th Legislature, which amimdea Article 3888, was predicated upon the theory 'that there was no provision ln the statutes f'or the re- gmneratlon of an assistant to the ex-oSSlclo.county SU- perlutendent,as well as office ana traveling expenses. Therefore, it Sollows by reason of the foregoing that Article 2700 1s not sufficient in scope to authorize the payment 0r the salary of an assistant ex-orricio county school superintendent as well as the traveling expenses OS the.ex-officio superintendent from the amounts allow- ed under the prdvlslons of said Article. Article 2700, V.C.S., ‘as amended by Acts 51st Legislature, 1s a general statute appli- cable to county superintendents, other~thau ex-officio county superintendents, thelr.sal- arles, traveling e enses, and assistants. Articles 2701 and 3 88 are speclflo statutes .appllcable to ex-offlolo'countg superintend- ents, their salaries; travellng expenses, ap- polntment OS ~.n assistant, and salary of.such assistant. Therefore, these latter two 'A&l- cleB control the amount of trai?elingeXpenSeS Hon. L. A. Woo&, page 5 (v-880) : vhlch 8n ex-oifiolo cogtg superintexqent may be paia and the salary 0r hi8 aBSi8tmt. Years very truly, AT!CORREY QEREHAL OF TEXAS BY Burnell Waldrep :mutbh A8sl8tant