Pour at"ucntionin directed to krtiole 3902, Fle-
~I=hl Civil matuto3 or foxxi, a3 Polloi73:
non. Curtis Xoniro, Face 2
of hi:;duties, he ohs11 sp~ly tO.th6
cwlnty cor;~2issiomrS~co.urtof !liaCounty
for suthoyity to appoint such doFutios,":
nssistnats OT clerks, sttltln2by sworn sppli-
cation tJianumber needed, the position to
bo filled sod the mount to bo paid...."
In oonnoction with the above Article 3902, your
attention is.dirootod to Article 6309, rkvised Cl011 %a-
tutes of Texlm, as fCllO~YS!
*Sheriffs shall PIVO the lxaver,by
to q7pofnt on0 or Roro doputloS
for t>:Oirrospctlve CGURtt,GS, ....WLlOilUEl-
her of doppties aFpolntod by the sheriff of
any am oounty,shsll be llnited to not ex-
cosdin~ three in the justticeprocinot in
vdllc‘: 1s locxt*d et? countg site or DUCh
county, aud one i,nesch justice precinct,
oud D Xmt of t2;oans~poistmnts ahall be
posted up In n oonopicuccs plsce ilntho-
clor&'s OfiYOO....'."
This department he.8ruled prior to Ond afnae the
enactment CI?t!?epresent salary b%li under Fjhfohbilbar~er
County is urn Tix~ot'ionin~thatArticle 6Ot9, suprs, hss
been superseded by Arti,clo39O2, supra.
Opihicn 170.O-12 addroesed to the lion.Chas, II,
?hocbnld,County .4ttornay,Calvmton, Tams, by %:.x. 3.
, of Jmuary 5, 1939, holds that Article 6899 boo
twcn superseded znd tbnt the s~~o'ictm0n.t
al derxty nhor-
ITT3 is In the sound dloorot.ionof the oom1ssioi1ors~
court under Artlole 3902, usir~Othe followihC lau.g.mfje:
"'i'heEeprrrtnent 53 not in po33essinn
of rclptieffaitedecloinu affeotiny:the quoo-
tioa on bond, ozidthe~efcre zuistarrivs et
the conclusion that Art. AEC9....whiob applies
to tha 6horiffr;under the Tee ln'n,has boen
symrscaod.. Axtlcle 39Q2....wx! by the
GYfi~er3~ Selorp I~I of the 3eto of ?tms.
* ....Tt rrsts w:thin the disoretion of
the IIoRornhleCosmissionere'Cowt oi Calves-
Cu&iS Ranfro, P8&B 3
quotation in foo~ndin 'Amrant
Ccunty v13. Lxitll,01 s;;'
2nd 537:
*The cmiss~onorst court can lhit
th,enu;lbarati aclory oi dep.ty sherifi%'ls,
but they hove no power over tha lXmi.n!:of
the individua:s to be op?oiEtea, and are
eS,~Ci&lly FTohibitGd f?OI!? tl~';eKptiIl~ elly
such Znst zmzed influence. 1..3. Art.
Opinlon.T!o.O-925, directed to the Eon. R. S.
Syahe,.County auditor, Crags County, Longview, Texas, by
KY!.J, P. King,,zb!: July 10, .193Q,contains the following
"In ths ce~c of "-tame1 vs. Shelton,
45 SW 319, tho relovent provisions of
,'i.r%iolo GOG3 subote:lt:ollytha SUT'QES
enacted in 3Cd3, which aants authority
to the aheritf to q~oint'deputlns an%
tinits their nmborwau held to be dircc-
m. Such aUtb?ity as WftS by this O?Ai-
010 8nd pravio2sly at cbmon law given to
the sh~Hff, W8S by gonsizl LEG?sugerseded
and vested in tke qxz.laainnsmt court
under the r;rovis¶onsof kticln 3302,
SUJ-l3Xl. Such a construction as ~iouldbar-
r,onfm tha tm artioles, 0069 and 3302,
SuprJJ should b,orlvon with t'celatter
orticis controLLli~a. Yhi~o said .%-tic1e
6063 SW?kS t0 Ihi% th diSCT8tiOLI to
be ererciscc? bjj tha 3Iieriff, we cerii,oi
sty thYi ouch art.icleV