Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AHORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN gonoFable S. M. Simpson, Br. county Attorney ~ahv counw pat Rock, Texas opinion Ha. O-30 Rer Haxlmm so~qp end related Yvur resent request for mat on the questions a8 are h%re We have been Inform vrfttea Pequaat, that the que aa oplnton of this department nllstlon that may be mt&ned by the she ion8 tha rherfff is ovmpea8ativat elves a warrant evlq t&t3 state ctsd Item or lnalude It a8 Sees lff of Gontho County retain aomysma- tea of a deputy vhen the alaa for sherlff'r amma z'eport 8s betng Coaeho County ha8 6 populetfon of 8%~ Z%muvand,One hadred and ninety-one (6&Q) Lnhabltante ac~ordlag to the last Fec?erSr Cenms, and the cout&$~~officl.alsoi a&id county me aem- ,‘3renkatedan a fee baeicr. The sheriff of Conch0 County, in sddition to llis.other duttbs, %a the aemessor and ao~eotv~ of tams. l[wrdbble S.W. Sbxptoa, SF., P6@ 2 Undor Artlelea 3@3 aad ,691, Vernon'8 Annotated civil Stetute8, the m8x3nem oompensat.tionthat may be retelaed w the sheriff caaaot extwd $3,000.00. Our Opinion Bo. o-1051 hold8 that vhere the offfas of 8heriff is combined with w &?lae o? arres8or-oolleotor, that $S,OOO.OO 18 the uexl- m ?ee alloved to 8uch officer by the above meatioaed 8tatute. A 8-y of thi8 Opinion is enolo8ed ?Ol’ m b?Ol’a&lOU. In reply to your recoad quertlon, you am sdvlwd $h8t the 8herfff 18 authorlted under Artiale 3891 to pay or k paid the amouat~alloved him uader the provi8ion8 of Arti- ale 3883, together with the 8alarie8 Of hi8 a88i8tUlt8 and d@pUtie8 and authoriwd expenses under Article 3899, mad the twnult neoes8ary to aover CO8t8 of premlrup on whatever 8UlWtJ $$58emybe required by hf, ottt of the current fee8 ofhi fr the current 54108 of such office, colleated in nay year,&3 morothan tha amouataeodedto pay the amouatabore 8peOi?&Bd, the UlsIb 8h11 be deemed eXOOe8 fee8 utd 8h811 be dirpO8od of in the manner rtated In Artlele 3891. !i!herhsrl?? 18 authori8ed to a&e the above deduotion in arrivtag at hi8 mufmm aompeawtlan. In 8Mwer to your third qub8tiOn you are cdviwd that thStW 18 JlO liollt, in dolbbP8 snd OWlt8, 8JMOifiOd bf th8 8ti- tuteltbptthe 8hWiff ~dedIWtind&esnniainghi8BW&lSuU OaQeamation but he 18 allowed to make the deduotioa8 for the lX&wnditurer above mmtionedy hoveveF, the slcpensea alloved by SeQtlOn (a) o? Article 3899 are rubjeot to the oilers of the wuaty auditor, If any, othervicre by the co!4mi8eionerst WuPt. With refereme to yo\ur f'ow?th qumtlon, we hve been unable tofind 6ny ae8e lrhere the OOUct8 have pa884td UpoIL thL8 QM8ttOa Or any 8tatUte 8mrping a8 t0 how a V6rHUktrWeivbd by the sJaerl?ffrom the State rbould be aooounted for Lo the 8hel'i?f'8 SMual W&XWt. %ouelVW, it 18 our opinion that a Wnraat, such ?~ei above mentioned, 18 merely evideme OS the ladeb&@dM88 and wanot be regarded a8 e pymnt o? oorqxm8s- tian due the sheriff, until the 8heriff WtMllJ WOeiVd the JWney oa 8aid varrant. Them?om~, you u-8 adviwd that it 18 our opinion that the 8herifi should lf8t 8aid warrant a8 an un- oolleated item or fee In hi8 annual reports however, ii the VWlWlt 18 dlroounted aIkd the mOaS#y 18 I'ebeiWId by the 8hel'i??, %amzmble J.X. S34#8an, Sr.;Page 3 be hhauld 8hov the 8emm LB fee8 oolleated in arid mnuslre- p o r lr l ti reply ta pow fifth que8tloa, you 8.m adti8ed at the &miff waa0t legally retain ooaqpenultion for per- fo- 8WVh308 Of 8 deputy WhCIi th0 Chi8l ?Cr th. 8ClW i8 p&cad fa tha aherif'f~s report as befog for services of a dsp\rtg- Ia other vord8, the88hwlfC my wtaftt cutycompen8a- tf@t for 8iwv~oen hn perform8 provided said wmpm8ation d-8 not exawd the mxf8aam a8 crllwed by law, but he aamot retain wqvawbtion tar p8rfortdag wrviaee above hi8 macUmaalthough the alaIm for rush ow EioIl 113 placed in the Eiherfff ’8 wport a8 being ror serviae8 of a deputy. We Iwo lwamang hwewith the variou8 iMtPUtlUt~t8 VbioJt aoo~iftd par inquiry. Tru8etlg that the Toregolng fully aamm yuuP in- wavrg, we ax@8 VOPy truly youm ATTOR%%X tfU%RAL OFTEXAS AWtAW APPROVEL:Pm 4, 1941