mable P. L. Hu’quess
fJ@lnty Auditor
-ton county
Wharton, Texas
long as he relnlns
toe of the peaoo.
en reaelved8nd ame-
quote froP pour request
unty oontinueto psy
ation of his Corm?
ahto pow 8nsve~ 4t JOUP lroll-
awse the pqaheeks uemado
this month Sor the month of April:
om OprnionHo. O-4457 OS thls departmentas
*In OpiniOA no. o-3448,addressedto the Honor-
ableFred liorrls,CountyAuditor, Polk County,Uv-
&n&cm, Toxas, this Department,followingAHAalo
~0mble P. 1. M8Pweas, page 2
5, Seatlon24, of the Constltutlonof Toxas, and
?ollowinglI.aothe lnlon oftihoaomt lathe QUO
o? 3ismllton v. KIna"pTexas Civil Appeals,X918),
204 S. Y. 953, held tMt the lnductlcao? l oounty
attorneyinto the ulry did not orootea vaoanayin
such offloo. Sinae Artiale5, 8oatlan24, of tho
f.xmstltutlon o? the 3tato of Texas, also lnoludea
justioos or the pea00 in its terms, vo .be~lovethat
the oplnicnabove referred to au??iolontlyaasvers
pur puestlonrogerdIngthe vaaanay,and that ?ollou-
lng th is0p lp i0n a ndin lOaOPdanaevlth the holding
of the aourt,hour firit quaatlon shouldbo ansvorod
in the negative, that is, that ths induatian3.&o
the army of the just100of the poaao,referrod to
gfgr lettop, doer not aro8to a vaaano~ in such
A aopy of this opinion is attaahedhereto
for yoir ln?orstbtlon~ *
opinion lo. o-4465 of this department hous that the
oountyattornay of LlbortlCountqwho jolnodthe UnltodStatea
Aakqvas ontltlodto hla lal8rj ?ram tho o??laer*asolmy fund as
laxi& os lm remained suah aountylttcmep. Tbia opinionpoints out
howeverthat I? the aountyoS?iaial&coopted and euraised on c?-
fla8 in the U. S. Army he vould vbaGe his ooanty o??loo,under
so&ion 12 of ArticleXVI of our Caatltutlon, ls held in opinion
Xqp, O-4343 of this departaunt.
Uo oncloseherewith3 es; of opfnlo~ nos. O-2333:
O&Yf!u&oO~343, o-4457, and o-44Y?5, of~thladepartmentfor your
We assume fronnrour lotter that the justioeof tho
pooae hold& and exerairosno O??laein tho U. 5. Army.
Under the faota stated unl la suud,
it.18 our opl&n
tht tho justicea? the poses now sorvingin the m ts logolly
eS&itledto drav his salory?rca~tho o??laer~asolor~?und of
Y'WP countyas lang as he holds luah offlao, provldod of avurao
that tho prealnatoffiaecao? your acunty oontlnw to be ampon-
rated on a salary buls.
Of course, I? the justiao be005808an army offiaor he
till then vacatehis offloeof jwtiae o? tho peace and his
SU&ry as justfoevould then atop.
&aozablo P. L. Harqwaa, page 3
Trustingthat va have aetlsfaotorll~ansveredyaw
inquiry,vo are
Very trulyyours