OFFICE OF THE ATIORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonorabla I. L. Uhaadler county AuAitor iioatagua cotmtr M?Jatagur,2wxal bar sir1 Your rrquat TOY fully omrlAeroA by thla U queet as r8llewsr OF ltb0r or tb corni~ o haio this rrrk Aono the AuUter tir8t befrr(i The thlQrqthat bo Juaif~eA in not allow= t: be pnriawhenpra00ma te tho o authoritiar citeA ir opinion8 Sue. 0-699 and 0-61~9 of thlaa0partasnt. oopies of whloh am soabood for your information,uo arawer peer rir& pusmtion in th,a aqatira. It It3the duty or th*'CountJdw3itor tc 8(H to thr rtriat eniorowmt of the law (~ovecnfngeountr iLaanses. tAFti- 010 1681, V. A. C. 8.) I3 is his 4luty ta oxmaim and inquire Eotmrablo S. L. ChnMler, Saga 8 into tk roorrootnees et lo6euatB agalrmt tke osuety. ( A& i- cle 1653, V. A. C. 8.) O~aimm, billr anA raeouat* yaiaet tho oounty are tiubJoot tc the approrrl of the Cmaty Auditor before vamc?nt can ba mado. (Art&oh 1660. V. A. C. 8.1 ‘Iha Iea nswer to h o urlea o a queetloa a you are reupeot- fuAly ldri8ed tlmt it la the opfainn of thi8 6q?eirtuantthat LOU hato no legal authority tr rlp#rero t,& looouats e deoOrlb- & IS pur letter and mat it i# your aut)r to rsfueo to approw r uehlea eunte. Y.r y trull r o ta s Al3-mlw.t -t o r mIx A