Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATIORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonorabla I. L. Uhaadler county AuAitor iioatagua cotmtr M?Jatagur,2wxal bar sir1 Your rrquat TOY fully omrlAeroA by thla U queet as r8llewsr OF ltb0r or tb corni~ o haio this rrrk Aono the AuUter tir8t befrr(i The thlQrqthat bo Juaif~eA in not allow= t: be pnriawhenpra00ma te tho o authoritiar citeA ir opinion8 Sue. 0-699 and 0-61~9 of thlaa0partasnt. oopies of whloh am soabood for your information,uo arawer peer rir& pusmtion in th,a aqatira. It It3the duty or th*'CountJdw3itor tc 8(H to thr rtriat eniorowmt of the law (~ovecnfngeountr iLaanses. tAFti- 010 1681, V. A. C. 8.) I3 is his 4luty ta oxmaim and inquire Eotmrablo S. L. ChnMler, Saga 8 into tk roorrootnees et lo6euatB agalrmt tke osuety. ( A& i- cle 1653, V. A. C. 8.) O~aimm, billr anA raeouat* yaiaet tho oounty are tiubJoot tc the approrrl of the Cmaty Auditor before vamc?nt can ba mado. (Art&oh 1660. V. A. C. 8.1 ‘Iha Iea nswer to h o urlea o a queetloa a you are reupeot- fuAly ldri8ed tlmt it la the opfainn of thi8 6q?eirtuantthat LOU hato no legal authority tr rlp#rero t,& looouats e deoOrlb- & IS pur letter and mat it i# your aut)r to rsfueo to approw r uehlea eunte. Y.r y trull r o ta s Al3-mlw.t -t o r mIx A