.I 668 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN B5ulduLn (\ Opinion a -55% FM: lotsrpro -0s te lo* 4 ti a, I iiih LA z. 7-Y - %- t1aa &all oxtrad on thereof URltrr &e ori- azulall txttn8io.n8thereof were t le.8 th a l n1 x ty ( 60da ) y s* to me tht ia rbrlaletrr~ the law, It Will %ccoik a very lmportent matter to 4ttmalnt ho wto lmlr the ~QluaDtlon aa to the actual and mik tm gl lOUL, 88 QltSny 80, o r three or poaalr ly l&or0 eJarwabg*ttht8afaetlar. - 66: Joaorablt J.P. Bauldvln, page 2 Ths priaa taalt prtsuraptloa rtrtrrtd to 02 paragraph t OS 8tatlon 28 or said bcnatt Bill psrtalas to the astusl md ~ttssu’~txptists lnaurredbythslsndsr Inwaloan. Ths bill provides that ln a trial for an llljunat1al under tht pro- ~l&Xh8 Of thi8 lidt thCM SXiSt8 S wiu fSOit jll'tSUW#iOR tbet $h@ 8ttUd 8Id StOOSttl'J tQNMt8 Oi say lsan was ens pollas ($1.00) for taah fifty Dollar8 or f'raatloaal +rt thereof, 1-d. A8 lf. irrtorgrct tbt tbovt qUOttd portlm ol 8tn8te ,all 4). as 88ZW ap&wars la your rtgucst, this prllm taalt.prt- 21On, the Mttwc Of Whlah is tx~hintd tbott, 8&@it8 only 'r?h e flcrt note or dsbt owing by a mr8OXl to a lender wbm thtrt trt revert1 obllgatioas or note8 exlrtlng bttwoen the g"tit8 8t the Wms tiNis. This prims iaala prtsunptlonwall got cxttad to the rtnowalor txtuulon of thlir rir8t note or ::drbttiOt88 it and sll tXteMfoix8 thereof art rash fog,a period 0s not .lars than tlxty days. In other word8 lf there lt exlrt- Lag an outstw note or debt bstusoa ths (Cortover and the lender at the tina a loan 18 swls, this prlsp faalt plwsumption doss not apply to thir latter losn. Was prlaa raeit prtswap- tlon as to the lataal nnd nw~srnry 0xpn888 iaourred in making a loan trtsads only to sush note or debt mads 8t a tlas vbm ~thtrt art ao aurrsat outstanding obllgatloasbstwesn ths *tits, and to the txtcnslcsr ane remial tbsreoi rhsa 8ush rots or dsbt and all oxttnslons 8re emh for a psrlod of sixty day8 or morh We trust the forcgolng r\ilipaks*ors your Loquiry. Very truly JOUP Robert 0. I;osh