Honorable Ti.A. Davis
State Registrar
Texas State Board of Health
Austin, Texaa~
Dear Sir:
transariptaof cer-
ates of birth, death,
And other questions.
ng request for an opin-
loitor this dep
,, .~i
10s of the State af
opossd oontrsot is snolosb6
er either the Bareeu of Vital
.Sfate ~HealthDepar$me& :or
or Health, actlllgthPortgh
the stat& orfioer in bharge, is authortied
to enter into this oontraot?
"(gJ Y non& o,Sthe above ~narnedatate
.,ageneles'may&awfully enter into kuoh.oon-
traat, @ether the orrloer in oharge or any
such age&y: la prevented,by reason or auoh
'RonorableviiA. Davis, page 2
orfioe, rr023lawfully entering into suah
oontraot, not in his ofl'ioialcapaooity,but
as an Individual?
"(3) In the event the Eureau of the Cen-
SW enters Into the yropoeed.contrsotwith
an Individual having no orfIoIe1 oonneoticin
with the Bureau of Vital Statlstloe,am I
es Registrar,permitted by law to allow suah
Individual,or his agents, to exemim and
transcribesuch reoords?
vU question.(l)Is the negative
am3 question (2) In tae arrIrmatIve,should the
money paid fox the tranaorlptabe handled through ~'
'the state treasury?
"Your'attentlonIs oalled to the ~provisiona
of Rule 54a OS Artlole 4417, V.T.S. end Paragraph
25 of Rule 47s of the same artiole."
Role 54a of Article 4417,:Vernon*sRevWed Civil
Statutes, provides forthe Ilqsuanae of oertLiIedoopies of
bI&hsnddeath ,,!th~~,S~~~.:,~egI,e~ar.
upon the
p&pent of a fee of fifty oents for each euoh'oopy,and iixes
fees for any searoh of the reoords or the Bureau of Vltsl
StatlstIaswhen no certified copy Is furnished,but makes the
following spe6IfI.aprovisions to permit the'UnItedStates Ceu-
sue Bureau to obtain o.opIssot suoh reoords:
w ~.;an4 provided rurther, that the United
Statea*&eus Bureau may obtain, rltheut expense
to'the State, tranmiripta or oertlriedooples or
'births~and deaths,without payment of the fees here-
In prescribed;and provlidedfurther, that the State
Registrar Is hereby authorized. to enter Into au
agreementwith the United States Bureau of the
Get&a .toaot as.epeolal agentror that Bureau In
acoepting the use 61 the frankIng privilege and
blanks iuraished by that Bureau and 18 authorized
to aot aa disbursing agent in oraer to have trana-
orlbed ior that Bureau aopisa of thenbirth and
death oertlfloatesi'lled,wIththe State Bureau.or
Vital StatIatIos; , . .*
'HonorableW. A. Davis,,Pape'3
The Bureau of Vital Statistics, the State Health L&+
partment and the State Board of Health are all agencies of the
State of Texas, and the persons in charge thereof are all of-
flaers of the State. "The State Is not bound by contracts made
In Its behalf by Its offioers or aq,entswithout previous au-
thority oonferrea by law. . e .* 98 Texas Jurlsprudenoe040;
Stste vs. Perlstein (Ct. of Clv. App.) 79 9. W. (2d) 543. ze
f&ridno provision of law authorizingany of said agencies, or
the officers in oharge thereof, to enter Into any such oon-
traot as the one here considered.
Iu answer,to your first 3lrestlon,therefore, it is
our opinion that none of said State agenoles may lawrully
enter into the proposed oontraot.
Artlole 441Sa, Vernon's C5vfl Statutes, preaorlbes
the'autlesor the State Board.or Health; Artioles 44lsa pre-
eorlbes the duties of the Stste Health Officer, who is exeou-
five head of the State.Hea1t.hDepartnient;and Article '4477
.(Rule35a.,et.seq.) sets out the various duties of the Regis-
trar of the Bureau of Vital Statistlos. One of the requlre-
men%8 of Artlale 4418b, whlah presorlbes the qualIfloa~tlonsof
&j.~ the St+t,eBealth OPrLoer, ie that he.,~ahall
devote his 'entbe
tGne to the duties of that'offi~@.-..'.~
We ~riad"ho~Wioh~
restriotionupon either the Registrar OS the Bureau of Vital
'~StatIstios or stiymember of the State Health Ward.
Xt Is therefore our opinion (In answer t'oyour,seoond
question) that neither the Registrar of the Bureau of Vi,tal
Stsfistios,nor any member of'the State Health Board ls pro-
hibited by the bws OS Texas from entering Into the proposed
aontraot in his individual oapaoity, aside from hIs #fIaial
position,but that the State Health.Officermay not:'lswfully
a0 SO.
Answerhg’your third questitm,we are ot~'theopinion
that, under the provisltinsof Rule 54a of Artlole 4477, quoted
abovi, end the le~lslatlve intent expressed thereIn, youi a8
Registrar, are permitted to sllow the aontractor under the pro-
posed oontraot, md his agents, to examlne and transcribe suoh
reaords for the purpose of rurnlshlng aoples thereof to the
Bureau or the aensus, so long as suoh.aotlonresults In no
expense to the State, ant?no subatantlal~interfersnce with the
work of the Eureau of Vital StatIstIoe. An exception to thie
Honorable W. A. Davis, page 4
genaral rule however, Is found In Paragraph 25 of Rule 47a of
Artlale 4477, which provides:
n . . . Neither the State Re@frar nor any
looal re,gIst.rarshall Issue a certified copy of any
birth or death certificatewherein a child or an
adult Is stated to be Illegitimate,unless such
certifiedcopy Is ordered by a Court of o,ompetent
Answeringyour last question: Since, as we hav~e
said, none of the state oifloers Involved may execute the pro- .
.posedoontraot in his offlolal qapaclty, and slnoe the proposed
,oontraotappears to oontemplatepayment for the ooples to be
made direct to the oontraotor,the money so paid should not be
paid .throughthe State Treasury. And even it the
sire $hat’you, in your offioial oapaoity as State Registrar, act
as diabureingagent (as Isauthorized by the provisionsof Rule
!34a &oted above), there Is no'requlrementthat suoh money be
handled through the State Treasury.
Yours very truly
BY /a/ W. R. Allen