Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

595 OFFfCE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable 'W.A. Devllr Stste Regi8traT :;tsts Eosrd o? lJeaLth Austin 2, Ten8 Dear Sir: four reoent IDtter r oplnlon'el8to the pger II lng with 8 Dintriot Court dlvIdoal on your reoortlrr. if neither method aglotrer how to p-ro- oourt order,.* nt to your inquiry e8 to birth snd if3aa~rOllOW6t State Department of Health ohall ’ end supply to 611 reglatrerrr~:; tom used In regimtarln@, reoord- ing and preservIrq the returns, crt,.ln otherwlee oarryiug out the puTpose d thla Aot, end esak olty end incorporated town shell print 2nd @up- ply its local registrar, and each oounty shell print end supply We County CleSk ~~.~lt.b pemnsnent reoord books, in forn e,proved by the Stats Regls- War, for the TsoordIng of all blrtha and deeths 596 '3.A. Davis, Pe(re i3 plaaotiable oooarrlng within thalr reapeatlve Jurladiotlona. The State Registrar ahall prepare and leaue auoh detailed instruotiona ss 6my be required to pso- cure the uniform obaervanoe of lta provlalona alld the melntenanoe of a perfect system oi re~latra- tlon; and no other'tom6 shall be wed than those approved by the State Dupertment d Health. Xe shall osreruny oumlne the oertlfVioa~te8 raoelved monthly Srom the loos1 re$latjrara~, and lf any.suoh are lao&plete or tmastlafao~ory be shall require 6ueh further lnformtlon to be aupplled as may be ne8easary to~.arkethe ~fmord oomplate and aatla- fa6tory. And aU phyaloiana,midwives, lnlormanta, or undortskerr, end all other’pereona herind:knorl- ed&e of the faota, are hereby required 'tosupply, upon s form provided by the State Departad? of Health, or upon the orIgina oortlfioate, auoh lu- iomatlon as they say poaaeaa regardlm eny birth or deeth,~upon demend of the~Sfata Registrar la parson, by mall, or through th& loeel regletrer; by the name of deoedenta, and in.the oaae of births, by the namea of rathers and mothore. + * +* V.A.O.S., lOiN, Artials 4477, Rule bl-a. (Onderaoorln$ ours). Our penal statutes provifiethat reaorda are to be kept lntaot end that the alteritp of tbe rkaords without ou- thorlty of law 16 6 artnina offense (F. 0. 19e6, Art. UOZ); and the atatute further deolares that the altering of reoordrs or oertiiloatea of reoords to be a forgery (Y. C., lB85, Art. 1006). However, Vital ~tstlatlo Statutes (I?ul*51-a of Artl- 016 4477) authorize amendments to woertlfloate o? birth or death, after ita soceptanoo for raglstretlonW. But in doing SO, the reslstrar should not Interpolate anythlnF not in the iustrumunt recorded et the time of the orl&ml moor&. Tbe 597 goaorebla t?.A. Davis, Page S amendmod of the moor& should not be ma& by oresurea and ~terlineations upon the oertlfioaten, bat by annmxlng tIw Smendmmt. that is the oourt jud@mmt. to the orlp5,nel oer- tiri0ete, - So that tba whole matter wlil appear. (Rroorda, m C. J., 619 n. 23; MO n. 68). m, tbererore, answer roar first quartlon 9i'noa~ thet ;a, that the ohlld*a no* lhoul& not be atrloken from the birth Sartlfloate and the new mm altt4n ia. %a anewor rour aeoond wmatlon in the afflmntlve and lu~~eat that sttaohad to th4 erl&ial o~rtlPioeto should be a oertlrlad oopy of the oourt*S mder ohan&n(r tbr ohlld*a ruma topqther with a atatmnmat in the SoUon~ or linila r fOr a =?ha Qay e? 10 In Cause I90. an order wee laau~d’am; Ria- ~ ;tyc~~r~o;~ triad I-- * - Oorrnty, T4ra8, ohang- FO . *This lfataaent and 81oertirie6 o,opycb th4 oourt’a order la ettashed to the orklnal - birth oartifloate oi , l.uoomplianaawith the purpose and ori%? 01 rid oourt 1x1 said oauaer *On this - &Y or 8 lV-* j ralRIl4d) Reglatrar.w Xn view of our ansu4r to Jroaraeoond qu48ti45, it la not aaoeeaary for us to anzsweryour third qoSStlo& Yours vary truly