Bon. George A. Hlght Opinion NO. O-3623 Chief Accountant Re: Liability of the Board on bonds board of County and Dis- previously made eligible for partici- trict Boaa Indebtedness ation in the county and district Aust&n, Texas R ghway fund when such bonds have de- faulted as to principal and interest. Dear Sir: tiehave your letter setting forth certain facts a&m- questing our opinion on the question stated. The facts are: ?A county proposes t.crefund an eligible issue ,,,_ ~,, ~~ :: :_ ..’ .ef,b&ds -vB.$&,‘,,are. u ,.defan& .,.T& ~:aty &+ ._I ., ~....,:; % @m&aseiC:btids’of thlS’,1&3ue, at Xess than their par ~.~ ,‘::~ dLlie’~aiidhave ‘. requeatsd the ‘Boardto cr&ait the coqty tiththa amount:the Board:set aslde~to ‘r&Ire ; - ._. : ... .: the their maturity date.’ The-:amouut set : aside being’the ‘peri?e&ageof.each bond ‘ofWs is- .. : sue* .&a deter@ned byethe Board, which was : . .expended~Xri:the construction.ofa~State desgsy: : highway or hl&iiays &xisaid county. “It is also proposed to escrow al3 interest cou- pans of Ws issue which are in &fault and pay #mm as funds are Wailable ,011the basis of fifty cents on the dollar.” Your request 1st “Please advlse this Board if the payments due by the State on the defaulted principal and Interest of this issue be made on the basfs of the actual cost to the county or on ~thebasis of the par value of the maturities in dafault.” Section 6 of House BllX’~688pas@ by Subsection (a) oft' the .Forty-sixth -- Legislature, Ngular Session, 1939, reads in part as rouowm “All bonds, warrants or evidences of in- debtedness heretofore issued by counties or de- fined road districts of this &ate which mature on or after January , . . ‘- -. -.I Hon. George A. Hight, page 2 date and prior to January 2,,1939 have been designated a part of the system o$ State high- ways :.,.. whether said Indebtednessis now evldeuced’bythe obligation originallyissued or layrefunding obligation or both, shall be eligible to participate1 n the distributionof the moneys coming into said County and District flthway F’nnd,subject to the provisionsob this shall participate in said County and &a: Ik%ict highway Fuud as of the date of the designktionof said road as a part of the State syste& . . ln (Underscoringours) 4 Subsection c of Section 6 provides in part: “It shall be the duty of the Board of County and District Road Indebtedness . . . to ascer- tain and determine the amount of indebtedness eligibleunder the provisions oftthis.Saction cf this ‘Act.topartic%pate~ 3.nthe mans.&.8 coc+¶ng. : i_.... _..: ... ‘*. into.’ said::Corinty-‘end ~Road.bisti’ict R3.g ajr.Md . ~, . . And said’:&ligation~tosaid”amountand extent shall be eUg%b%e for ‘paitlcipatlon ln the moneys~coming Into .the County and .RoadR&s- .’ .:.: .xtric.t;RlghtiayFund and said ascertainment, and : Y .. ,. dstermination shall be certified to the,county . ’judge by said Board ,and. all -of the matured out- . 1. .. stand%@ obligatl’ons of’said issue shall .rata-: bly have the benefit of said participationiu sziW moneys? Q m The.- ascertainmentand deter- &nation by.the ,Board,.afterreasonable notgce and ‘hearing of the amount of y. couuty or a* ffned~~‘mad .~&Lstr%ct~: .obligatioii e IgSble under the proti&ons of,this Act . . ,,. .&all be fSnal and conoluSive and &q&l ,notbe subject to re- view in auy otherstribunal2’’ .‘. Referring baok to Section 1 tiefind this ~langua& ‘tAnc7 it is hereby deterWed that the further provisioneof this Actconstitute fair, just end ~equltableoomp&nsatlon,repayment and reimburse- ment’to said c&ties’ ~amd deflned distr$ctsfor their ‘aidand’assista@ to’the-state in the cm- . struction‘of the.State highways. .,. And my dischargesthe~%egally~implhedobligations of the State ‘tocompensate,repay and reimburse agencies of the estatefor expenses incured at the instance and solicitationof the State as well as for ex- penses incurred for the benefit of the State. . . ” me sections of House Bill 688 first above quoted Con- template full payment of that pert of the expenditureWhich was made on State highways and the section last above quoted clearly indicates that it is,tke intention of the Legislatureto fully Hon. Geogre A. Hi&&t, page 3 oompensateand reimburse counties and defined road districts for all moneys previously expended on highways constituting a part of the State.HQhway System.' Nowhere in the'law,do we find provision for se@&g.down the previously determinedob- ligation of the Boara%nder circumstancessuch as are reflected from the facts stated in your letter. The instant bonds appear to be eligible for partlcipa- tion in a certain percentage of their par value and such ineli- gible portion thereof is, of course, the continuing obligation of the county. Therefore if the county acquires any of su& bonds at less than their par value we are inclindd to the view that such saving as is effected thereby should accrue to the county and that the Board xi11 still be obliged to gay such portion of the debt as it had previmsly determined to be eli- ible for participationunder the provisionsof House Bill f!88. Ihe .: think this conclusion equally applicable to the pay- ment of defaulted coupons appurtenantto the bonds. .: ..~_ _,._ . ,. L.~"' . :You~~e~%herefurs ad&sed that'in I&r o$inion'the ay-' .:' ment by the State should be-made on the'basis of the'par v aius of the maturities in default., : . '.So...long.. as'the methods adopt&by ~ho'cou&y'~.for.~he discharge of its part of the eligible obligationssre'legalwe thlrik ~theBoard is tiithoutauthority td.inquire into the mei% : :. oda employed..‘At tiie.timethe bonds ware.made eligible.for participationthe Board;set aside such funds as were conteni- plated to properly reimburse snd compensatethe county and such previously determinedobligation cannot be affected by a subse- qusntddiminishingof the countycs portion of the ,bonds. Trustjng that the foregoing fully enswers your inquiry, we are Yours very truly dpP~ovED J-u'r, 25, 1941 LETTDFtREY GENERAL OF TEXAS /s/ Grover Sellers B .,'s/Clarence E. Crowe l7IRRl' ASSISTANT Cfl arence E. Crowe,'Assistant ATTORNEY GENERAL CEC:LM:wb