THEATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUClTlN 11. TEXAS PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEY GENERAL May ZB, 1949 Opinion No. ,V-831 Re: Authority to psy~for~~& construction of fanc,ea ‘$n’ rights-of-way for ,ni$xe ‘Qmnty. roads&om the pertiansnt impravsmsnt ‘fund.‘. ,, Your r&&at for ‘an op&$on ‘is substantially as totlows: ‘,‘The !&mmissione,rs” Court and .County Treasu’rc: er hav+&ecn, us.iagfunds from what is commonly ,known kn the ‘pcrrrknent tmprooement fund’, as : ,dercribed in Articls 8, $ec.tion 9!,:of the Consti- ,tution of the gtate dt Tsxao, and~~~Aa$klc2352, Re* vised Civil STatutea ofTa~a$; for the purpose of purchasing matarialti and supplies, used in the construction of fences, fencing right-0Pway to netk county ‘roads and State highwayA within the county. . . , “Querti.on, l., Can the Commis’sionars’ Court pay for such dxpenditur’cs above stated out of the fund c,rcated by the’levy of a tax of twenty-five cents ~{&!S$)on the one hundred dollar ($lOQ.OG) valua- ~kik’fer the ;srection of puJ& b&in$&:, street*, ~~~ib~~&~,;wa& &orkd and dther p&mai!on~~ ~rb~qbcnfs’ ? .If so, &an the C&$&&a~foners’ hrt,‘~ay out bf $uch f&d the.cont if Bcquliiti&’ ‘:ntiw rightydf.&ay for new county roads or high: ~v+ya,.or the.iost of building such new roada. or 2iiglpiayq 7” Hon. Arnold W. Franklin, Page 2 (V-831) Section 9, Article VIII of the Constitution of Texas reads in part: . * . and no county, city or town shall levy 5. -.-more than twenty-dve cents for city or county purposes, and not exceeding fifteen cents for roads and bridges, and not exceeding fifteen cenle to pay jurors, on the one hundred dol- lar8 valuation q . . and for the erection of pub- lic buildings, streets. sewers, water works, and other permanent improvements, not to ex- ceed twenty-five cents on the one hundred dol- lam valuation, in any one year. and except as is in this Constftut~on otherwise provided; in@ the Legislature may also authoriee an additiok- al annual ad valorem tax to be levied and col- lected for the further maintenance of the pub* lit roads; provided. that n majority of the qu+ fied:$roperty tax-paying vo,$ers of the county voting at an election to be held for that purposa shall vote such tax not to exceed fifteen cents on the one -red dollara valuation of the property subject to taxation in such county. , ,” It ie well settled that the Commleslonern’ Court can-. not levy a tax for one purpose and use it for another purpose. Carroll v. Willfamr, 109 Tax. 155, 202 S.W. 504 (1918); Adt v. Hill Count, 102 Tax. 335.16 S. W. 359 (1909); Sanders*.nex, 225 S. W. 280 (Ter. Civ.’ App. 1920). In Carrollv, WUliams #a c,ourt statedr I. , By necmmary fmplfcation said provisions of S&m 9 of Article 8 ware designed, not merely to limit the tax rate for certain therein designated pur- poses. but to require &at any and all money raised by taxation for any rash purpose shall be applied, faithfully. Co that particular putptie, ao needed therefor, aad not to any other purpose or we what- moevar. * . .** Hon. Atnoht W. Franklin, Page 3 (V-831) It is assumed from your factual situation (and you have since verbally informed us) that you contemplate caring for fences necessarily purchased or taken or required to be erected by reason of condemnation proceedings in obtaining rights-of-way for county road& and State Highways. In the case of Morris v. Coleman Coun- &, 28 S. W. 380 (Tex.Civ.App., 1890, the court said: “The court below admitted testimony of the cost of the fences built, whether they were required to be built under the circumstances, whether the expense of building was reasonable, and the jury must have conridered the same in estimating the damages. We think, however, that the cost of building the fences that were actually built by the owner was n&the issue, but the reasonable cost of sufficient fences to enable the owner to enjoy his land in uses to,which it was adapted, and to which he lmd sipplied It,, was the issue.” In the c’ase of State v. Carpenter, 89 S. W. 2d 979 (Comm. App. 1936) the court said: “The better general rule with reference to fences, which may also be applied to certain other impryc- me&s, is statqd in 2 Lewis on Eminent Domain, % 498, in this language: ‘Where, by taking a part of a tract, additional fencing will be rendered necessary in order to the reasonable use and enjoyment of the remainder, as, it probably will be used in the future, and the burden of constructing such additional fence ia cast upon the owner, of the land, then the burden of constructing and maintaining such fence, in SD far as it depreciates the value of the land, is a proper element to be considered in estimating the damages. * * + It is a question of damage to the land, as land. If in view of the probable future use of the land, additional fenging will be necessary of which the jury or commissioners are to judge, and the mr must construct the fence if ht has it, then the ‘land is depreciated in proportion to the expense of constructing and maintaining such fencing. Noth- ing can be allowed for fence. as fence. The allow- ance should bt for the deprcoiation of the land in con- stquence cd the’burdea @usa cast upon it.” Hon. Arnold W. Franklin, Page 4 (V-831) It will be 6eiIn from the foregoing that the county cannot actually pay ,fer fencing rights-@f-way for adjoin%ng landowners ad- jacent to 08w county road6 or highways ,regardfero of whether the county tigsrired the same by ptirchase DF by cahdemnatioa proceed- ings, This item cry be considered c&y in astim&ng the damages to the Lud, ‘I&r~hai~elpror;f,ti ia not t&r a&&al c4st af f&e fbnca but tht rearonbble coat ufthe fence 4H,amble %e wmer to e,njq U land for u8eo fo w&h tt wu adapted. It watr&a~rUy follows that tht coat of foncfae w&l be c.amp&td ~1san a&m 04 ds.mage by ithe C~nwnh~~~nuf~’ CWP$ when i%ptwahnlrss the land or when the same kr t&~a by cwlemnaWa and the pxap~sty owner muut be c4mpeodwJ wwa The fund ox ftW3dB ett wblr for *a acqiiPritlonof rr#a 4*way, Hon. Arnold W. Franklin, Page 5 (V-831) purchasing materials and supplies in the con- struction of fences for adjacent landowners on rights-of-way on new county roads and high- ways. Yours very truly, ATTORNEYGENERALOFTEXAS BWmt Bum& Waldreg APPROVED ,/ FIRST ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL