. - J HE NEY GENERAL EXAS Hon. Ray KIrkpatrick, Chairman House AppropriationsCommittee slat Legislature Austin, Texas Opinion No. V-827. Rer Conatltutldnalityof pro- posed H. B. 42, 51st Leg- I lslature, approving ootion of Stephen F, Austin State Teachers College in exer- cising option to buy cer- tain real property, and making appropriationthere- for. Dear Mr. Kirkpatrick: On behalf of the House AppropriationsCommit- tee, you have submitted a copy of proposed House Bill Ho. 42, an Act approving the action of the governing board of Stephen F. Austin State Teaohers College in ex- ercising its option to buy certain real property, known as the Muokleroy Farm, for the developmentof the ool- lege departmentof forestry and agriculture,and making an approprlatlonof $25,OOO.OOfor the purchase thereof. Your submitted question: Is said bill constltutional? Article 2645, V.C.S., requires that ‘agrlcul- ture shall be taught in each of the State Teachers’ CoJleges.” Under subsection3 of Article 2647, the gov- erning board of teachers oolleges may determlnewhat subjeote of study shall be puraucd, but shall not change any department of Instructionprovided by law. Subsection9 of Article 2647 provides as fol- lows1 “Power and authority Is hereby oonferred upon said board of regents to acquire by pur- chase or condemnationfor the use and benefit of any of the State Teachers’ Colleges, such Hon. Ray Klrkpatrlok,page 2 (V-827) lands within the counties where suoh schools may be located, aa said board may deem expe- dient for the use of any of said schools for purposes necessary In the conduct thereof." The speolal fund establishedby the College Bullding Amendment (Tex. Con&. Art. VII, Sec. 17) Is created "for the purpose of acquiring, constructingand Initially equipping buildings or other permanent lm- provements at the designatedinstitutionaof higher learning." Stephen F. Austin State Teachers College is one of the Institutionsdesignated. The Amendment also provides that oolleges which partlclpate In such fund shall not thereafterreceive any other state funds for the acquiring or aonstructingof build1 s or other per- manent improvementsfor which said Five7 54) Cents ad valorem tax Is herein provided, except In case of fire, flood, storm or earthquakeoccurring at any such lnstl- tution. . .' The express purpose, clear and unambiguous, of Section 17 of Article VII Is to provide for the ac- quiring, conatructlngand initially equipping of build- ings or other permanent improvements,at the designat- ed colleges. The Legislature Is not prealuded by its provisions from making appropriationsfor the purchase and acquisitionof additional land for the designated institutions,nor Is it so premed by any other law, statutory or oonstltutional,of whlah we are apprised. The Amendment spealflcallyprohibits appropriationsof other State funds for the purposes covered therein. It does not prohibit appropriationsfor additionalland. In our opinion, the phrase "or other permanent imprx ments" found In Section 17 may not properly be construed to mean or lnolude land; such a constructionwould be strained and unwarranted,violative of accepted rules of construction. "Land" ln the usual and legal sense la not treated as an improvement. Land 'Iegally includes all . . . houaes. and other bulldlnns.for thes consist of two things--l&d, whioh is the fo&hatlon, aiidthe structure thereupon." Fidelity Cotton Oil & Fertilizer Co. v. Mar- tin, 136 S.W. x13 noGee IrrigatingDitch C0. v. Hudson, ri3.W. 967; Reynird v. City of Caldwell +2 P 28 292 296; 24 Words & Phrases, (Pera. Ed.) 13$1140. 'See alA0 Articles 7146, 7319, V.C.S. page 3 (V-827) Han, Ray Rlrlcpatriok, Land, however, may be Improved and enhanced In value by the addition of buildings, struatures,fenc- and other like improvementsof a permanent aharac- t”% affixed or situated on the soil which when they are’added,‘willbe recognized as a p&t of (he land. 32 Words & Phrases, (Perm, Ed.) 113-116; Articles 7146, The term “permanentImprovements”is concisely %%ed in Pritchard v. Williams, 106 s,k. 144 as fol- lows: ““Permanentimprovementsito land inolude all Improvementsof a permanent nature which sub- stantially enhance the value of the property and, property being a farm8 inaludes e e o dwelling house, barna, and stables, .,. fenc- ing . Q a wells . e L(orahards e . o provided that they enhanae the value of the propertyr but do not inalude repafrs to buildings which should be made by the owner in the ordinary use of the property,” It is the acquisitionof such permanent lm- provements as dietinguishedfrom the acquisitionof additional land as improved which, we think, is contem- plated in the Amendment, Section 17 of Article VXr. We are not advised, nor have we aasumed, that there hove been buildings or other permanent improve- ments placed or erected on said land by the owner at the suggestionof the college In order to greatly en- hance its value prior to the contemplatedpurchase, and in order to aoquire by indireationbuildings or other permanent improvementswith funds in violation of the provlslons of Section 17 of Artiale VII, We have not before us a situation where the college is desirous of purchasing lend on which to build one of the buildings or other permanent improve- ments mentioned in the Constitution, That matter may be disposed of when it arises. We are assuming that the land in question is of a different character, Accordingly,we advise that House RI11 Wo. 42 is oonstitutlonal. 5 I- Hon. Ray Kirkpatrick,page 4 (V-827) House Bill No. 42, proposed by the 51st Legislature,epprovlng action of Stephen F. Austin State Teachers College in exercising option to buy certain real property and malt- ing an appropriationtherefor, is oonstltu- tional. It does not violate ~&&ion 17 of Artiole VII, Constltutlonof Texee. Arts. 2645, 2647, subseotlon3, 'V.C.S. Very truly yours, ATTORREY QEMRRAL OF Tl?XAS &d%sf- Chester E. 6lllson CBO:bh Assistant FIRST ASSISTARI! ATTORNEY ORMRRAL ,..