Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

.THE ATTORNEY GENERAL '.OPTE&iS. AUWI-XNH.WWJCAEI PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYGENERAL The lrgali$t~. 08 sll&taae- cm8 sep8rate aomolSdrtlon. eleotioas which irll2 FQP- solidate Floydada fadepen- dent Sshool DistzrlCt and rash contl'uoue OQmmon mhool die &ricts a8 We . tavW*blf ia *heir Se** rate elebtlonsb School Distriot and each of several ceatlguous conmoa school dlat*lots with a view to creating a aev 8ohe92 dlstriot whleh would include the Floydads Dirtriot aad Nclh OS the otbera a8 vote favorably ea oeaaelllatiear Artlale as amended, provldee 3906,V.C.S.,. in partt “On the petition of twenty (20) or a ea- jority of the legally quulif’led votom ef of several ooatl uoua coamoa sohool dirtrio 9 Bb OF ool?flguow i 4 ependent school distriote, reylng for the O~eelldatloYi ef ruoh d&l* hi&s rer aeheol mar~oses the County judge #ball l~sue aa order for & election to be hold oa the mm0 gay la e eueb district. The Couaty Judge ,bhnll or the date OS ruoh eteatlons,by ll+atlen es the order la Borne @e rpaper pub &shed in the coaatt ior twenty (20 7 dews prim@ to the date oa xhieh such eleatloas aPe ordered, or w poHiag I notice 0r Bush election8 In c OS the dla- trlots, or b b&h suah publiea ““z ion &a# $eItr ed twtloe. be Co881rrlonera1 Court rhall at Its next meetlag, ~anvasa the retar+s e$ Hoa. John B. Stapleton, page 2 (V-766) such elections, and IS the votes cast In m && dlatrlcta show a majority in oh dla- P?r at voting separately In favor 0r au0 %OIt- aolldatlon, the Court shall declare the school ~dl8trlota conaolldated.” (&sphaala ours.) This statute gm;;t;; tI+sg;;;m;~tmet~?C~ oaedure by vhloh ‘A” r latrlat may be conaolldated vi&h the FIomaS I. S. D. at the same Instant to form a single new conaollbated rchool dlatrlct. It requires the preaeafmtlon OS a pe- tition to the County Judge containing 20, or a majority,. of the quallSle4 voters OS each OS the contiguous dir- trlcts praTlng Sor co~aolldatlon OS such dlatrlcta Sor school puPposes. Under its express p~ovlaiona the conaollda- tlon’of such four dlatrlcta can be effected only where the proposed conaolldatlon has carried by a majority vote In each district at an election held separately in each oS the ,intereatad school diatrlct8. A. 0. ,DplaIon, . V-531 ‘and cases cited therein. h4er It8 Poquimmht8 the Commlaaionera~ Court would be vithout aothorfty to declare a oonaolldatlon OS a117 leas number OS 4lBfrlota than the Sour voting at the election called for said purpose. Cleerly Article 2806 contemplates, the re- qulred petition being proper, that an elaatlon be call- l4 to be held in eaah of the 418trlot8 on whether the Sour contiguous school dlstrlata shall be conaolldated tb f6rr a new aohool’dlstrlct comprising such four for- B&P school biatrlcta. Caa It be said ai a datt6r oi l&v that any pae OS ‘the dxa~trlo~ts vdte on Xne quaa%Lcn OS oonsolldatlon with the three other districta vhen It votes only on the propoaltloa vhethw It shall bon- solidate with the Flcydada dlatrlot as it exist8 at the time of the election? To state the queatloa im to give a negative aaaver. The L4entlaal qiestloa has been before this department on,aeoeral oooaalaaa lnvolrlng the matter oS approval OS bonds Issued by conaoll~ated 4latrlota, a#&d la each lnatsnoa the same conolualon was reaohed. As . reoantly as l&ember 19, 1948, the Attomey Oeneral ad- vised such a 4latrlot by letter as follovs: 1 Hon. John B, Stapleton, paga 3 (V-766) “Article 2806 provides, ln effect, that on the petition of tvent or a majority of the legally qualified vo 1 era of each of e school districts praying fob the con- so 4atloa of aueh 4latrlota 4t ios aahool pur- poses, the county judge shall order aa elec- tion to be held cm the same day In laeh 8ueh dlatwldt. Our lnterwetatlon of this prevl- alon 18 that the petition must pray fw the aenroll4atloa ol all tha school &l$OPviok &- fectad. However, the petition of laoh cem- mon school distbiot prays on17 for the DQQY aolldatlon of Such dlatrleta, respectively, vlth the . . . District. Woreore& the eleo- tlon notices, election returns an4 eanvsaslng orders we?% prepare4 rlmllarl~. It 18 the opinion of this bepartawnt that this error la fundamental. ’ The construction bg the Attorney Qeneral of the provlalona of Article 2806 was widely Icnown. It la an eatabllahe4 principle of 8tatuto eonatructlon that the lnterp~etationa of the Attorm L%neral of the pro- vlalona o? the law, although not b ding on the Cc~tS, is highly peF8ue8Ive. The Interpretation OS the Atter- ney Qeneral of the p~oviaiana of Artlale 2806 was of general knowledge long prior to the aearlem ef the lrst Laglalature. Hovaver,,Article 2806 was not amended OP changed. The purpose or AFtlcla 2806, In our oplaloa, Is not for the enlargement of any oae SCh801 dlatrlct in any manae~ such as advanced by the Floydada district. Bather, It la to enable the arratlon or a new, larger school district by the conaoll4etlon or tvo olr mOTe smaller dlatrlcta whoa laoh of such interested petltlon- lng dlatrlcta vote in favor thereof. County Bd. of Sohool Trustees of Limestone Count v. W la n, 15 S. Y. (26) 144; State v. Cadenhead, 129 5. v. t2dI 7:3$2)- alty I, S. D. v, Dist. Trustees, etc., 135 1021; Heaver v. Bd. of Tmatesa of Wilson I. ‘S ‘D 04 S. U. (26) 864; Pyote I. S. D. v. Dyep, 34 S. G. lsd t 578; Bigfoot I. S. D, v. Qenard, 116 S. W, (26) 80$; A. Q. Oplnloa lo. V-562. Article 2806 specifically pro- riding the sole prooedure by which lehool 4latrlots may be conaolldated and authorizing conaolfdat1eaa oP such dlatrlcts only when each petitionin district votes in ravor of oonaolldatlng auoh dlatzclo &8, it follova that no school district may accomplish br Indirection that Bon, John B, Stapleton, page 4 (v-766) which may not bm done directly undor said statute. The Floydada dlrtrlot may not le~rlly aocomplirh oo~qllda- tlon in the -BP it proporer. It lr aa aoorptul sulo or rtatutoq oonrtrouotlon thst whem the peromamae 0r a aortain thing In a pu?tlculu IULILOP01, by a pmtlcu- lu pepeon Is dbsoted, thwe In u Implied aommand that it be not done otherwise, lP by lOIM other Hwn* 59 Co J. 984, County School boskem vo Wall r ounty L. I. Rob. Diata, 95 so w. (24) 204 at 206, In Rhea C. S, D. v0 Revlaa I, S;D,, 214 S. U. (26) 660, cltod in JOW bmr, the raota WOPOthat th0r0 was no oomaePted plan on tha pad of the dl#tPlotB ln- rolred to thwart the plain p~ovlalons and proaedum of APtlale 2806s This oomtltutos lu 0lLp eplaion a runda- mental aistlmgullrhablr~~rama 8turitmnt rc alrising that the Rhw-Borlaa Cam 18 lnrpplloablo to tb gum80 tlon pmmmted hemIn* UB~~P th raot8 or Rhea-rit3arlnr Case, the Oklahoma und Borlnr dlmt~lota rating umlm APtlolr 2806 riled theIs petition en Apll 8, 1948, with the County Judge who promptly oallrd an llootlon ror Mar 8 oa the issue of thelp oonaoli4atleno On ApMl 14, the Rhea and Borina dlstplotr riled their potltlonr with the same Count;l Judge who oallod an eleotion ror May 8 on the issue of the& mnrolldatlon. In the lleotlon, the Oklahoma-Bovina Conaolldatlon rallod to tiuv~, but the RheaBovlna oonsolidation did B~PPJ~ Iho latter two .' dl~tPlctr WOPOdoolued oonrolldat.4 rd raid rloctlon wan doolamd valid by the tplrl oooPt wham Judgment warn arfipred In the alted oplaion or the Gout or Civil Aapsalrro What the aour *a jutl#mont would hate boon la thir election oontert oaao h& the Okl~eaa-Boti~ Coa- rolldatloa also suppled, it dl(l pot attempt to decide OP oormbnt upon0 But $8~ Coopt did point, out in its opinion at page 662 $brt, @lb oe~tlfled 60~7 or these proaeedl4C~ ClOrPlJ urd ~rl~%lV~l~ ovidmace an iA- tsntloa to oonmlldatr tba Rhea QiaWlot with the Borl- $ ;;;:;lct, fnd thur wo rind the alectlons a? Hay 8 to COhidl~ tb suu 00~~ or the p~0000d- 14s aho&'euch intention te aonaolldate Rhor and the Bovlna dlrtrlotr aould not in any wise be coastmad a8 ovi4onolng an Intention to roarolldak the,Rhoa dlrtrlat to the Oklahoma-Bovlna Dew rehool entity, •O0~Ing~ roP the moment@ that the Oklahomadovlaa oonralldatlon had also oarpled. Bon. John B. Stapleton, page 5 (V-766) Beforr the election proc88dlng8 may clearly and afflrmatlv8ly bvldenoe 8n ln~~fttlgtf,to ooa~o~ldate Floydad di8tPict and dl8trlOt8 aad C tha petitions Psqulred of each such die~~lct'under A&o18 2806, the election order", elsctlon notlo88p th8 ballot8 ueed In each of such districts, and the d8cl8r8tlon of the Commlaslonsrs~ CouPt must show tbrt erch district proposed to Be consolldat8d voted raver8bly on the pro- position 0r consolidation with each of the other thrs8 districts. Any other proceedings, In our opinion, COW travene the plain provisions of' Article 2806, as amena- ed. SUMMARY In the consolld8tloa of echo01 dle- trlcts, all school &i+tficta Involved rust be named in the petition and other slec- tlon proceedings. The proposed plan whsre- by contiguous school districts in slmulta- nboua separate consolidation elections at- tempt to consolidate Floydadk I. S. D. aad such dlstPlct8 as vote favorably in their s8paPat.e elections contPavenes the pPovI- slons of Article 2806, V, C. S., 84 aaend- ed. YOUPSvary tpu1g, ATTORNRYWRF,RALOFTFXAS CEO:bh -' Chester I%. 0111~011 Aaeletaat APPROVED