Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OR? TEXAS AUSTIN. TEXAS Hon. L. A. Wood Opinion No. V-737 State Superintendent Department of Education Re: The legality of paying the Austin, Texas expenses of State business travel when the employee also attends a Convention meeting in the evening. Dear Sir: Your request for an opinion upon the above subject matter is as follows: "On October 31 Dr. H. E. Robinson went to Waco at the request of several individuals to assist with special edu- cation problems in their schools. He was involved in eight or ten such indi- vidual conferences from noon on the 31st until noon on November 1. He did not go to Waco to attend a convention, but at 7:30 p.m. on October 31 he did attend a meeting at which Dr. John Lee of Wayne University spoke to a group on "What Is Special Education?" I feel that attend- ing this meeting at an evening hour does not invalidate his claim for expenses for transacting necessary official busi- ness. "I am enclosing a copy of his expense account claims covering the details of this situation and would appreciate your opinion as to whether or not he is entitl- ed to reimbursement for his expenses in- curred." Dr. Robinson's account may be approved for payment. The State has a just claim upon the working hours of its employees, but it is not monitor of their evenings. The prohibition against paying travel ex- penses of employees to conventions does not operate to Hon. ,L. A. Wood - Page 2 (V-737) forbid payment when the employee in fact is traveling on State business, notwithstanding, while upon such trip he does actually attend a convention. Each case such as you put presents a question of fact as to good faith discharge of the State's business. It is primarily the duty of the head of the department, and the issuance and payment of warrant by the accounting officers of the State to solve such questions. We may add, however, that the nature of the business trans- acted, and the character of the convention attended may be considered in this fact finding as to good faith in- tention. It is within your power and official discre- tion to approve the claim involved. A State employee may lawfully be paid travel expense incurred in making a trip in good faith upon State business,notmith- standing in the evening ho attends a con- vention. Yours very truly, ATTOiWEY qGERE.XAL OF TEXAS 0S:wb By 5%$Yk&+ Assistant