EATTORNEY GENERAL, QFTEXAS AUSTIN ~~.Tmcx~s PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYGENERAI. August 12, 1948 Hon. Preston E. Hutchinson, Accountant Joint Le islative Conuittee Austin, 4 exam Opinion Ho, V-659 Appllicability of’ 435 imitation in ~Artlole i 5 spal?sely settled in- g”,m~“nt sehoel dir- 4 We refer to your request Pop an 0pinlOn OOa- cernlng the applicability of the $35 POP SohoZrStitI limitation on equalization aid to independent school dic+W&ts, e~lgi~le and applying fop aid, under the third paragraph of Section 1, Art. I, H. B0 295, 5Qth Legislature. We quote frol youp opiai*e FOqWt, Fo pm-t, a8 follows: “The first part of this paragraph quali- fies school district lirlts aid to thirty-five dollars per scholaatlc6 The ssoond part of tha,paregraph quaefbfies indspeadent sohoai c%$Uatriota OD about $h& same baels but does not speclfioally r)by that such dlst 8 are limited to thirty- five dollape ( pop 8chola8tic, Since the budgetary need, requirements end quali- fications of the above named dlstrlote are the same, we feel that It is necessary to ask the following question: ‘lAFe independent districts, qualifying un- der this special provisl n, llmlted to thirty-five dollaF6 ($3S? par 8oho2artio?s ‘If the above queetioa ie.ansvorsd in the negative, the eeoond quostlon would bsi Bon. Preston E, Hutchinson, page 2 (V-659) “P&e independent school distrio 8, with less than one hundred and fifty 150) scholastics, as described in Aptlcle 27 3, limfted to the thirty-five dollar6 ($35 P per soholastlo%B “Attaohed is an example of some ten or iii- toen distrlotk qualifying under this spe%lal ovi61ene Please note on page 1, item as Fhat said district is on y apply1 for thirty-five dollam ($35 par schoT a8tlC as descpibod in Article 1, i ectlom lp As yeu will nete en page 5, with the llmitatien ra* r~vol, eald Qlstriotqs salary aid grant VllL be ralsrd from twe t usan oighht hundred and eeventy dollars 2870) to eight thou- II’ sand eight hundred and seven dollars ($8807)~ The third pmagva of Section 1, of AFtiole I, Ii, B, 295, read8, Ln par r o ar3follows~ “F’z.=ovided thBt sohool di8tPiCtP in oatmties having a scholastic population equivalent to ons&alf of one pupil pep square mile or lesa in the entire county, or school dlstriots having a scholastic population equivalent to one scholastic le or less and containing one square miles or mope in area, may be exempt from the average dally atten- dance requirement and the teacher- upil quota requirement of this Aot, if Pt is so recommended by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and approved by the Log- lslatlve Accountant, for the purpose of maintaining a~high school of, sixteen (, 6) or more affiliated units, vfth seven (7 or more teachers; but in no inatanoe may,the coat of the,Byalisajlon fund exceed thirty- five dollars $35VO0 Q~P pupil in such* trlot, And be it further prvvided that In- dependent SC 001 Districts comprised of one hundred (100 P sgua~e mile.6 or more9 and,that are now a cr dlted and equipped to maintain a twelve 112‘3 grade school with sixteen (16) or more afflllated high school units, and . hevi a scholastic population of less than .~ one I@ 1) pep square mile in the district My be exempt from then average dally ,attipdanoe . Hon. Preston Z;. Hutchlnson, page 3 (v-659) and teachop-pupil quota requirements of this Act if it la se Pecommended by the State Superintendent and approved by the Leglrlativo Aocountant POP the pwpose of imintainlng en& accredited schools and employi SIX(~) OF mop8 teachers lnalud- lng the 3 u)eplntcr*leat. The first sentence in the ebooe quoted para- m Is substantiaUy the saao a8 the third papagraph $ of ectlon 1, AFtlola I, S, B, 167, 49th The enlj ataHa1 dlfferenaa is that the Iatwe raise& th4 lidtatlen figwe fpoa The relasinl et’ the quctsd paragraph by wan rCr&si tha 50th Lo wwaph In oountise having a aoholastlc pepulat 0 one-half OP iess in the entire own- having scholastic popula- stlc neP sauaxw mile op ~ less arid containing 100 SQuaPo mil&3 o~-mwe In area,” urd the $39 U.uitatlon 16 expzwasly avie aa to ‘suoh UetFlots 9 The second atptenoo lxa said quoted pap yw a9eclfioallg oonce~ns ‘Independent School DlstPia s that are now accredited and equipped te Psalntaln a &2- grade eohool with at least 16 affiliated high schoel UllitB 9 and which have a s$holastic populat&on of less than one per square mile In the dfstriot. There ie no $35 limitation made with respeot to eald lndepon4ent school distpicta, We think the ~Oth‘L~gislatwe b y its l6o tlen of thio seaond sentence gwovlslon effectively and 1&WI- removed In&e endent Qlatplcte as dealgnats therein from the Mn.i ? atiow ~of the fir6t sentenoe Q lie oan peroeiee of no peason why the Legislatwe would have added this latter ppovioion except to free such deslgN- ted independent districts from the $35 limftatlon appl%- cable ta al.1 school districts covred by the first part oi the paragraph i Artiole VI ef Ho B. 295 p~otidiw, in pults “It shall be tha dut of The State Supsrintrndent of Pub110 r znstpuotioa ad Hon. Preston E. Hutchinson, page 4 (V-659) the Legislative Accountant to take such action and to make such rules and pegula- tlons not inconsistent wlth the tepms of this Act as may be necessary to carry out the ppovlslona of this Act, and for the best interest of the schools for whose benefit the Funds ape appropzlated, tion An examination of the several applications for State-aid attached to the opinion pequeat, which were submitted by certain Independent achooP districts quall- fging under the second sentence of the third paragraph of Section 1 of Article I of said Act, reveals that the State Superintendent has puled in this matter to the ef- fect that said independent school districts are not lim- ited by the $35 provision applicable to school districts qualifying under the first sentence in said paragraph four of Section 1, As indicated hereinabove, we think the State Superintendent has puled in this mat.tercon- sistent with the terms of said Act, The Leglslatwe, by its enactment of the second sentence p~ovlsion in the third paragraph of Section 1 of Article I, H. B. 295, Acts 1947, intentionally removed the sparsely settled independent school dls- tzicts therein designated from the $35 limitation applicable to other school dla- tricts covered by said Act, YOUPS velpytzulg, A'PPOBNEYGEBEBAL OF TEXAS CEO:mw Chester E, Clllson Assistant APPROVED: ~, $ik.& jL.2 ATI'OREEYGENERAL