Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

-- R-528 AUSTIN. TEXAS June 12, '1947 Hon. Hall H, Lo an, chairman State Board of 8 ontrol Austin, Texas Opinion IO. V--3&9 Be: State eleemosynary schoolteachers, payment of salaries while attending col- lege D Wm refer to your letter of recent date, ac- knowledged by the Attorney General on Jume 3, L9b7, rherein you request to be advised concerning the au- thority'of the Board of Control to permit superfn- tendents of eleenosynary schools to pay salaries to the$r teacherr from Eleemosynary Salary Funds, Elee- rosjnkir Institutional Local Fundr, or Independent Sahool E istrict~Funds‘realisad by rleerosynary in- stitutions -le.said teachars~are :attending State institutions of higher learning to rtudy the teach- ing ~of abnormal and handicappod children, you state that the lleemoayaary lnsti*u- tions handle many abnormal and handicapped children and that eleeaosynary school teachers educated in the nethods and technique of handling and educating such children will prove beneficial to the school svstem. and that most of said teachers are unable tb at&d accredited colleges this sumer because of inadequate sa1arie8o We regret to inform that we find no law expressly or impliedly authorizing the expenditure of any of the funds referred to in your letter for the payment of teachers' salaries while said eled- mosynary teachers are engaged in studying and are not performing their duties,as teachers, "~ The salaries of employees, teachers and instructors in the eleemosynary institutions are fixed and governed in the Eleemosynary Appropria- ~,... L .. : IIonsHall 8. Logan - Pago 2 tlon Bill, Acts 19&S* 49th Logialature,R. SoI Chapter 237, II,B, Hoe 2060 In the general provisionsthere- of, Section 3, the paragrqh dwignated, Prerequisite of PLpleyeos, Subseatioa tb), p. 366, it is lPecifi- tally provided that Tno salaries ahall be paid to say psraoa ndlcrs such pcraon 8ctarlly dischw aa’assig+ed dutiero" The goneral proviaiom themof, ktiesi.3 t&t plrr;graph designated,krolriag Fund and XnInstik- tioaal Receipts, Subrootion(a), p@ 367# geverns and coatrola the purposes for which local fuad8 of llee- rosynary institutionsmay bo ando Neither by oxpress provisionsnor by the employmentof the doatrine of ejustr generis can authority be found therein whioh would allow expenditureof tke institution~slocal rem c+pt6 or funds for the purpo8e advanced keroiao ., ,‘., We h+ve examined further the lawa govomimg the expenditureof school district funds and have found no statute, nor have we been apprised thereof, which would authorise the expenditureof Independent SkjhoelDistrict Funds~for the payment of-a tmcher'a salary when the teacher is not performingaasigmod duties as teacher, If, of course, the teabher is entitled to a vacation under the general provisions of the great mbspnary~~pprop~iatieni Bill, Section 3 Sub8ection (b), p. 364, and~electato attend a colfege during the vacatian~period,he is entitled to payment of his vacation period salary0 There is no law authorizingPayment of salaries to teacWrs employed by the State EleemosynaryInstitutionsfrom el- eemosynary salary or local funds, or m funds realiaed from independentschool districts,while.they are attending col- lege and not performingassigned duties as teachers0 ~, Hon. Hall H. Logan - Page'3 Very truly yours ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS map- Chester E. Ollison Araistant CM):dja:erc