Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

4ril 14, 1947 Hon. Kalph Logan Opinion No. V-140 District Attorney 5lst hamel 3istrict Re: County Tax Assessor- 3ah aelo, Texas Collector, compensa- tion of for collec- tion of taxes for Couaty Junlbr College IJistrlot. Dear Sir: refer to your letter of moent aat ao- 'f/e knowledgeaby the Attorney General on April 8, 1947, wherein you state that the Tax Assessor-Collectorof Tom Green County is retaining as his compensationfor assessing and collecting taxes for the County Junior College Dfstrlct 1% of the total assessed of the couaty and 1% ef tlw taxes ocl2ectei4!iE%%a- ame, he oonteadr,~dth the provisions of Article 2792, V.C.S. The County Junior College ~Districtcontends that said Collectorts oompensation should be not rcore than 1% of the assessed ana not more than l$ of the taxes colle as provided under Article 2815b-4, Seotion 3, V.C.S. You have requested an opinion from this of- fice on the following question: What is the proper ba- sis for compensationof the County Tax Assessor-Collect- or who has been designated in accordancewith provisibns of Article 2615h, Section 7b (c), V,C,S., to collect taxes for the Junior College Distriat? We understand that the governing board of the County Junior College District, undek the provisions of Article 2815h, Sections 7b (c) and 22, V.C.S., has authorizedthe oollestion and assessment of the College District taxes by the County Tax Assessor-Colleotor, Section ?b (c) was added to.the Junior College statute, Article 281511,by Acts 1937, 45th Legislature,Ch, 130, p0 248. This Sectfsa further provides that "When the Assessor and Collwetsr of county taxes is required to as- sess and collect the taxes of a Junior College District, he shall reoefve the sww percentage as for State and County taxes," : , . .._. : .~ Hon. Ftalph~'Lo~an - Page'2 (V-140) Seotion,7,Article 281511,'V.C.S.,provides in part as follows: n . . .' provided the total anus@ of tax levle& for Junior College purposes : shall never exaeed.twenty (20) oentg on the One Hundred Dollars of property val- uation within said District,.'o. !lt. Artiole 2815h-4, Section 3,:.V.&S, provides as follows: "When the Assessor and Collector of county.taxesis aesignatea,bythe Bcara of Trusteesof a.Junior College District. or a.~UnionJunior College District to col- '. lect, or tomassess and colleat,~thetaxes .~for ,such.JuniorCollege~Distriot,he shall. oolleotj or.assess and ~olRecjt,.thesame and reoeive as ,conpensationfor his ser-, " vfcea iot'mre -thanone (l$j per o~entof the taxes assessed for assessingtji;‘,xe, and not more than one (1%) per co& of the 'taxescolleotsd~for~~ol~e3t~ng~~e~n :~Article~ 2815hi40 enaktbd &A&s 1941, 47th‘ Legislature,'RoS.:,::%ho '5, pe .6,,oontains~t,he latest ex- pression of the I,egisiature'oonoerni..ugthe ~oonpensation reu’eeivabl~ by a County Tax ,Asaessor-CoUsot,or who -has been authorizedto oolleet taxes for a Junior College DistrioL Article 2815h=&, Section 4, P.-CbS.Oexpress-, ly repeals.alllaws or parts of law&, insofar as they confliotwith the provisions of Article 21??15n-4~ ~To' the extent,'therefore, that Artiele.2Si5h0Section 7b (c), V.d,S.,,conflictswith the prov$sionsof Artiole 2815ii-4,it ins~expressly~modified or re,peaied thereby. Arti,cle2792, V.C,S, provides for the corn- pensation~ofa.County Tax Assessor$olleo~torwhen he is re+h3a to assess ona'oolleet taxes for.an indepe,naent school aistr~ict.Truea'theredareprovisions in Artiole 2815h proviaing that ,thelaws applicableto independents 'schooldistricts shall govern in certain,mattersin the regulationof a Junior'College District. In the in- stant case; however,'~,the mat.terof.compensationof the- County Tax Assessor-Collectorfor asse~ssiw and~colleot- ing County Junior 'CollegeDistrict.tsxesisexpressly,~'~ oovered ~byArticle 2815h-4,~Section3, of the Junior : College statutes, anfithereforeArticle 2792 has no ap- plioation~ - - Hon. Ralph Logan - Page 3 (V-140) Accordingly,it is the opinion of this De- partment that the basis for determiningthe compensa- tion to be reoeived by a County Tax Aseessor-Collector who has been authorizedunder the provisions of Article 281511,Section 7b(c) andSection 22, V,C.S., to assess and colleot taxes for a County Junior College District is found in Article 2815h-4, Section 3, V.C.S, whioh provides that he shall receive as compensationfor his services not more than ls'of~the taxes assessed and not more than l$ of the taxes collected. It follows that he is not, as contended,allowed as compensation 1% of the total assessed valuations of the county. The compensationof a County Tax Assessor-Colleotor!authorizedunder Ar-~ title 2815h,'Section7b (c) and gsction 22, v,c,s,, to assess and collect taxes for a County Junior College District is fixed and governed by the provisions of Article 281511-4,Section 33 V,C.So Very truly youra,, ATTORN!Y GENERAL OF TRXAS Chester E. Ollison CEO:djm:wb Assistant APPROVED APRIL 15, 1947