r R-67 EATTOWNEY.GENERAL QF TEXAS January 31: 1947 Hon, t;has,A* Tosch Opinion No, V-67 County Auditor Dallas County He: Authority of consta- Dallas, Texas ble of Precinct No, 1, Dallas County, to employ more than five (5) deputies, Dear Mr= Toscha Your recent request for an opinion is sub- stantially as follows: "Can the Constable of Precinct No. E of Dallas tiounty,Texas, employ more than Sive deputies under present StatUt05l "The applicable statutes are Arti- cles 3902 and 6879a of the Hevised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas. Precinct No, 1, according to the 1940 Federal Cen- sus, has within its confines a great por- tion of the,City of Dallas, together with the separate cities of Highland Park and University Park, The population of these cities is as follows: "City of Dallas within Precinct No, I a city of Highiand'Park 1 1 1 1 216,921 10,288 city of University Park c a 0 14,458 "The Constable of Precinct NO, 1 of Dallas County has heretofore been allowed five deputies on the basis of the popula- tion of the City of Dallas within the pre- cinct being in excess of 40,000, The present constable has raised the question as to whether or not he is entitled to ap- point four additional deputies, two for the City of University Park and two for the City of Highland Park, since these last two mentioned cities are separate municf- palftfes and each has a population of more Ron, Chas, A, Tosoh - Page 2 (V-67) than 8+000 and less than 40,000 and are wholly within the eonfines of Precinct No, Lo” We have comluded that the opinion rendered by the District Attorney of Dallas COunty, and SnOlQS6d with your request? is correc%, Article 3902, VernohVs Amotated Civil Stat- utes, provides fn part as follows “Whenever any district, county or preoincl officer shall require the ser- vices of deputies, assistants or clerks in the performance of his duties he shall apply to the County Commissioners3 Court of hfs county for authority to appoint such deputies, assistants or clerks, stat- ihg by sworn application the number need- ed, the position to be filled and the a- mount to be paid, Said apPlfcati+onshall be aeoompanieelby a statement showing the probable receipts from fees, aommfssicpns and compensation to be coLlected by safd office during the fiscal yeap and the probable disbursements which shall.fn- elude all salaries an.dexpenses of said office; and said court shall make its or- Deb au%horizi,ugthe appointment of such deputies, assistants and clerks and fix the compensation to be paid them within the Pititatlons herein prescribed and de- termine the number to be appointed as in the discretion of eafd court lnaybe Prep- .r; e c on APtfole 6879a, V,AoC,So, PriMdee fn Part as follows: TSec..1, The duly eleoted Oonstable in eaoh Justice Preofnct having a city or town of less than eight thousand (8,000) poPuEatfon aecordiag to the pmcedfa($ Fed- eral Census may appoint one (1) Deputy and no mope; and each Justfoe’Preofnct having a city or tewn of eight %housand(S,Wb) ana less than ferty thousand (4O,QQO% PeP- ~atiea aaaesding ta the re@edfng Pedeixl 6~Ltsuemay appd.lb%%WQ (2% Deputies and no aWe; an8 in eaoh Justice Psecfnot havfn$ Hon. Chas. A, Tosch - Page 3 (V-67) a town or city of forty thousand (40,000) population or more according to the pre- ceding Federal Census may appbint five (5) Deputies and no more, and each and every instance said Deputy Constables shall qual- ify as required of Deputy Sheriffsem An examination of the General Laws of Texas reveals that Article 6879a is an amendment to Article 3902, having been enacted May 27, 1931,$by the 42nd Leg- islature, Chapter 280, Page 503, said amendment not af- fecting the provisions of Article 3902 except to provide for the number of deputies that may be appointed (State vs, John&on, 52 3, W. 26 110,) In construing Article 6879a it is not be- lieved that the Act evidences any legislative intent that the provisions of such Act be cumulative, but on the contrary, it seems that the appointment of deputies for constables is governed solely by the populatien of the largest town or city within such preoinot. In view of the foregoing authorities, it is the opinion of this Department that the eonstable of Pre- cinct No, 1, Dallas County, Texas, is authorized to ap- point five deputies, and no more, protided such appoint- ments are in conformity with the provisions of Artiole 3902 and'Article 6879a, Vernon's Annotated Civil Stalntes of Texas, Therefore, your question should be answered in the negative. SUMMARY The Constable of Preoinct No. 1, Dallas County, Texas, may appoint five (5) deputy con=- stables and no more, pursuant to the pravisions of Article 3902 and Article 6871)aof Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, Yours very truly . %W:djm:wb ATTORNEY ClcNERALOF TBXAS APPROVED JAN 31, 1947 BY Assistant APPROVED OPINION COMMITTEE BY F, D, CFUIRMAN