le Ma, lWiw4 Uitil 8ttrtutde oi 90x88, 1923,
to & l
to g r te
th e
Co a lr r io wGo
r *8
wt r wh lutho2lt~.
Eomer, the question rrirw. in ou a880 88 to vbether
the t.R '8g?iUtitUWl Urpr fSOBtIktiOIL’ (*8 Wed in
SW. 1 O? the 8tstUte ait& 5 i8 brad WIOU@ t0 hClu'.t.
Dotwo?, A;rtirle‘136, lt 88q. ‘uthwlko thr 4stobllsb-
lorat~‘te4expa~ ‘totlow Mtitl* l%prO?ms 0‘
feal4m a
nf, fa4di”f cad lrtkabg of
llYe‘took for rlmgiltw. roor*b‘ m8 tE4 sslo,
b ep $ werlx tb er oyfremp eniw8 o n‘nfo fttido x -
~t8t0tm8 8h8 1~ to ~7tw~~~s~8 or
op4mtiag luiasm.* t Atti 1st 8. s. 19l3, p* 98.)'
A&Ma108 137 wd 138 pmvbh thst #a sktlenr rhe11
b. goYw%kd by thr bor?d of lnnetoro Of ths A&Fleultunl and
Fi#ohanioalCollrg*. Artlola lb3 authorlrrsthe Board to leaaa
suoh land a8 in lt8 judgmentnay be neclecrary. The i.b~.1818turr
in enactin Miclv 163a murt bt pmaueed 80 have known thet
ttq ldJxorf ty to dlreat ld rupwtiro the lrporirent ,tationr
viaavrrted in thr Boardof Sl&-wtor~. Thrrr:~on)in providing
Chat the tQu.?ty w loam th elxi*l*Wnt rtrtioa to *tht
State of TOXM,~ the leglrlutun tntwniedthat %hs State et
fwcas8 uould Inoludot&6 orll~ga. J&rrovrrb ;y1~g~~t;~r8
her hold la the uaw sf Stats tr Morgm, 17
the oparetione5 an en)crrlcwntetrtion by A C I.Coflag:WBI
A govrriumrrtal ftietton of the St&o,
Sass4 upm the Soregoiny Qisoua8loa, :our qdextionr
l rt answarada* followu:
1. The Con&lrricnerrt Court EXIJ, under the atitkority
of hrtiale 163a ~11 bu elratioato dut:rainr uhetbrrr b&&s
will bs trsued for the wrpere of loqulrLng tracts of lrad
A&tftitUl%l WijXWiQtWIt ‘tM,iQQ, AndMy lOPA@ tb.
swfieto A & k CoUoge~ howwr, thr rrticla doer not authorite
the do?atlonor lale of the propertyto the coLlegs. KO&QGYW,
Artlol@ 16% ia the only l&u whiok we have hem able ta rind
wberrbf P aounty ateyis8uo bonds tiotcquire pwqperty which may
be less4 te A E iiC-ollo~r.
a. the iMrrd of 3irsotora of the CiolZqr is rlthout
mitbarity 88 establishs dl~isiea or ldjuet ef the rollege,RIB
"'suab,in Kiab,l*‘County, tucks, Xowwor, it ney lrsre aa ex-
perliunt uftderthe authority of
strtten fro&: Stable Cor;nty
Artlelt8 1t3 4Ad 163a. Tbsrefw-s,the Board of Xreators e&y
letpbllrha divisionor adjunct to the extant that tbo lxperi-
amat stationIs such od adjunct or dtvlrion. C-4 aourse, this
type of aU$mct uould be linltedto the purps+ for which an
lxperi-aan6rtctionem be es$8blirhedtamely, *for the iut-
JW+,Of R&iw AX$'WiA%ORtA 6d CWMiUCtfnC; iWOSti~&tiOlM iR
the plratipd andg;roulry.ef a&rloultwtl
hottioultunl ld
eropo *ad soile, end the breo?lin.,
feed?z&md frtteaingof
livertoakfor rlaughter.*.
1. Tklhr ' bt2-t Of ibblo County, if tte
tomty aeguirrran rxprricant rtetioa~8 ruthx-isodby ,.rticl&
163a, cay lrasr the sa*;uo
to the h.griCirlturai a-d i