Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVERSELLERS ArrIORNrv GENERAL HorIar8bl e n. C. Morris, Chrirman Joint tegisl8tlrr Committee Creenrille, Texas Dear Sanator Mor~inr *As Chairman of the I ma interested in recur pretstion at abrtaln wov tlan law tar 1, the atrlainl m c this law are III adminfmtra- on that the tunda- e aid under thin I aw R sCtl001 to show a nebd rent type0 crf aid pm- II of this law. The opinion tod to transportation aid ion at&tan that the banfs an old Is ‘n6ed’v it la necem- term be dafhed in order that the ad- ftfcor nt mm aomlttee may dstcrmine J of thone sahoots 8pplyinu for trano- porhtlan aid- In our opinion the ?a* prorf dew that any nchoal applying for any type of nid must ahn* by ita budget noed for mch aid and that said app?rinI: school aust abide By the provisions In this act which met up a alninnn tax rata and mlarf achecWIe~ l1 .What is Rudaetrry Reed? ‘2. l makes rpplian- mould a a a h a orho tion tar tran6pnrtation aid only be required tn nhos hudgstary need?. In our Opinion X*0. O-7211, referred to by you, we pnlnt- ed out that Article V tat83. II. Ao. 107, deal 8 with the speoitlo subjoot of tranrportrtiaa lld , md dimurned quite full y the rel- otira ioportanos of a special provision aontafnad In a goneral sot, and held there wan no oimt?lOt botuoen KaOti@n 1 of Article I of the SilY and Article I, tlealin~ with the spaolltio Fart of tbw vain bill, to-wit, frannpertstion mid. Further, wo pointed out t,hat Artiale V ttldhave the effect, hV renaan of its speclfla- ne*n to oberate 8e a mrorlsa nr excepticn tram seatlop 1, of cer- tnln ellpfbilftf roqulramewts Cnr njd- In that opfnfon ~8 quoted from Artiole V the lallnrlng? wProrfdad further that. all nchaal distrfcts containinlt on0 hundred (1M)) nquare m‘llen of tor- ritory or more. or whiob hare lemn than ono enua- orated seholamtio Per square wile may r60sire thraa dnllara mnd twenty-tire oemts ($3.35) ner month per pupil : provided further, thot all .coun- tl.oa harInK laan thnn three (0) enwwatnd scho- ?amt¶oa per sqnrro nil0 In the entire aountf nhaY1 rasdre three dollars and fifty oenta (@.RO) per month per ppil as transportstim, aid when there lr, a need shown t,heretor 81) prorided herefn.” Artlele V, atthou& A nrarlsa nr oxcaptIon lansening the eligzihility requlrfmenta oontainetl in Faatlon 1, Arti6le 1 of the Aat, dld not purport to erom?t the ossontinl reyuire- mtmt at "a need shown*, eren though other ellplbility requiro- Rantr were renderod innpuratira an ta transportation aid. Pram roadinn tho entjre Rill, wo think tFera is an overall intention thst nn BI& nt any kind ahorildha a:lnred except in aaso of need therefor by the distrlat. \loraor6r, In the oonoludin+y raramaph nt Opinion Yo. c-1241, in munoratetn~ certain ellrjhl3ltr requ?rtrm@ntn for trnnn~ortatlnn aid, wo ssnresnlV jnoludod *a - neod therofnr.w --- -,--.--. (Qwhasfm suplrlled) IO thisaLe in 8eUard With Tour interprstatton OS the lltna 6~o nin your letbsr , that thla need a? trantqmrtation aid nay be detem3nad and should ho determined au a aondftlon pre- eedent to the extenelon of such aid. Ror aat uo hare sold it i01104a 44 man to 11~ns4r your qnsrtions ~tegorisa‘tl~, AS follor#r 1. fbming to your 4pseiii4 request far deflnitioa ai *budgetary heed’) we rind the term defined in fwatlm I)o? Arti- 410 I of the statute tmdsr eannideratioa an fallorat wTba tens ‘bntlpetary need' aw nsod in this A4tr is dofined as the dittarmee betwean the total of all rov4uue4 af the dl4trlot and the total of all aperatln~ 4xpanoes ii euoh brp4na44 or4 C;roater than th* re~4nnem~ The renmuos nf the dlntrlst shall inaludet (1) stat0 and eopnty at*llabler toaol maintenancer lnU state old balancea brought tonard frola the preeedfng year! (a) state Rnd aounty arailable end losal aaintenm4or444ipta derived from a loaal ?mintmmiae kx of Piltr Cemtn (50#) OR the 0114 lhm~red Oollara ($lOOdJO) valaatJon tar tho ourrent Parr end (3) taltion to be a01 1ssted I 08811 y . The operating 4xpennse 0T the dlatriat oball lnoludo~ (1) ealorlea of tarab- ore and mimlnletratars according to tbs rehedule of allommsas tor oarno am provided in Artiole JfT of t&i8 4411 (2) opsratiag exponseo aaaar&Sng ta the sahodnle of allowmoor for #me a4 prurl&xl in Artlole II of' thin dot.* In Order t0 8bOw ubudgotary meed* in matt4Pm Of tr8n,6- portatlnn, thereFore, a district wst rho* a dstleft between rove nuee of the di&riot, as BoPined by section 5, eupra, nnd o.pe*at- ing expanses, tikeriaa as UePfned by Bs4tinn 4, but InaludinC: as expensas of operation appraved traasportatfon 4Ostr not fn exae88 or tho amunts nlIov~ble under Artlola V. Indeed, it 1s ~poc+tical- Ty prorlded ln Art%o?s V that, ‘Tba expenses oP such trmnportatiw doll bo paid on the ba8im of bud$etnry need aa tndlaated by np- grerad Btate aids appliaat4on. * 0 *” 3. Any aehnol making applicatlm f-r transrortatim, aid only should be raqu.1red to &ow thnt there ex3stod nueh budgetary need.