Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

22 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN OROVLR JELLERS *rrorrcw OCNUAL Ionorrblo 8. R. Comellru county Attornq llrrloncounty Jofforron, Tour m*r blra OPlnion lo. O-7409 ing the opinion of the prorlrioxu ot 8 1ott.r 1s guot86 in of ths 499thLsgir- 8tatr 8ld for truu- ahilb8n of tha rm4oor Of Otbr thipe8, ~id06 fhh0r, th8t an or th8 COPnti~8 ulirrg &88 tti thXW0 8mFSt.d 8ChOh8tiO8 m? 8qrUlr dh in th8 8&i?. COUiltJ 8-11 F8CeiW 43.50 PW nth mr’ pupil SS t¶'UU~l'tbtiOJTA aid VhSn tbP8 i8 8 !Z!ecd 8bovn th8FOfOrb8 pro+id8d hS?‘Oin.’ gM8?~On C0Ul-d~ h88 922 8Iiumnted Vhit. 8OhO- 188tiO8 in th0 OOUlitJ,vhioh 18 1088 thUb thP8e POP x0% J. 1. COl'lIdill8 - ma8 2 8qUWO dl0, urd 2235 lnUa 8~k d OOiOP8d 8OhO&8tiO8 ia th@ COUUtr. l 1UltIoloago0 OS th8 n.v1rod CITIl 8tOtUte8 Of hu8 lgl& prodder in 8ubrt&n08 tht 80-mt. 80&0018 8b11 b. rrintalned for whita W color4 ahlldmn, ti by tirtw tbnosth8 rohoolr OS lmIonOoMt rn sorwd t0 millkin tY0 8OpOlStO t%W8pOti I iOn 8mtrm) on8 for vhlto ohfldnn and on. SOS tha eolo.olrd ohildnn. In Mkl.Q up tb budgot for trum- portatIon~ldsorvhIk 0hIldmJntlmJhar. olrird th8 63.50 p r o ptapill8 piprided In th8 portloa of Waata Bill 167 lbora qaoted, but IfI'. c. I. 8)bOM@, RXbOUtil8 8OUl'Oti~ Of th8 I~ii~tiOZI m~i8iOI& Of th8 8titO kpWh8nt Of tiUO&tlOIb t&U88d to •pp?Ol~ thilr rprOWlt for trua8portatIonostlnvbltr ohlldmnos ml-Ion CoPntt. "1 vould like t0 &V8 a OphiOn from your Depmtm8ntar to vheth8r or sot, Wortha ?&Ot8 &bole gIV8Ki, ABd in VieV OS th8 &U'OY%- rioa of Eonat 8111 #167, and hrtIol@ 2900 R8Vir.d Civil 8tAtUtO8, it8PfOn COtmt~ i8 &tlti to tho 43.50 par pyll 88 tmIt8poWtIOn &Id for it8 Vhit8 Ohfbk'C+& ArtIelo 5 o? l5uJ&to1Ull167osthe 49th L+g183.4- tUZ’0,pPOVIdO8 tbtth8CCOMt~ 8ti1k IrgMed*r l With lpp17w fOrt~8pod&fOn aid, AOOO- to tha ?&Oh 8t8t.d br IOU in JOur latter, llrrioncounty b8 922 rnuwntad walk 8ChOla8tiO8 8ml 2235 lauwntod Ilb@O #O&OhtiO8, l total of 3157 mmeratod 8OhOl~8tiOS In th8 COWt~. WIrIon COUatr 004Wi8.8 -Ol'W Of 400 8qWm dh8 (hu8 uuw.0). A Mth8- lutiO@l U~lOUhtiOii bt diVI81m irdiO8t.B t&t t& OoPatr h8 On Welrge Of QQWXf~t~l~ '7.6 SOhOb8tfC8 )b?WrQWF8 8I18. Tha )aertlnmnt mrIrIon8 of MMto DIlL 167, quoted by mu l bOV8, pro*Id8 t&t LP1 oountIe8 harIng lorm tbur three rnuamrated 8C&l&8tiC8 wr 8QU8l'@ dl. iII th8 O&i?. OOUbtJ 8hll lUWiV8 43.50 par math per pupil a8 truuportatlonaId v&en then 18 l Mad 8hOWltbnfOrr8 p=VMhmirr. 24 ObViO~81~, the tot&l UkuM8Ut.d 8Obh8tiOl I8 )uriOn COUIht~ rxoeed thF68 oauaorntad 8OhO~~8tiOB par ~QUWJO 8dd: W&88 tb Vhit. 8OhOh8tiO8 aI* oanaldemd @I a 88~~ T& AOtpl'OVidUth8 OOUntr 8&U. be F0gWd.d l8 l unit ui a c .a r o Sul c r 8a lno tIo no f th e emtin o h a p ter (8. b. 167)Sailr to mVer1 Uhy 1UI@lQ8 that Vould 8Ug@Bt - int8mnt b7 th0 fapli8l~tUl'O tbt lIhite 8~bab8tiO8 8Ild COlOl’Od 8OhOb8tiC8 VOm t0 br 8Wa8nted 8O~Zd.l~ ?OS the pUF908@# Of tbs Act. The Chapter contain8 ao 8pecIfia de?:- aftiOn Of “8nUEMmted 8OhOl~8tiO8” Ud th8 pl’OV%SiO&W Of 8ectfoa 5 OS the Aot 8bore quoted odre1~ Plb the tern "three 8nulrsxBt8d 80hOl~8ti08m. ~rtlole 1 of 8. 8. 167,l%llglbIlIt~for Aid, 88~. 1, N4d8, in )Mil’t, 88 fO11OV8: 'StotO Aid UIXd8r the prOVf8fOIU Of thf8 ACt 8ball b8 dirtrlbuted in ruch 4 Vay a8 to l88i8t all 8chool dirtriot which have not fever than tventy nor more than l2% orlglml enummted 8ChOlO8tiC8 Vithln thb?Qsd88 Cl888:?:~& t0 ba taught nmfnlng in th8 di8tl’ittafter trana- Ierr out. . .” Atif 1, ObOW QUOtOd, it t& gSWF8i Oilgiblut~ prO- Vf8iOn Of tb C&pter. Article 5 18 a 8peOu1 pXWf8i- Of th0 Aot XWhting 8ntiZ'dJ t0 tFUUpOtit:On aid. ThU8, V8 888 tblt both tb gowrrl prorirlon fo r llIdIbIlIty rad the 8peoh1 prorlrion for clIgI~ilIty voul& prohfblt mrIon Countr from w- OOiViZ@ tb 43.50)Mr lonth?OF 8IlUWntOd 8ChOl~8tiO8 ii the OOrbi.Md roho&rtic8 of both vblte md oolond are OoMidorrd together ID determining the cl&.lbllIt~ of l OoUnty unit for t-8. portcrtlon 8id. . Tlw rule for conrtruing 8.4 rktuto sot 18 the unlrerul X'Uh Of detormlnfng tha intUItiOn Of th. ufi8 1 8ttue. Ye, than- ?OlU, 8-11 OOniiM th. ?OllOV~ lUth Or ftiO# U3d CitdiOM to l detoraimtlon of Vht the &dfrbtun inka Vhen 1:8tfI@ the qlul%?%LUtIOrU of 8 8OhOO1 for 81iglb11Itf Wider the tl'Ui8pOrt~tioP p?0Vi8f&~b Of th0 AOt. Art1010 VIII, aeo. 7 of tlu Coa8tftutIoa of t+ur reed8 W fOnOV8C B0n.J. Jl.c0me11w - Pa#e 4 %a mto rahoals r&U k grovldd for the *hIa r 4m oolonddaIl&aa,ula iwrtial prorldon r&l1 k rti So? both.' )uP8Urt t0 8U4h 00~8titUtiOlul wt. th4 k&8- lo tunlM a ted l bill oodifted la Ywnoaa8 Anaotafed C~rll atatuter 48 mfa8 @OO, V&&Oh mrda U fOllOV8~ '#illrvail&ble pub110 8ChOO1 Sunlo ot th.Ir 888te r&l1 be l pp8opriaO.d in uoh oountr for t& lduCat:on alike a? whit8 &ad oolomd ohildmn, ud irlprrtielpFOVi8ftMU 8&u b8 *bdo ror both mO48. fo *hit. sblldnn 8bl11 4tt4od 80&0018 8UppO?t4d i'(rl colored obildren, nor 8bll oolord ohildma attend roho418 rupgorbd r0r vUt4 ahfldran. m4 tare4 'OOlOr4d moe' unl 'oolor4d oUldr4n' 48 W8d f8 thiB title fMhd4 au pOr8OM Or 8I%ed blood da8t8IVlOdfmm Iaagrouboortry.g fb aUWl’4UI 8t4tUt48 N&t* to 8OhO414 iA 94X48 h8t4 rpeoISIo8llySolloved the oonstItutIonal pawvIrIon for th8 regre- @tiOsU Of Vhit48 rab OOlOWd 8choh8tfOl but it 18 t0 b4 noted thOt in e&Oh AOt Vh8n & 8egFOg6tfOZk V48 d48lEOd, 8pd?fC )WO- Vz8fMi8 for 8Wh lr4 014arly 8trt4d. h pmrIdIAg R k8t for l1IdIbllIt~ bared OIItb vChO1~8ti.oOemUI, th8 L8&8lAtU?e V88 not fwad vlth e 84gmg4tion qu48tba but oould oarll~ have repamte& th8 "eaumnkd roho&8tIor' hBd that kea dc8Inble. th intO<iOn Of th4 &4@8latUP4 M b4 -?4 4l44?lr dotemined w Oonrfd.?~ 0th.r &fdO8 ti 84OtiOM ill tbr Ct’wk?. mule III 8almy Mb, 8mtIoa 1 tbemo?, la provlbiag $Or, t480&?+@%. QUO&, 29448 ti p?t 44 fO11Ov8t +hCba81C fOPOClOti~tIOa8hrllk tbCIWt8C&- b8tiO l=l'CtiOA Of Vlrit. OI 4OlOred mO4, 48 the aa8e rr br, inoludlag t%S8rS fat0 th8 ruoh tmnsten 4rv Smm dI8- ?MCIve 8Id uadrs Artlolo I pro8 tha above beation of mtiole III, It 18 alear quoted thbt th8 L4glrl4tun th4 for ooamIder* naogair46 th. lnuaentod 8aho~#tiO8 SO~t.1 Uad t& lwW#e 'vhlte s crolond moo*, ln ronaldor ea wu88ntIoa for t*eeb4r- NO&J. R.ComlIur - p4ge 5 pupIlqvot& It 18 eqtillt ole4r t&t Art1014 5 oontafn8 no 8uOh phl’488 t&t vould irdi4d4 th4t t& lwwntrd 8Obo- lWtIO8 Of VUto ~83 OOlOnd rhould b0 oonsldored 84P4mt4lf ia dotomlniag th0 4ligibiUt 4s th4 oounty unit ror trazw- portetlorrad. ~noo th8 x&g I:814tW4, irr th8 VOX7 8W ohaptar, woo re4 th8 nud for a 8epustian of th4 enumonte4 roho- 1488 for 4lIgIbIlIt~ un4ar A 8peO%.?fOAid, than ve Ill8t OOWlUb th8t th. VOld8 “OlUlWlUtOd 8OhOh8ti0,” -U th0 ooqarlte lnu8er 8tIo a? n both vhito M colored v&n determining the ll~Ibl.lIt~ of the unIt for trrruportatlonrid. In our oplnIon lo.'O-579, 4 Oopy of vhIch la 4tteched hento for our fn?om8tion, thfa dep4rtrsnt adrired tbt OOlOlWd 4bl f dlWtn aP8 8ntftlOd t0 th8 8uU ?~Oilfti~8 iOr tm- port4tIon to 4.M iporn rohool a8 me whit0 4hIldr4n 4.4dthat VhetbX’ 8uoh +rtfAl ?Militi8# irpt& VaJ Of bu8 t?UU)?OP t&ion an prWfd8d br ?urnilhiQ 8OpW4t4 bU888 for ttn tV0 x’4oe8, orb~provIdIng Sort& OIC of the 4mw bw b tha oblldmno? both r4048, 18 4 86tter not 6OvOl-d by UrJ 8L tUtvOw bV. It i8 8 n8ttar to be 441termIned br the loe4l rchool 4uthorltIe8. Logioell~, th8 & i8l~tW8 could heve eanteaplet4d that in *4 rohool di8t r!Ot8 in 4 4OUntr Wit th4 bU888 sight be 8haM4 br both 0010l'edAnd Vhit8 eOhol48tiO8 Uld tbt the tote1 M.NMZSt@d 8OblA8tiO8 Of both Vbit4 ud 001OF.4 8&11 b0 00011. per p8r ridera In &t4MIIUg th4 @llgIbIlit~ of the OOWitf Ult. Thanton under the prPVf8iOM of 8OMte BIU 167, it 18 th8 oplalon of b&8 6epartunt tkat mrlon couat7 18 mot lligi~@ to rr44fre $3.50 month pupil 48 trrnrport4tIon aid. Tour8 +ew truly ATToRRm auxRAL OP TXM -+