COPY TIXE ATTORNEY GENE-L ON? TEXAS Auenn;. m “A rut. of $0,so, u eollocted IOOjr, .a the 1946a8roroed nlaatlo8 will produco tho suaof $1.33&87 for loal nuln- t-0. as comqmrod to tho sufn d $J.SOWO produod b krt ywr’r levy, whkh wu deo the Ugh8st of any year for revoral pr8*lou your. “Tho Board of Twtros has procoodod om its proromt pro- sram omtha thwrg that tho utul r*tm lovtod has lbtlo or no sl~Nc wc o ~ th o lnouut of tu prdtued ud th a t ia dollars md co&s k tho ioatrolllag factor, Whsr~r the rata Golf will k rrdrcod by $O.Zs on tho $100.00veluatloa, UIe actual tax to be duhed from this levy 1s ln acow of SO+ groator Thea tit produced In provioua years. “The Stats Dopwtxnerrtof Eduutloa h8 srqUod that the mattor bo roforrod to your offlce. Tk qwrtioa 1st ‘Can tko Eulors Iadopoadont School Dtstrlct mako Its lwy of $0.58 on tho $100.00vrlu8tion. ls certmod for 1946,4ad $0.50 for debt sarvtco. 8nd rotah its Stati Aid? ’ “‘It will ba rpproclatd if you will mu & cop7 of yeeAroplaioe to the State Dopwtunat dd Edouttow. “Dw to th8 fact that rquostr for State AId must be ia not ktor than Octhr let, Mr. & W, Wile. Prosldoat, Soar& oi Trutoom. Ealem IndepondoatSchool District. will prosoat this ~G puW8.” Tb firrt parapaph d Sec. 2 of Art. I, &It. 16% ch. t61.49th m., IHS. R.&mlar ~er8loa. commaal y how8 u the currnt Rural A&d Law. pro- vldoa as followr: “Sec. 2. T&x to x0 mchoeldistrkt #hll be l ll@lo to rocelvo my typo 3 a dlth o r tMumdu d lb . p o vla u o f th im l Act uml8as it rball k pro* y&* ior tka em8m8l support lo*llrlk ull aelhctiq J ita for the euroat schoel bltua8e.Mhooltuaf5loMthamFutyGoBt8 u tho 080 XudMd Dollarr ($lOO.oe) of ptoputy mluBtio8 the 08th uottkL ‘3% oputy nl~tlou mkll a k lo*a thu 8aU propwty ,ir nl J for stata aa4 cowty purporor~The luome from such l m&t-e taa Imacoar d the reqdrd FUty Cuts (SO ) e~latomuce tex must fht be ued to rotlro ladobtodw8s, 4 uy.l8tklMalaa?fqu8liMtloa(RdAid)~ school kada. After tha tudobtoduM b theme fund& lf any, karknrotlrod,thoiruomofraartUo~turi8~- cws of tho ro$uirod Fifty conm (so+) luhto8swo tu may be uwd at tha Urcretiom of tho be*1 rckW wtk~orlthr of tb dia- t&t for uy lawful m&001 pu 0lc o p t tllc r M s oiD# r 8up plomee8# any toaekor’* or l tM tlv0M la tiM . A8y o r 8ll lndntoMw0 tu above Fifty Coats (SOf) tuy Dot be inclad- ld lo tho chulMio# of uod for rid, but ahU k ropOr8d la the bSd#ot with u itomimod ltatemoot of lta oxpoad1hro. If tha iscomo from tho mmimtomaeo tar abow Fifty co&s (SO+) la sot lpeat aa proacribod horoln, it shall ba iaclud- od as +ocoipta in tho Wgot. Sn ardor to comply with t&o torte d this loctio8, it rhll bo aocossuy lor math school ustricts bPpQiJl# fo? bay typo of lid ruthorlsod wo? the torma of this Att. to ropert all valtWto8s within au& di*- tricts, lr&cludlng lll co8soU&tod districu ubd &mIo%od die- tricta, aId iriluo to roport all ouch nllutloaa l &en pro- vost such district from rocoivtq any typa d lid lathorimd rPa.r this Act.” The locoad perqrrph of tho above Artlcle coatalas a prehlbitlea r~dast roduclq the tu rrte ia tho followiag Luy\ufior “No school district will be lli&bIo for rid wader tha provial.oau of thio Act which ILASreduced lk tu reto tith- in the two youa #xammd&tolyprocodiy the you for which ltd ls lppliodfor horouwIor or which hu rObcOd it8 tu nlution la order to sha budgotary mood.” Ia ardor to dbtorzalao tho 01lgtbUity to roe&m s#t, A&d, (18 must’ the &on A&t& T&o m&jut mhttor af tho firat puqmph, Sot. Yr Art. I, sapn, may be divided late two prrter tk fire+ dwliq with tie minifn8~ ma 1imto a ta uc x rea te, ld th e lo c ud with th ao wo sstu rato&motkorrrktaPr r0quimd.'T&mirlmum,ia nt~mtOb~vo,is fifty eoat~ oa the Ow Us&rod Dollrrr nb8t&a for rrubtoouco. and tho stat0 of futa bsforo faa come within that re@mmeat. Tha toswfdot of tha Act desle w&la the owoaa mor Ua ubuo &a aslr(am fifty camta aaalmta-• tax rata rrJ lta WO. Flrat, lt la to k uod to rotiro hdabt#aosa,. if uy wiata, ud tho8 broad Uuro- ttv powmrs we putod to the Soard o! Truatooa to uo the ~~088, withc o r talwmor8t.d ia ucoptloa8. The wst p?UkatOm p-‘Uidoa that 2 ~di8t.aauo tu sow fifty coatm d4ll ut be roeladsd la Mlculei088 . Xnthofirat p0ragrOphd0a~witkm0latO8O8c0t0r rate. th0W0ad ‘*mai~to~~o.” la wed four timoo to doacrlk tko Lid oi tam. hr thm SW- oad parqmph d tho Act. which coahiaa the prohlbkiu l#r(ut r8dWbs tho tu rata, the wordy “rarrlatenmeo” laomltted4a4,uawc.h,roma8at . iatorprot a8 aaoaalq tho o+or-ell tu rate md rot the MimtoMmct tu rat. only. xoib iurod ht. Clyde. p.8. d Thii cemcluloa Uads support ta tha Luerwwua results .tmaa%iq from the opposite corzcluioa. M~ay districts L*vo paid oat thoir lchael- houses, and levy for kc.1 tnaintoa~8~o ths -1 tax .Uarod by Iaw thorc- for. Am the muiumm nwhtoumco tax allowed is likowiao h total allow- odbylawforbothbwdaudsna i8tewuo topther, it is lppweat thU such . district, ia lvent .f loam .f lta bUdi.& wuld ba faced wltla the urbrppy chdco of mot ropbciq lta Lnro er af loaly oqwUs&tioa lld should It do .so through the bsrurto of bode. roprdlosa of her lucosa@ry that oxpo- Uti ni@t be. From tho etato of futa proaomtod us aeither tho ovor+U tu’rato nor tho tu *rlwtio8 baa booa roducod rad tha prohibitba L &3 lo c o md paray&ph is a& applicable. It la tlurdoro our op(rio+ under the state of facts prosokltod, that tha mAerr Iwdopoxiult 6ckeel Dimtrict did wt k- coma iaoUgib1o to rocolw stat4 Au. Vary truly yaws ATTORHEYbEWWCL. OFTEXAS (*is-4 w. F. watts Aaeiabmt wPwtrt/sCP APPROVEDS~CPT.~~~~~~~ APPROVLD (ai~aod) Qtmi 8ellora ATTORXLY CLNLRALOFTEXAS