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ATI0”N.I GrnS”Al.
Auguot l&, 1946
iionoroblo T. F. C1o.k
COula~ Attornrf
Root*8 county
C8or Ur. Flrok:
Augurt 7th aad puoto from
nPloaao rdriro Iu
taxer are pasaoC by this WcrC.
?leforc tn slcotlon 16 helC to dctcmltle the rrOpO@itiOn Cf the
:s-sl;cxe r-i h!rICS, s -e+,ltlcn tktrcfor slmeE tg twt2ty c: Tc:C,
cr a ce;o:it.y of those entitle6 to vote et ouch an electicc :-hell
Honoroblo t. 1. %ook, Po(o 2
be pmoeatad to the Dlotrlot truotooo, on4 that Board oh011 ardor
thr bond llootloa and rho11 dlroot thr ooontory to port tho
notlooo. (Artlrlo 2765, V.A.C.P.) !Qmh notloro muot be ported
ior ton (10) do~o prior to the dot0 OS the llo o tlo ~.
The ptltlon, llootlon ordu, mad llootloa aotlooo mot
Uotl ot1 a loli the amount oi bo~~l~~oe(ofifr::tttot~~o_
::$"'ft[&i!f; $,"h; ypy for
. , . . . .
The bond8 mof k rotod rad loouod far tbo followi
parpoooo I l*a0 For the parahooe, lolutrurtlon, ropir or lqu
moat of publlo fror rohool buildln(lo wltkl8 tho ltritr or owh
dlotrlot en6 tho pwohooo of thr noooorarr rite8 thorrior +*+.a
(Art1010 276k V.A.C.P.)
the bollotr ior luab llootier rhrll hoto slttra or
rlatod thoreon tho word8 “lo? tho loou~aoo of bondr lrd thr levy-
lpII(; oi the tax.8 in p0 at thrrooi’ 088 wA@not thr ioouoaao ob
tho bond8 rnd the loty i"ng of the t8x in poymont thormot’.
(Arttolo 2726 V.A.O.5.)
Tho mrriuum latormot roto lo 9% p o r lnaum; the morlrzm
mturltl data lo forty (40) pore from thr dote oi the bond8 (OI-
oopt when tho bulldlngo lro to ba oonrtruotod ot wood, thon tho
maximum moturltl bate lo tronty (20) pu01 on4 the ototuto pm-
rid08 that 8uOh bon60 ~olmll uturr in rorlrl 8~~81 lnotrl&onto.
Sash bon68 oh011 bo 188~~4 ln tho naao oi tho lndopoadont oahool
dlrtriot od mat bo llg nobr& tho Pnrldont oi tho Board d truo-
too8 on6 oountor-•l@nod bl tho Soorotary, od tbo moo1 of thm db-
trlet muot k lftlxod to looh bond. (Art1010 2766, V.A.C.5.)
rho dootlon for muoh bond8 Qholl k hold rlthlm tblrty
30) day0 oitor order af l lootlon, 00 ilrod in th ellootlon ord*P.
Artiolo 2766, V.A.C..@.)
TAO Board or Truotooo rho11 fix the polllna ploor and
lppolat the lleotloa The roturno of the bon4 lleotlon
ore redo by the Boar4 of ?'ruoteoo cnci after the propooltion to
losue the bcnda 8nC levying the tex la rpprorsd by 8 mjorltp rote
of the quollrlca llootoro rotlnp et ouoh lleotlon, it lo the duty
o$ the 3ozr4 of Trustero to pros the neooroary order0 zuthorizln&
Bonoroblo t. I, Elmok, Pm@ 3
the loouoaoo of thr boa48 and 10r~l.n ot the lnauol ldrolona
tax la poymont thrroof. (Art1010 2786, V.A.C.~,)
Truotlly that t&lo mowarc your quootloao, n or0
V'rrltruly pura,